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Idiots with handguns and the idiots who report on them


Army.ca Legend
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From the Halls of Macadamia:


Magnum Stupidity

The Toronto Sun goes for the easy, sensational headline... rather than the obvious fact of the matter.

    Quan said all of the guns police seized this week were loaded when found, five in homes and one in a vehicle.

    One of the firearms was a gold-coloured, .50-calibre Desert Eagle made of titanium -- a massive pistol considered by many experts to be among the most dangerous handguns ever made.

The fact that this gun would be more useful for hammering nails than shooting at (well, more to the point... actually hitting anything) has apparently gone right over this reporter's head.

    "It's pretty rare," Quan said. "This is the first time I've seen one out there."

Of course, anyone at all familiar with firearms... and by that I mean someone who actually shoots... knows that this hand cannon is all show and no go.

It's rare, my learned Det.-Sgt. Quan... because it's about as useful as an arquebus.

Handguns are notoriously difficult to master and typically require long hours of practice to shoot accurately beyond 10 feet... as evidenced by all the wild shots fired off during a typical drive-by shooting.

The next time you see a police SWAT team on television... note that they are all using long guns... their pistols are simply a backup, close-quarters alternative.

Back to the Sun article... the Desert Eagle is a massive, not easily concealed chunk of metal with a punishing recoil... which makes it one of the least likely and least accurate tools of choice for a gangbanger, never mind a savvy shooter.

Of course, that doesn't matter to these budding geniuses... they just wanna look cool.

    Charged are Manuel Perera, 25, Ken Yu, 25, Carlos Minero, 28, Daniel Tran, 29, Rina Okimawinew, 26, Karina Guajala, 25, all of Toronto, and Wayne Sicard, 41, and Michael Dibble, 25, both of Brockville.

Like the guy who wrote this silly article.


LAST WORD: The King of Kitsch

With it's gold nitrided "tiger stripe" finish... this monstrosity really is the ultimate stereotypical "pimp gun."

    The current Mark XIX measures almost 11 inches overall with a 6-inch barrel and 14 1⁄2 inches with a 10 incher. It's six inches high, 1 1/2 inches wide and weighs four pounds, 6.2 ounces.

    It's an imposing piece of hardware--a fact that's not been lost on the motion picture industry as Desert Eagles have been used in scads of thrillers and sci-fi flicks.

I'd be embarrassed just to be in the same room with one of these things.

With that level of expertise and background knowledge, it is no wonder few reports about firearms in the MSM (and the Blogosphere, sadly) have much accuracy or credibility, yet this is the information people and politicians are using to make decisions.
Nothing too surprising here.  Criminals and gangsters are idiots who choose weapons based on their "cool factor".  Reporters write things which are sensational and drum up hysteria so they can sell more papers/advertising/magazines.  We know these things.  The thing that is not mentioned, is that gun companies make ridiculous "tiger print" hand cannons.  These are not marketed to the military or law enforcement communities, are they?  These are products designed to be bought by idiots who want to use them for intimidation and their cool factor.  The people who use guns for these purposes are, more often than not, gangsters and criminals.  As has been pointed out here people who want an accurate and reliable weapon dont use these products. 

I would respectfully put forward that the stupidity of criminals is not the point here, as that was never in question.  The question, rather, should be, why is a weapon like this manufactured in the first place, when the only market for it is thugs, criminals, and gangsters at worst, and inexperienced and uninformed gun enthusiasts at best?  I am by no means a gun controll freak.  However, there are some weapons that dont even deserve to be made.
Guns are inanimate objects you cannot lable some bad or good - and despite the Desert Eagle is a raving POS and the gold and solver tiger stripe pimptastic color scheme paints the owner as either a wannabee Pimp or colorblind, its not a reason to blame a gun.
There are no bad guns -- just bad owners and designers/manufacturers with no taste.
Infidel-6 said:
There are no bad guns -- just bad owners and designers/manufacturers with no taste.

As Eddie Izzard once said "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"

My fave is "Guns don't kill people, idiots with guns do"
- Personally, I like the idea of immigrant-drugsters carrying large, evil, gaudy hoglegs.  For one thing, they use them to scare the pee out of each other:  that means less shooting.  As well, you just KNOW they never practice shooting them: that would take a real woman or man to master that recoil without flinching. Lack of practice puts them at a disadvantage going toe-to-toe with The Thin Blue Line. Plus, large guns are also hard to conceal.  

- Few gangbanger pukes grew up hunting and fishing as kids.  Thet are not of our culture.  They know nothing about practical firearms use - which puts them on par with our average Canadian J-School grad.
I agree, there are no bad guns.  But, there are  many guns designed for no good purpose :threat:
neilinkorea said:
I agree, there are no bad guns.  But, there are  many guns designed for no good purpose :threat:

- Name one, and the no good purpose it was designed for.
The Beretta 93R.  A "machine pistol".  This weapon has no other purpose than to kill as many humans as possible at a close range.  I will concede that I should have said no good purpose in the hands of a civilian.  Guns are made to kill.  I just think the number of people given that responsibility should be heavily restricted and those chosen should be strictly screened highly trained.  Even though killing another person may sometimes be the only available option, I will never call it a "good" one. 
neilinkorea said:
The Beretta 93R.  A "machine pistol".  This weapon has no other purpose than to kill as many humans as possible at a close range.  I will concede that I should have said no good purpose in the hands of a civilian.  Guns are made to kill.  I just think the number of people givin that responsibility should be heavily restricted and those chosen should be strictly screened highly trained.

which would be pointless as criminals do not apply for firearms licences...  ::)

Which is exactally why the only way to control guns like that is not to make them in the first place.  Which is what I said in my original post. 
neilinkorea said:
The Beretta 93R.  A "machine pistol".  This weapon has no other purpose than to kill as many humans as possible at a close range.....................  Guns are made to kill. 

More anti-gun feelings, save it for Wendy K, and her band of left wing phuckwhits.

EDIT - You post below makes no sense, don't go painting all gun owners bad, because you certainlly are, and after 3 posts, you sink like your in a Seoul cess-pool up to your eye brows.

Here we go again  ::)


kevlar on :warstory:
neilinkorea said:
  Even though killing another person may sometimes be the only available option, I will never call it a "good" one. 

Killing Hitler was a good option, IMHO.
neilinkorea said:
I would respectfully put forward that the stupidity of criminals is not the point here, as that was never in question.  The question, rather, should be, why is a weapon like this manufactured in the first place, when the only market for it is thugs, criminals, and gangsters at worst, and inexperienced and uninformed gun enthusiasts at best?  I am by no means a gun controll freak.  However, there are some weapons that dont even deserve to be made.

The same can be said for various motor vehicles. Cars, boats, planes. Many out there are not utilitarian, but they still exist and are sold, strictly for the pleasure of ownership and private use. As long as they are used properly and for the pleasure of the owner, with no infringement on others. No one has the right to deny a person their personal pleasure and hobby, if they stay inside the law for ownership of that item. If they are used illegally, it is not the vehicles fault, but the fault of the operator.

This will likely get split off soon to the gun control thread.
I am always surprised when someone mentions eliminating certain types of firearms there is such a strong opposition.  We complain about gun crime, but rather blame it on people than guns.  We cant change people.  People always have, and always will kill each other.  We should just make it a bit more difficult.  Eliminating public access to guns would do that.  Will criminals still get their hands on guns.  Sure they will.  But they will be a lot more difficult to get and a lot more expensive so low level gang bangers, like those mentioned in the article at the begining of this thread,  will have a tough time getting them.   I like Chris Rock's idea...make bullets $500 each ;D   We are all on the same side here.  Just have different ideas about how to make Canada a safe place.  
Take Care
- Why are so many intelligent people incapable of using that intelligence when thinking about guns?

- Democracy is built on three boxes:

1. The soap box: freedom of speech.
2. The ballot box: Rep by pop, etc.; and
3. The ammunition box: an armed populace - NOT THE STATE - is the insurance policy which garuntees the first two boxes.

The genie is out of the box. Citizens must be allowed the same tools as the criminals who terrorize them. Police protect society - individuals are responsible for their own protection, and the protection of those they are responsible for. 
Guns are not the problem. Lax liberal sentencing, revolving door justice and hug a thug mentality are the conerstone of our problems. The Ontario CFO is making unwarranted, anti Charter searches of 75 year old gun owners, who have not broken the law to show the McGuinty gov't is tough on guns. Meanwhile they won't take down the true perps because that would mean real work and working within the Charter. Smoke and mirrors by the Ontario Premier, Attorney General and the CFO. No real results, but political points from the sheeple of the province to keep the shysters in power.

My idea involves me and the GF being able to pack 24/7...

As far as killing people -- a lot of people have been killed for good reason.  

WRT the Beretta 93-R, its a POS like the rest of the Beretta pistol line.  I get the impression your a kid who just read his first Mack Bolan "The Executioner" series book.

and if you dont like the Beretta I dont think you'd like any of my collections

As a matter of fact - yes I do need that Grenade Launcher  ;D

neilinkorea said:
 Eliminating public access to guns would do that.  

What about eliminating drugs?

Obviously, what are you smoking?? Reality check please?

Spidersenses tingling, and detect troll/audience seeker?

Stay in the ROK Neil, that is if you are even there.

NO all, I am not biting.

Lets save the whales, ban privately own cars and go for public transport, hold hands and be openly gay too. No meat eaters, go veggies! Buy granola shares, and love one another, promote the wearing of beads, and wear flowers in our hair.

Shakes head,

All the illegal guns were manufactured for the "legal" distribution to and enjoyment by law abiding enthusiasts like yourselves.  My point is that these shouldn't be made available to anyone in the first place.  Don't manufacture them. Then nobody would have them.
I respect the views of pro gun people.  I just think the logic is sometimes flawed.  The argument that people should be able to buy and enjoy what they like as long as they don't hurt anyone else was brought up in this thread.  I do agree with that.  But when that same logic is applied to illegal drugs many gun supporters don't buy into the libertarian philosophy anymore.  I agree that many drugs are harmful and shouldn't be available to the public.  Just as many firearm types shouldnt be available to the public.  Harder to make machine guns in the garage than cocaine. It usually seems to come down to a "because I like guns" and wont entertain any  idea of restricting their availability.  Then the name calling starts.  I have already been a "kid" who knows nothing.  I'm not a kid but I will conceed that I know very little about guns.  The fact that I cant recite model name and specifacations doesn't make my opinion on guns any less valid.

I think hunters and people who need rifles for farm duties and the like should be able to have as many rifles as they want.  That should not translate into people in cities being able to have handguns that shoot 100 rounds a minute.  We are not American.  The right to bear arms is not a part of our constitution.