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London teen dedicated to peace


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London Free Press

Martin Schoots-McAlpine is at the helm of a group protesting military recruiting in local schools.


A teenage London activist wants you to join his campaign to end in-school recruiting by the Canadian Forces.

Martin Schoots-McAlpine, a student who has protested the practice at London's South secondary school, is looking for teens from across the city to be part of a group that will hold similar demonstrations at other city high schools.

"We need to be extremely critical of the people that are in charge of the military," said the 18-year-old, whose group is called the Student Network Against Recruitment in London (SNARL).

A scheduled October visit to South by a Canadian Forces recruiter so irked Schools-McAlpine, he organized his own simultaneous counter-recruitment event.

Originally opposed by school administrators, he was ultimately allowed to hold his counter-event.

Now, through the social networking website Facebook.com, he's started SNARL, attracting about 100 members so far -- and some fierce criticism.

Another London student apparently considers SNARL a cyber shot across the bow and, in response, has started his own Facebook page, the Student Association for Respecting our Military.

The page includes a rebuke of Schoots-McAlpine and his views on the military.

"If you were smart, knew how to debate (which you claim you do) and knew how to present a problem well . . . you would show both sides of the story," the page's administrator wrote.

"Why are you covering up the good side (of enlisting)?"

The military had no criticism of SNARL's efforts.

"It (protest) happens from time to time and that's the beauty of our democracy. Even if it's against us, that's perfectly fine," said Capt. Holly Brown of the Canadian Forces recruiting group.

"We've been (going into schools) for years and years and years. We're going in just like any other employer, to offer career options. We're not actively recruiting, we're not signing anyone up."

To join SNARL, enter its full name into Facebook.

Schoots-McAlpine can also be reached at Snarllondon@gmail.com
And we are to presume that this teen has never been in a fight before????
Being bored the other day, I took the opportunity to look a the group on Facebook. He has all the leftist buzz words, the stifling of debate, and the name-calling in lieu of arguments one would expect. I can't wait until this guy gets a taste of the real world.
ModlrMike said:
Being bored the other day, I took the opportunity to look a the group on Facebook. He has all the leftist buzz words, the stifling of debate, and the name-calling in lieu of arguments one would expect. I can't wait until this guy gets a taste of the real world.

Classic ultralib behavior. Don't actually bring anything to the table or say anything of meaning; just try to discredit your opponent.
You know I wonder if types like him ever think that the military and its existance basically protects him and the other members of his group. Then again if I were the principal of that school I would say "Ok, so youre against recruiting? Lets cancel all invitations to all companies and corporations who are looking to hire students or looking to apprentice youths. Heck, while were at it take down the job board at the Student Services office as you know Mc Donalds on Main is just looking to recruit a guy to flip burgers after all." Then id just love to see the reaction from his peers. The reaction would be rather sickening, but it would put someone like that in his place. These kids just listen to a Good Charolette CD and think its all cool to be punk and liberal and all that, then go off and start these dumb groups. I admit im not that old myself, but without our military even I know that life today as we know it would be a whole lot different.

Though if this guy just uses personal attack and cannot provide a good argument all this is simply: a bunch of kids with too much time on their hands just looking to stir up something.
Yet another sad little child that wants the options of his/her peers to be reduced because he/she knows that they are mindless little twerps that will fall for the shiny ads and that he/she of course being smarter and more self aware can decide for them what employers are suitable to inform them.  He/She doesn't agree with something so ban information on it in schools. I wonder how this person finds time to spend on facebook with all the book burning he/she must have to insite?

Smells like,...... freedom!
Teflon said:
Yet another sad little child that wants the options of his/her peers to be reduced because he/she knows that they are mindless little twerps that will fall for the shiny ads and that he/she of course being smarter and more self aware can decide for them what employers are suitable to inform them.  He/She doesn't agree with something so ban information on it in schools. I wonder how this person finds time to spend on facebook with all the book burning he/she must have to insite?

Smells like,...... freedom!

I believe it to be far more insidious than this. If you look deeper, you will find one of the admins of Martin's Facebook group "Student Network Against Recruitment in London" to be one David Heap. David Heap happens to be a professor of Linguistics at The University of Western Ontario and based on photos linked to the group, looks as though he's been a major organiser with this "highschool" movement. In fact, as evidenced by posts he has made to SNARL and the counter group mentioned, he comes off like a campus socialist. Could it be that the activists have some kind of nefarious agenda with respect to recruiting young and impressionable minds?
These guys will attract about the same number of people who join the Chess Club or the Math Club (nothing wrong with either of those but they are not attractive to your average high schooler). They are not mainstream and if not for the Media no one would pay them very much attention. Of course if he gets really devious and recruits the best looking girls in the school then we're in trouble. Somehow I think it's not going to happen.
I took a few minutes, wasted actually, and read through some of the drivel.

What made me chuckle the most was the amount of posts actually deleted because they didn't tow the line or were trying to have a counter point. Freedom at it's best.

As for banning the CF Recruiting from schools, may as well stop job fairs altogether. Stop any sort of OJT for the schools that offer the program as well to companies recruiting prospective employees from high schools that specialize in blue collar trades while they're at it.

I certainly wouldn't want my kid being exposed to a possible employment opportunity on school property.

Recce By Death said:
As for banning the CF Recruiting from schools, may as well stop job fairs altogether. Stop any sort of OJT for the schools that offer the program as well to companies recruiting prospective employees from high schools that specialize in blue collar trades while they're at it.

That's exactly what they should do... and wait for the student/parent revolt.

"In order to be fair to all employers, we have decided rather than ban one, we will cancel the job fair entirely."
ModlrMike said:
That's exactly what they should do... and wait for the student/parent revolt.

"In order to be fair to all employers, we have decided rather than ban one, we will cancel the job fair entirely."

That was their answer to Christmas...ban it from the schools altogether because one or two people got their knickers in a knot.
This facebook group angers me I have been reading if it for the past 20 mins or so, and all I have witnessed was the same garbage as before, nothing but cheap shots and bull@#$% towards the military. A few people who have posted their own opinion that conflicted with the groups opinion, have been deleted. I guess that this group doesn't understand that this country is about Democracy, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
This group is seen taking a blow at the military here...
Opposing violence against women is also among our important reasons for opposing military recruitment and the current mission in Afghanistan, see for example http://www.malalaijoya.com/index1024.htm
  So the Canadian Forces is abusing women now? One of the few military's in the world that promotes equity in the work place, abusing women? I don't @#$%ing think so. This SNARL group really has no idea what is actually happening over there, and I think they are very naive people for wanting to ban recruiting from schools. It's not like the recruiter is in schools to grab a few unsuspecting students and throws them in a duffel bag and as he runs to the milcot parked outside he shouts ''START THE ENGINE CPL! LETS GO!'' He is there to allow students to have a briefing on what life in Canadian Forces is about and what it offers, they do this for future recruitment. There is no green Army bus waiting outside for students to hop on after the the 3 o'clock bell. Banning recruiting from schools is eliminating a very significant career choice for students, what other job can pay up to 50% tuition for post-secondary? What other job will pay YOU to be paid to be trained in a trade that you can use on civi side? These people have it all wrong. I think it's about time that the rest of Canada recognizes this and finally puts an end to this bull@#$% speculation.
So start a facebook group that counters this groups position. Argue your points in a clear, polite and professional manner. Don't delete their drivel but counter them with rational and correct facts of your own. There are always ways to combat this kind of stuff folks.
Ex-Dragoon said:
So start a facebook group that counters this groups position. Argue your points in a clear, polite and professional manner. Don't delete their drivel but counter them with rational and correct facts of your own. There are always ways to combat this kind of stuff folks.

Correct me if I am wrong, but we as Military members are not allowed to partake in such event?
Ex-Dragoon said:
There are always ways to combat this kind of stuff folks.

A two-by-four and a roll of duct tape.  Tape them into a chair in front of a computer screen with a Ruxted article on it.
As long as you follow the rules laid out by the CDS in his CANFORGEN then you should not have an issue.

If you are worried do you not have sympathetic friends that you can turn to, to do the same thing?
Ex-Dragoon said:
As long as you follow the rules laid out by the CDS in his CANFORGEN then you should not have an issue.

If you are worried do you not have sympathetic friends that you can turn to, to do the same thing?

I'll certainly look into this.
Well, I was quite disgusted, but look what I uncovered: this  (This is the same kid, found the link form his My Space form here)