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Tracking problems with the forum upgrade [Post here]

kratz, I haven't seen that before... any pattern to when/how it occurs? Anyone else seeing something similar?

Not sure if its just me or it just has not been prioritized high. But..

The Milnet skin is still the Army.ca skin when on the boards section, is it ever going back to the gray format? Or is it staying like this. Not a big deal, just was wondering.
Marshall said:

Not sure if its just me or it just has not been prioritized high. But..

The Milnet skin is still the Army.ca skin when on the boards section, is it ever going back to the gray format? Or is it staying like this. Not a big deal, just was wondering.

Read Reply #128 and the answer in Reply # 129.
It will go back to the old format... however with the next update, there will be a significant change to the style so I'm holding off making some changes now to avoid having to make them twice.
OK, the per-site colours are back... except the graphics for the bars and tabs. :)
I kinda like the mix of blue and green on the navy page  ;D
It looks like the mute settings for the chat sounds are backwards, unless you have 'mute all' checked in sound options you will not hear any of the sounds.

As well, 0's still have spaces around them, and the chat censor is also not working :)
Yes, the censor is most definitely broken... but not as bad as it was the other day, where each number was actually replaced with a word that was supposed to be censored... so posting a phone number would seem like a Chris Rock monologue. I "fixed" that by turning off the censor for now... It's not great, but it'll have to 3'ing do for now. ;)
Mike Bobbitt said:
I "fixed" that by turning off the censor for now... It's not great, but it'll have to 3'ing do for now. ;)

LOL yes no censor is better then what was there... and I know f0x appreciates it as well  :nod:

It was like a re-run of George Carlin's 7 words in there that day
JBoyd said:
LOL yes no censor is better then what was there... and I know f0x appreciates it as well  :nod:

It was like a re-run of George Carlin's 7 words in there that day

Yes, I sincerely do.... although it was sort of amusing to have a very specific piece of the female anatomy in my name.
What happened to the "How Much Time Have You Wasted" Link?  Here's mine:

Birthday         (39 Years, 99 Days, 14 Hours, 10 Minutes ago)
Date Registered 1969-12-31 (39 Years, 99 Days, 14 Hours, 10 Minutes ago)
Total Time Logged In 0 Day, 0 Hour, 0 Minute
% Of Your Life You've Been Registered Here 100 %
% Of Your Life Online Since Registration 0 %
% Of Your Life Online In Total 0 %
Average Minutes Between Posts (Online Time) 0
Average Minutes Between Posts (Real Time) 0
Cost of a Subscription (per hour) $0 *

Now, as much as I'd like to turn back time, that info is not correct!