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anyone going to BMQ July 31st? (St. Jean)

Yeah, let's all remember to work together and get everyone through the course.  If we all do our best and push our hardest I think we'll have a great time.  Best of luck and see ya there!!  :warstory:
I'm one of the guys on the July 31 BMQ, flying out from Halifax on the 30th at 7:30.
R.McLean were on the same flight I also think we were sworn in together(June 12), but not 100% sure. My name is N. Little and I'm 26. I'm also going in as a (RMS) clerk... It's less than a week now.. the times going pretty fast.. I'm pretty well ready to go I just gotta get a few things done before we leave. Are you excited/ nervous? I've heard/read/seen alot about about BMQ lately so I not really nervous, just curoius to find out/experience for myself what bmq is all about. Alot of people I know say if your in shape it's mostly just a mental game to try a weed-out the recruits that can't cut-it.
Hopefully our platoon works well together... Good luck and see ya there.
Yeah, I remember you from the enrollment ceremony...I'm nervous too but just about the new experience, I'm just working on getting everything organized before going on course.  I'm actually quite excited about it.  We just gotta remember to work as team and help each other out!  Alos, keeping positive is key, not matter what happens, I know we can all make it through! ;D
I'm going through as RMS, excited about that as well as it was the trade I wanted when I applied, my biggest issue with this week is finding a place to stay near the airport. LOL.  That and trying to pack to leave.  How are you doing on getting the stuff on the joining instructions?
I just need to get a couple more things this week and I'll have all the items off the list... I actually had 2 lists one for borden (was suppose to do bmq there before it got cancelled) and a list for st. jean... the borden list as a few items more items on it (starch/locks, etc.)... I'm told once in st.jean they give everyone a cash advance (around $225) and time to go to cannex and pick-up some items. I also gotta finish the security paperwork I'm almost done... it took a while cuz it's alot of info to remember/get.

A couple friends just got done bmq (in April) and they've been pretty helpful answering questions... they both said teamwork and staying positive/sense of humor are keys to getting through it.

Yes, I received the two lists too, I got all the stuff on the Borden list, and then was told it was moved, so I ended up buying three locks and starch but apparenlt not needing them LOL.  Now it's just a matter of packing it all up.