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Got the CALL

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GasCan said:
when I got home today there was a call for me.  I get sworn in March 28th and than its off to Borden for basic in the late april!!! 

Needless to say im just a little more than excited tonight  ;D

Congrats GasCan...and the best of luck to you on basic!
Yeah, got back from the swearing in ceremony.  I am glad I dressed up for it, the whole ceremony itself only took maybe 5 minutes, but there was a nice fun 2 hours of paperwork and stuff afterwards to do. 

Just looking forward for the 22nd now....  So far away, and yet coming so fast. 
The recruiting center just called me this morning, I've got the conditional offer of employment and will be training in St. Jean from 31 July to 13 October.  I'm getting sworn in on 12 July.  I will be an armoured crewman.  I started my application process way back on 9 January, and I think it was somehow delayed (they forgot about me?) until 28 February.  Regardless, once all my testing was done I waited about a month until today, when I received my call.

Right now I can't help but feel a little bit at ease that I successfully made it through the process.  It's a long process, but in the end, it's totally worth the wait.  And to add to that, the folks at the recruiting center were great people all 'round.  I'd actually like to thank the members, moderators, and administrators of this message board, this has been (and will continue to be) a great source of information, and I think you folks are doing a great service to all of the potential recruits out there.

Thats fantastic and great to hear, you should be proud of what you have, and will accomplish, it wont be easy but its satisfying
great job so far and congrats :cdn:
Thanks for the encouragement folks.  I can't seem to get a job between now and the time when I ship out, so I guess all I can do is keep hackin' away at my own tasks.  But heck, it gives me more time to run and do pushups.  8)
Congrats! Now I cant wait for them to call me, they told me I'd be in for July so who knows. Might bump into each other.
Hehe, thanks for the encouragement folks.  I'm really looking forward to it, I think it's gonna be hell, and I know I'm gonna get through it 'cause I'm just too stubborn and stupid not to.  :threat:
Just an update on my status.  I was sworn in this afternoon.  The folks at CFRC Toronto messed up my dates so I ended up showing up late, but it's okay, and they're still great people.  I was excited when I got the call back in May, and I'm excited now that I've been put through all the paperwork and have gone through the ceremony.  Just a couple more weeks of waiting, and I'll be there, slogging away with everyone else.  See you in St. Jean folks!  :warstory: