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Is the KAC M5 RAS (http://www.knightarmco.com/mod_weapons_1.htm) the best solution for one wanting to add front rails to a C7?  It'd be nice to ditch the slip ring and all that but i'm guessing that'd be frowned upon. Is the M5 the best compromise? 

Also, is there any other manufactures of something akin or is the KAC worth spending the big $ on?
KAC's RAS is the gold standard in drop in rails.
  However shortly a lot of others will pop up as KAC's pattent protection has expired.

Picatinny is farming out production for the US mil and will no longer be buying 1500 M5 a month for M16A4's and 2000 a month for M4's

The Surefire rail system is comparable in quality but not as pricey. I used an M5 on my rifle in A'stan, rock solid and durable
Where can I find either in Canada?  Would talking to the guys at Wolverine be my best bet?  what about having a friend in the US buy them them ship them to me privately?
I'm not sure Wolverine can get the KAC stuff. On their website, KAC is not listed under the name brands that they can get. However, I know of one company that can import any legal firearm accessory (or firearm, for that matter,) but I can't recall the name at the moment. Ask around at this website (http://www.canadiangunnutz.com)
Or wait until you get in theater.. ask around and "find" one and put it on your rifle..  a lot less expensive...
Less expensive, but none too smart, as you don't know the condition and quality of the gear, not good when it attaches to your bang stick.
  I find it very confusing when some fools put money first when considering buying kit that you have to potentially  rely on with your life. I guess I value mine more than some as I get new kit before each tour, the stuff used on the previous one gets rotated into training stock.
When the "found" piece comes wrapped in it's plastic... you can be fairly confident in it's condition..
Bzzliteyr said:
When the "found" piece comes wrapped in it's plastic... you can be fairly confident in it's condition..

Yes...stolen property
Yeah, I think I would rather get sqaured away with quality, legit kit in Canada beforehand, then counting on "finding" something in theatre.  It's not THAT much money.....
I e-mailed KAC last week and their only Canadian dealer is


Nicholls Police & Security Store
Address : 3200 Dufferin Street, North York, ON M6A 3B2
Telephone : 416-285-0103

apparently also carries KAC stuff. Judging by the name, they may be the same business. I didn't get a chance to phone until after the Toronto shop had closed for the day, though.
I "may" be able to get you what you want from KAC ;)
  The retail is IIRC $325 USD

R.Nicholls does not sell to the public (of which they inc. individual members) and their pricing reflects a $.66 dollar.

FWIW - I'm not a big fan of the Surefire rails - Big Red had one and tried to give it away  to the Army and they where not too interested...

Okay, this is how it goes:

Drive around KAF until you find a US unit.. find their armourer and knock on the door.  Ask the armourer is they have any KAC rails for the M4s they own.  He either says yes or no.  If he says yes, you ask him if you can have one.  If he says yes again, you take it and go on your merry way.  If he says no, then you are no worse off than you already were.  It took me a couple of weeks but I finally got the time to ask around.  If he asks you if you have anything cool to trade, you tell him you are Canadian... he'll understand.

I was having a look around on the Knight arm co web site and I was curious if anybody could tell me how the modern day stoner LMG fairs out and what makes it different from the c9/minimi series?
Bzzliteyr said:
Okay, this is how it goes:

Drive around KAF until you find a US unit.. find their armourer and knock on the door.  Ask the armourer is they have any KAC rails for the M4s they own.  He either says yes or no.  If he says yes, you ask him if you can have one.  If he says yes again, you take it and go on your merry way.  If he says no, then you are no worse off than you already were.  It took me a couple of weeks but I finally got the time to ask around.  If he asks you if you have anything cool to trade, you tell him you are Canadian... he'll understand.

Or you buy your own in Canada ,train with and learn what affects if any there is on loss of zero for PAQ 4 and PEQ 2A, optics ,etc. Get used to vert grip placement (close to the magwell or further out),and what if any effect it will have on your stance and current muscle memory,learn how to properly install the item  Most importantly have it ready to deploy to the field with immediately not wasting any time begging for kit that our allies are issued for their own troops use.
BTW if your new found US Army armourer buddy is busted handing out kit to non US personnel,he can face discliplinary actions (happened on our tour), no need to put them in that position to save a few bucks that tour pay will cover off anyways.
MG34 said:
Or you buy your own in Canada ,train with and learn what affects if any there is on loss of zero for PAQ 4 and PEQ 2A, optics ,etc. Get used to vert grip placement (close to the magwell or further out),and what if any effect it will have on your stance and current muscle memory,learn how to properly install the item  Most importantly have it ready to deploy to the field with immediately not wasting any time begging for kit that our allies are issued for their own troops use.
BTW if your new found US Army armourer buddy is busted handing out kit to non US personnel,he can face discliplinary actions (happened on our tour), no need to put them in that position to save a few bucks that tour pay will cover off anyways.
Not to mention a M4 RAS will fit somewhat oddly on a 20inch C7.
Infidel-6 said:
R.Nicholls does not sell to the public (of which they inc. individual members) and their pricing reflects a $.66 dollar.

R Nicholls is the head office, which is probably why they do not. I called Nicholls Police & Security Store (3200 Dufferin Street, North York, ON M6A 3B2 416-285-0103) today and confirmed that they are a branch of that business and that they would sell to me. My main inquiry was about Safariland 6004 holsters. I also asked if they carried KAC stuff and, while the person to whom I was speaking sometimes appeared confused, he did eventually confirm that they carried KAC stuff (more or less "if the head office has it, then we can get it") although he didn't think that they had any KAC products actually in stock. The shop is not open on weekends, so I won't have a chance to pop in there to poke around until early to mid-December. There's also apparently one in Ottawa, according to a Squadron-mate. He says that the Ottawa shop offers discounts to police and military, but the Toronto one only offers a discount to police. I did not ask about that when I called.
Well well well - learn something new everyday -- Nicholls used to make one either make a unit order - or have a local dealer order for you.
  Its all part of Bob Nicholl's octopus