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US Election: 2016

Meanwhile....Mr Sessions continues to have fire lit underneath him. he claims

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III Says His Name Is Why People Think He’s Racist


Mrs King had this to say about Sessions


Jarnhamar said:
The Trump vs cnn/Buzzfeed smack down was pretty awesome to watch.
mariomike said:
Just have to keep an eye on the 2020 thread.  :)

National Public Radio ( This was written in 2013 )

"Forget 2016. The Pivotal Year In Politics May Be 2020

"In 2012, Obama won 80 percent of the nonwhite vote but just 39 percent of the white vote."

"The demographic makeup of the United States will shift dramatically in the next eight years." ( This was written in Jan., 2013. He is referring to the 2020 election. )

"because our voting patterns are highly aligned by race," Taylor says.

I wonder if the Democrats will run an African-American candidate in 2020, like they did in 2008 and 2012?

My money is on them running someone from the Hispanic community.

However there isn't an apparent successor as of yet.
The left doesnt like Sessions stance on illegal migrants.Getting tough on illegals is a corner stone of the Trump agenda including a border fence. So far today all the Trump cabinet selctions did well in hearings.There is a new wind blowing in DC and the left is pissing in the wind.
cupper said:
My money is Hispanic community.

Maybe you're right. An African-American candidate did ok in 2008 and 2012.

Barrack Obama in 2008 Popular Vote: 69,498,516  Electoral 365 

Barrack Obama in 2012 Popular Vote: 65,915,795  Electoral  332

Prohibited from serving third term.

Donald Trump in 2016  Popular Vote: 62,979,879  Electoral: 304

I agree that someone from the Hispanic-American community would also likely do well.

George Wallace said:
Too Late.

The professor who was predicting Trump's victory, and has now successfully been able to accurately predict the winner for the past two decades, has also predicted that Trump would be Impeached.  That all before Trump's victory.

Many of the predictions that Trump would win came from statistical analysis of things like betting pools, social media and spread over a period of elections, so I do give these credence. OTOH, Impeachment is extremely rare (only two examples in the entire history of the United States: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton), so I would have to question the statistical model and validity of this prediction.

There will be a lot of beer and popcorn consumed over the next four years, however.
Just for info, ref Professor who predicted Trump win and his Impeachment:


(Of course, this is CNN and on Trump's list of media outlets that are promulgating FALSE NEWS.)

The Washington Post also gave this coverage:


(Not sure if they are also on Trump's list of those printing False News.)
Thucydides said:
Impeachment is extremely rare (only two examples in the entire history of the United States: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton)

Both were later acquitted by the Senate.

Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.

George Wallace said:
(Of course, this is CNN and on Trump's list of media outlets that are promulgating FALSE NEWS.)

George Wallace said:
The Washington Post also gave this coverage: < snip >

(Not sure if they are also on Trump's list of those printing False News.)

Trump adds 'Washington Post' to banned list

"Russians are playing @CNN and @NBCNews for such fools - funny to watch, they don't have a clue! @FoxNews totally gets it!"

Impressions of his first press conference in six months,



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mariomike said:

Trump adds 'Washington Post' to banned list

I can't find a story on this at the link. I checked the WaPo site itself and it doesn't seem to be mentioned there either.
kkwd said:
I can't find a story on this at the link.

Sorry about that! I corrected the link,

Looks like he lifted it, for now at least,

Jarnhamar said:
Will VAC cover my Trump-Derangement syndrome?

Nothing new about Obama Derangement Syndrome ( ODS ). :)
"Usually triggered by watching too much Fox News." ( According to the Urban Dictionary. )

Obama Derangement Syndrome Volume 1



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FJAG said:
So for any of you fellow Canadians who  were wondering why I wasn't a Trump supporter,

Was it his economic policies that won the election?

How many of his followers are really studying the numbers of NAFTA and contemplating the strengths and weaknesses of protectionism?


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Trump can hardly be worse for Canadian jobs than the Liberals IMO.

The article even mentions the exorbitant electricity prices here and ridiculous carbon tax.