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Search results

  1. FullMetalParka

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    I agree, this person did make a rather informed statement, but what I meant was that a heated argument on a subject as controversial as this generally spirals down into the abyss of personal insults and high-running emotions. I have zero problem with someone posting their opinion, but from what...
  2. FullMetalParka

    U.S. Military Deserters in Canada Megathread

    I predict your time on this site will be rather short.
  3. FullMetalParka

    CBC's The Border

    My official rating for this show: 5/10. A solid "Meh." Blatant anti-Americanism (to be expected from the CBC.) The American agent is made out to be the uncompromising, rude, and never calm and collected, unlike Mr. Canada, who is all fluffy bunnies, Skittles, and rainbows. Mr. Canada also saves...
  4. FullMetalParka

    MSN Conversation

    ::) EDIT: More gems of wisdom.
  5. FullMetalParka

    Firearms training

    If you find that you're not getting enough practice with your issued weapon, you should definitely consider the AR-15 option. With a few inexpensive modifications it will basically be a C7 (although semi-automatic.) In fact, if you get a 20"-barreled AR-15 (such as this,) you probably won't be...
  6. FullMetalParka

    20 Jan 2008: Hwy. 400 closed after 50-car crash in Bradford, Ont.

    No big pileups, but I'd have to say that Richmond, BC is the worst place to drive in the history of the automobile. At times it seems like 1/3 of the people on the road bought their license. No one knows what a turn signal is, let alone what a speed limit sign is supposed to mean. When you're...
  7. FullMetalParka

    Your new timetable, kids: double maths, English and a spot of shooting

    I would've dropped Biology in a heartbeat for that.  :o Using her logic, showing a kid how to chop vegetables is akin to teaching them how to effectively slit one's throat.
  8. FullMetalParka

    *Server Is Under High Stress*

    It has been a bit slow lately over in BC, but my internet provider sucks anyways... so it's probably their fault.
  9. FullMetalParka

    London teen dedicated to peace

    Classic ultralib behavior. Don't actually bring anything to the table or say anything of meaning; just try to discredit your opponent.
  10. FullMetalParka

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    I didn't say anything about Nazism. I simply said that dictatorships often take away the people's means of defense, and gave an example. I said nothing of Nazi ideology.
  11. FullMetalParka

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    Couldn't have said it better myself. An armed populace is the only thing protecting us from a police state. If a government passes a law that the people do not agree with, and the people have no recourse, what are the people to do? The only answer is to remove the problem at its source. This is...
  12. FullMetalParka

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    The background checks are apparently very thorough. I have heard from one person that has gone through it that even your neighbors are called and asked if they feel comfortable with you owning a firearm (I am not sure if this actually happens.) A test is already required to get a firearms...
  13. FullMetalParka

    The Great Gun Control Debate

    In the U.S., they have laws that allow citizens to carry a concealed weapon for their safety if they pass a training course. In Canada, they have a smiliar license to carry a weapon, but it is NEVER issued to "common folk."
  14. FullMetalParka

    Idiots with handguns and the idiots who report on them

    Reading gun pieces in the news is painful.
  15. FullMetalParka

    PC beats Second World War British computer in cracking Nazi code

    No surprise here. A 1999-era Gameboy has more power than the Apollo landing craft. Pitting a vacuum-tube computer against a modern, dual core computer capable of making billions of calculations per second isn't really a fair competition. But, it is pretty interesting nonetheless.
  16. FullMetalParka

    Your Chance To Grill Jack Layton

    I would like to know how he would deal with a nuclear Iran.
  17. FullMetalParka

    Growing Popularity of 8.6mm Sniper Round

    The .338 Lapua sure does look interesting. I've never had the chance to fire one, but from what I hear, it is an incredibly powerful round.
  18. FullMetalParka

    KAC M5 RAS

    I'm not sure Wolverine can get the KAC stuff. On their website, KAC is not listed under the name brands that they can get. However, I know of one company that can import any legal firearm accessory (or firearm, for that matter,) but I can't recall the name at the moment. Ask around at this...
  19. FullMetalParka

    2nd Grader Suspended for Drawing Gun

    I remember when I was in Grade 10. I actually got a detention for drawing that photo of the USSR flag over the Reichstag for a social studies project. Teacher said it was because of "so much hate and violence!"  ::) I'm so glad those days are over.
  20. FullMetalParka

    Small Plane Crashes in to Richmond Apartment

    I was a few blocks away from the complex where it hit. I heard about it on the radio. There was no smoke or anything from the crash, luckily. Apparently the guy who was flying had a prior accident, where he missed the runway in Maple Ridge, I think. IIRC, he was 80 years old. Shame.