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  1. F

    Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

    I'll be honest, I didn't learn about all this "serving my country" and "duty" and "loyalty" stuff until after I got in.  They sort of smashed it into my head while I was doing pushups.  During BMQ they made me memorize "Duty With Honour" word for word. I joined 'cause I wanted to be a combat...
  2. F

    Semi-auto pistols - parts and action

    On my SQ in Gagetown we had fully functioning models of both the C6 and C9 with sections cut out so that you could see the mechanisms move.
  3. F

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    1.    Walking with PO during open locker inspection.  He gets so pissed that he starts throwing random objects from people's lockers.  Gets to buddy's locker, throws his underwear all over the bed, then turns around and says "Why the **** is there underwear all over your bed?"  Buddy replies...
  4. F

    Aug 7th BMQ update live from St Jean!!!

    Currently on week 7 of BMQ at St. Jean, and I can vouch for the above account.  Lots of yelling, insults, physical training, other forms of mental and physical stress.  Since coming here I learned how to eat a meal in five minutes, shower in 10 seconds, and do pushups with a rucksack on my...
  5. F

    Well wishes.

    Best of luck soldiers, and when the going gets tough, just remember that there are folks at home who are proud of you.  :cdn:
  6. F

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    Yeah, let's all remember to work together and get everyone through the course.  If we all do our best and push our hardest I think we'll have a great time.  Best of luck and see ya there!!  :warstory:
  7. F

    Got the CALL

    Just an update on my status.  I was sworn in this afternoon.  The folks at CFRC Toronto messed up my dates so I ended up showing up late, but it's okay, and they're still great people.  I was excited when I got the call back in May, and I'm excited now that I've been put through all the...
  8. F

    Happy Canada Day (Army.ca Red Theme)

    Happy birthday Canada, and cheers to all the soldiers, past and present, who are protecting us. :cdn:
  9. F


    Thanks for all your help kincanucks!  Because of you, I have had to post very little because all of the information I ever wanted to know about Recruiting was already posted.  It's great to have knowledgeable SME's like you, and anyone who chooses to follow up on what you've established on this...
  10. F

    Downsview Remains at the Ready (CFB Toronto)

    I remember good 'ole Downsview too.  I used to live right down the street, Bathurst and Sheppard area.  When I was a kid I used to hang out nearby and watch the soldiers performing training exercises on that tall obstacle which still stands, and I'd watch soldiers in full fighting order marching...
  11. F

    Years in the Army

    Just out of curiousity, why do you want to join with your friend?  Even if you submitted your applications at the exact same time, there's no guarantee you'll be training together, and when you're done training there's no guarantee you'll be working together.
  12. F

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center:  Toronto, Ontario Regular/Reserve:  Regular Officer/NCM:  NCM Trade Choice 1:  Armoured Crewman Trade Choice 2:  Signal Operations Trade Choice 3:  Line Maintainer Application Date:  09 January 2006 First Contact:  28 February 2006 Aptitude Test Completed:  14 March 2006...
  13. F

    Pretty much in...

    It sounds like you're doing what YOU want, and that's important.  Give it your best, give it more than your best.  Show them what you're made of, then show it to them again, and before you know it you'll be able to beat any challenge.  Best of luck.  :salute:
  14. F

    Got the CALL

    Hehe, thanks for the encouragement folks.  I'm really looking forward to it, I think it's gonna be hell, and I know I'm gonna get through it 'cause I'm just too stubborn and stupid not to.  :threat:
  15. F

    Got the CALL

    Thanks for the encouragement folks.  I can't seem to get a job between now and the time when I ship out, so I guess all I can do is keep hackin' away at my own tasks.  But heck, it gives me more time to run and do pushups.  8)
  16. F

    Question, wait times....

    I, too, did not receive any call or notification regarding my medical, or even my reliability checks.  They just called me up one day and told me when my enrollment date is.  My recruiter told me that it could take anywhere between three and six weeks for a clean medical file to pass through the...
  17. F

    Got the CALL

    The recruiting center just called me this morning, I've got the conditional offer of employment and will be training in St. Jean from 31 July to 13 October.  I'm getting sworn in on 12 July.  I will be an armoured crewman.  I started my application process way back on 9 January, and I think it...
  18. F

    anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

    I'll be training in St. Jean from 31 July to 13 October.  Armoured Crewman.  Getting sworn in on July 12.
  19. F

    New QOR Unit in Scarborough, Ontario

    I think it's great that Scarborough youth will have their very own armoury.  It could get a lot of older teenagers and young adults off the streets and keep them from doing questionable things.  But I hope most of them won't join just to make money without ever having to go "over there".
  20. F

    CFRG and the broken recruiting system-Split

    I wasn't going to post this as a "complaint" because I'm really in no rush to get processed, but I'll post this anyways.  This is with regards to CFRC Toronto.  I signed, dated, and submitted my Forces application (along with all necessary documentation) on January 09, 2006.  I heard nothing...