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Tracking problems with the forum upgrade [Post here]

Thanks Moe... still some fallout from the upgrade! It's fixed now though...
So it is!  Thanks!  Although, I did like being younger for a while......  ^-^
Can anyone tell me why the navigation bar on the top of my pages has turned from the nice Army green to kind of a puke green. Sorry guys if this a new color scheme but is there a way I can change it back?
Didn't notice... might be your screen.

HOWEVER, there appears to be some changes in how the top menu bar works.  The toolbar is more "pull down" than it was before - and there is a bit of transparency to the various boxes... might that be it ?
The new menu should be the same colour as the old... but maybe it's not rendering properly in all browsers... which browser are you using?
It seems the colour is called olive. I checked the page source and "headerbgcolor="#808000" shows. I looked it up and found this. This looks like the colour the menu is in my Firefox browser as well as IE 7.
Not working in IE8 without using "compatibility view".
So the drop-down menu is now following down the page as you scroll?  Sorry, but that's annoying.  :-\
Don't like being followed? ;)

As for the menu colour, it's the same as the old one! http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=83921.0;attach=26885;image :)

Still, if it's difficult to read I can look at alternatives.
Being able to switch it on and off would be helpful....

How about a 1 second delay of cursor over dropdown menu headings...everytime my cursor passes over the menus they drop down, but don't disappear right away, thus interfer with what you are reading...
GAP, I've tried... I can't seem to change the current menu open/close delay times. I'll keep tinkering though, thanks for the feedback.
Mike Bobbitt said:
GAP, I've tried... I can't seem to change the current menu open/close delay times. I'll keep tinkering though, thanks for the feedback.

Maybe you didn't change anything, but whatever is is, now the menu's still drop down, but they now disappear quickly unless you stay on them....thanks
Actually I think I did just figure it out... menus are slower to appear and faster to disappear. Let me know if the current timings need to be tweaked.
