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Tracking problems with the forum upgrade [Post here]

No.  The one with the image is fine.  Here's an other image showing both  ;D

My resolution is maxed out at 1280X1034 and I have a 17" monitor.

EDIT: here's the image...
Mike I'm getting a Security Certificate Error while rating a post.

I'm using Vista Home Premium 64 bit with IE8.

I got a screen shot but its too big to post, if you want it I can send it to you.

Screen shot attached........
Take your Screen shot and save it, then open it up with Microsoft Office Picture Manager and use the Edit features compress it to save it as a Website jpg.
Now, on my MacBook (Safari), all the images are stuck in the right margin, out of sight.
George Wallace said:
Take your Screen shot and save it, then open it up with Microsoft Office Picture Manager and use the Edit features compress it to save it as a Website jpg.

Will do George but just noticed that the screen shot has no usefull info in it other than the IE info bar.......
NFLD Sapper said:
Will do George but just noticed that the screen shot has no usefull info in it other than the IE info bar.......

Better shot next time......  ;D
NFLD Sapper said:
Don't make me come over with my explosives..............


Sorry for the late reply, but please do.  I like to play with explosives, Det Cord and FIB, the odd booby trap and IED.  The neighbours don't take kindly to it, but it is good fun.  >:D

We can compare Ring Mains.    ;D
Sapper, thanks for the info... it was enough to let me figure out what's been going on, and the problem should now be resolved... thanks!
I hope I'm the only one who is having massive problems with the anti-Hotlinking image appearing everywhere?
Neo Cortex said:
I hope I'm the only one who is having massive problems with the anti-Hotlinking image appearing everywhere?

That may not be this site, it may the site you're trying to link to.  I've not had a problem yet.
PMedMoe said:
That may not be this site, it may the site you're trying to link to.  I've not had a problem yet.

Sorry, I meant it's appearing on this site. In all sorts of places. As an example:

Edit: Also,

Edit 2: I believe my concern was premature; the problem appears to have gone away. :)

That problem occurs when you load an image via another domain. E.G. not through army/navy/air-force/milnet.ca. The server sends up the 'no hotlinking' image instead, and it gets cached. If you're using the right URL, just force a reload and it should clear up.
First thanks for the hard work, I like the new look of milnet.ca

I am using navy.ca forum. When I write a post, login or write in search, the print appears in black against dark blue, which makes it hard to read, unless I use my cursor to underline everything in white!.

Also, I have a hard time to read the font in bright yellow for post titles, names, and hyperlinks in navy.ca. I am not color blind accordling to CFRC  ;)

However, overall it is a great upgrade and thanks again !

P.S.: my bad, my post should belong to the thread "in Yet Another Upgrade...."
I can't seem to read anything. There is yellow text on light backgrounds, dark text on dark backgrounds etc. I can barely make out what I am writing now.....any suggestions???? I don't have this problem on any of the millions of other sites I visit.
forumdood007 said:
I can't seem to read anything. There is yellow text on light backgrounds, dark text on dark backgrounds etc. I can barely make out what I am writing now.....any suggestions???? I don't have this problem on any of the millions of other sites I visit.

Clear your cookies.  That's what I did this morning.
one issue i have noticed mike with the new grey layout is that names on the light background (on milnet.ca) are the same shade as the background.
Hi Andy... which names do you mean? I've had a look around but can't find the text in question... maybe because it's hard to see! :)
Mike Bobbitt said:
Hi Andy... which names do you mean? I've had a look around but can't find the text in question... maybe because it's hard to see! :)

The user names Mike....I finally had to go to default windows colors to even see who the post was from, unless I highlighted it...
Heh, that's it! Thanks GAP, you're right they are totally invisible! Let me see what I can do about that.
