Flawed Design said:
Wasn't there a big issue in the US Airforce with Christianity being pushed onto their officers during training?
I think all of their armed services have had difficulty striking an appropriate balance.
It has to do with American culture and history.
I couldn't have said it better myself. WELL SAID. I believe there is absolutely no place for religion in todays enlightened world.
I have 3 buddies who do missionary work - one at a hole in the wall in downtown Edmonton. His observation is a simple one. He has some success with getting
a small percentage of people back on their feet and out of the gutter with little
more than his religion. Substance abuse and violence are things he has to mitigate
on a daily basis. Provincial initiatives to the same ends fail.
That's right - the religious guys succeed in saving lives. The Province of Alberta
with all of it's resources and professional staff fail. Go figure......
AADAC bases their 12 step program on Alcoholic's anonymous.
The other two have gone to Africa and done humanitarian aid work
that no government will touch. Again.... no value in that right?
I think we all need to have some respect for that which we do not understand.
I think it's fair to say you don't understand what you don't have.
If you have no religion fine....Don't assume I'm wrong.
Separation of church and state is one of the most misunderstood of
American values. It does not mean "no religion in the state".
I does mean that Religious bodies and government bodies have
independent and separate processes and controls.