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Tracking problems with the forum upgrade [Post here]

Which thread is it? It may be mod_security (our web server guard dog) shutting you down because it considers the action 'suspicious'.
was in the radio chatter thread.



But I have had this error in other threads too.
Yep, it's the security sofware. One of the "suspicious" things it looks for is very large responses from the server. Specifically, any page that is over 512k of HTML is considered too large, and will be denied. Among other things, this prevents the possibility that an attacker could trick the server into sending out the entire database. I've trimmed down the "all pages" setting so that it won't allow such large responses.
I am getting the error where it says I am in Army.ca Chat when I am not. I went in there last night to check it out and the system seems to think I am still in.

What?! I've been chatting with you for the last hour!

Not really. ;) I saw you in earlier, but it timed out. Looks like it saves your chat 'presence' long after you exit. I'll have to check that out... thanks.
It has been saving chat presence's forever (I believe even back before the forum upgrade). It always seems to keep the name of the person that was last logged into chat, so often someone will go in the room to chat with someone they think is there and when they log in they will see a logout message of the last person. Never thought this was a huge issue so I personally never mentioned it (kind of got used to it lol)
JBoyd said:
It has been saving chat presence's forever (I believe even back before the forum upgrade). It always seems to keep the name of the person that was last logged into chat, so often someone will go in the room to chat with someone they think is there and when they log in they will see a logout message of the last person. Never thought this was a huge issue so I personally never mentioned it (kind of got used to it lol)

Agreed, unless one actually logs out of chat it appears that the person is still there on the main forum, but logs itself out the moment one logs into chat.

Mike, this has always been thus........
Having some DWAN/PM issues today - geting an HTTP 501 error (Not Implemented) when I hit send.
Just once, or are you still unable to send? A 501 does sound like maybe the DND filters were wreaking havoc with the pm or the response back from the server once you submitted it...
The message did not go through.  Today, however, the Gods of the DWAN have smiled and blessed me with their benevolence - check your PMs for proof...
Normally I have left my profile logged in "forever". For the past while (3 weeks), I have found account being automatically logged out of Milnet increasingly more often. Sometimes multiple times in a row.

At first I thought it was my connection, my use of IE8 or system upgrades being performed, so I waited. I even changed my password and that has not solved anything. Adding to the issue is a lag in the final few items loading on each page.

Is anyone else having similar problems?
I have not been logged out, but yes I have the lag issue. I do not have the same problem on other forums but it is not a huge deal. Except on the odd occasion it take about 5-7min to load every page, only on this forum, it happened to me last night but it doesn't happen often so I think I can learn to live with it... I guess. It might just be a sign from god telling me to get the **** off the forum for awhile  ::). Thanks for the awesome forum! :nod:

I haven't observed the logout problem, but I've definiely observed the lag. The problem is that our 'pipe' is pretty much maxed out, and it can't be increased in it's current location. I'm looking into the feasability of a couple of options, including moving the current server or hosting the data elsewhere.
The lag is not that big a problem, for me at least. Like I said it rarely happens to me, and when it does I usually just log off for a while...give my eyes a rest, or if I really want to see whatever it is I clicked on, I can wait it out. I am a patient person...for the most part. It just takes me back to the days when we first got the internet and it was dial-up and made that annoying noise...mmmmmm, nostalgia. Thanks again for the forum, keep it up!

After attempting to post, send pm's and modify my profile, I was receiving messages along the lines of 'Session timed out. Log out and try again.' or 'Session authentication failed. Please try again.'
I tried logging out numerous times and couldn't after receiving more errors.

After some troubleshooting, I realized that you can't be signed in simultaneously on two different browsers (I was using Safari and Firefox).
Just thought I'd give the heads up. Seems obvious now  ;D
MS IE8 really is annoying and with its "Compatibility View" BS and "Compatibility popup buttons" covering other link buttons is really problematic.

There are instances that pages do not load completely, yet MS says "DONE"..........Yeah DONE my ______!
George... IE8 should now be working fine, compatibility view or not. Let me know if you're still struggling though. (That one was a tough one... took me way too long to figure out!)