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US Election: 2016

mariomike said:
Was it his economic policies that won the election?

How many of his followers are really studying the numbers of NAFTA and contemplating the strengths and weaknesses of protectionism?

It is OK, Mike.  We're all racist. And, as my wife keeps telling me, it is all my fault. 


There is probably a high number of Canadians with covert feelings similar to that of the Americans asking for a wall to be built as it relates to immigrants to Canada these days. Lets not kid ourselves

mariomike said:
Was it his economic policies that won the election?

How many of his followers are really studying the numbers of NAFTA and contemplating the strengths and weaknesses of protectionism?
Joe Biden: I will not run for president in 2020 but I am working to cure cancer

He shouldn't bother...as he couldn't win anyway if he tried.

beachdown said:
There is probably a high number of Canadians with covert feelings similar to that of the Americans asking for a wall to be built as it relates to immigrants to Canada these days.
That's sufficiently generic; it's probably pretty close to the percentage that see racism...or oppression....or aliens... at every turn. 

And we're even using the same sources, so it's got to be true!  :nod:

Chris Pook said:
It is OK, Mike.  We're all racist. And, as my wife keeps telling me, it is all my fault. 


You're response is problematic and highlights the systemic entitled privilege that's rampant in the army  ;)
mariomike said:
Was it his economic policies that won the election?

How many of his followers are really studying the numbers of NAFTA and contemplating the strengths and weaknesses of protectionism?

Probably the same amount that aren't worried about repealing Obamacare because they have the affordable health care act....lol
Remius said:
Probably the same amount that aren't worried about repealing Obamacare because they have the affordable health care act....lol

"I'm not on Obamacare. My insurance is through the ACA (Affordable Care Act), which is what they had to come up with after Obamacare crashed and burned as bad as it did. So I'm gonna be fine." 

Performers for the inaugural next week....

Donald Trump won't be getting Paul Anka after all, but Toby Keith, Jennifer Holliday and 3 Doors Down are among performers slated for inauguration celebrations in Washington, D.C., next week.

Country singer Keith, Broadway star Holliday and southern rockers 3 Doors Down, as well as a collection of choirs and bands, will perform at two pre-inauguration concerts at Lincoln Memorial on Jan. 19, organizers announced Friday.

However, contrary to earlier media reports, Anka won't be singing at the inauguration ball on Jan. 20, despite Trump being "an old friend of mine for 50 years."
Trump needs to be careful with his coziness with Russia. This is what happens to oppositions that get in their way


FJAG said:
So for any of you fellow Canadians who  were wondering why I wasn't a Trump supporter, read this one:



We already have that in one respect or another. The ARRA which was part of the stimulus put in place incorporated a Buy America clause for any federaly funded infrastructure project. It stipulated that all iron or steel used for construction must be American sourced. There was an exception for components which were incidental and not a major part of the product. For example a precast concrete unit would require the reinforcing to be American sourced (raw materials thru to final fabrication), but items such as lifting inserts and tie wire could be foreign sourced, as long as it was less than a certain percentage of the overall amount of steel and iron used, and less than a certain percentage of the total cost of materials used. Similar requirements for other materials or products used in construction was in place as well, with similar exemptions.

This exemption was repealed when the courts said that the Federal Highway Administration did not follow the proper procedure to implement the exemption. So manufacturers and fabricators were left scrambling to find American sources for the incidental materials / products. In some cases there was no American source. The FHWA is now in the process of reimplementing a similar exemption clause through the proper procedures.

As a result of the But America clause, many Canadian steel fabricators were cut off from the northern US markets. When the exemption was taken away, Canadian suppliers of incidental steel components lost their markets as well.

One interesting problem came about when it was found that the structural elements on a bridge replacement project were fabricated in Canada, after the bridge was completed. The supplier was a US company using one of its Canadian facilities to fabricate the steel elements. It was tied up in the courts for several years. The final outcome was that the general contractor and the supplier paid stiff fines for violating the provisions. But the steel itself was brought in from a US mill, which technically met the Buy America clause, but because the fabrication was in a Canadian facility it was deemed to be foreign sourced. Although the parties paid fines, it could have been a lot worse, as the DOT that owned the bridge had the option to have the structure rebuilt with American sourced materials and components. They decided that it was not a reasonable solution, and instead opted for a fefund of the steel costs. The courts flipped back and forth on this, and ultimately they resolved it to heavy fines, which was significantly less that the full steel costs.
beachdown said:
He shouldn't bother...as he couldn't win anyway if he tried.


What makes you think that would be the outcome?

If Biden had run this year and became the Dem's nominee, he would easily defeated Trump, as Biden championed the cause of the middle and working class which was the major group that Trump pandered to. The outcome may be less certain if the GOP chose a different nominee.

The only reason he won't be running in 2020 is age. He would be the oldest person ever to run if he did. At 74 he would have held that distinction if he ran this year, but the death of his son took his heart out of making a run.
beachdown said:
Trump needs to be careful with his coziness with Russia. This is what happens to oppositions that get in their way

Oh, he already knows about that type of thing.


In an apparent attempt to discredit the claims, during the press conference the President-elect said he was aware that miniscule cameras could be planted in foreign hotel rooms.

Mr Trump said he often warned people he travelled with specifically about the danger of being caught on camera in their rooms.

"I am extremely careful, " he said, "I’m surrounded by bodyguards [...] I always tell them, be very careful, because [...] in those rooms you have cameras in the strangest places.

"You can’t see them and you won’t know. You better be careful or you will be watching yourself on nightly television."
In case you're interested, the BBC has done a reasonably detailed story on where the "dossier" came from, who saw it & trying to get 'er verified (as much as one can these things).
Donald Trump has described as "fake news" allegations published in some media that his election team colluded with Russia - and that Russia held compromising material about his private life. The BBC's Paul Wood saw the allegations before the election, and reports on the fallout now they have come to light.

The significance of these allegations is that, if true, the president-elect of the United States would be vulnerable to blackmail by the Russians.

I understand the CIA believes it is credible that the Kremlin has such kompromat - or compromising material - on the next US commander in chief. At the same time a joint taskforce, which includes the CIA and the FBI, has been investigating allegations that the Russians may have sent money to Mr Trump's organisation or his election campaign.

Claims about a Russian blackmail tape were made in one of a series of reports written by a former British intelligence agent, understood to be Christopher Steele.

As a member of MI6, he had been posted to the UK's embassy in Moscow and now runs a consultancy giving advice on doing business in Russia. He spoke to a number of his old contacts in the FSB, the successor to the KGB, paying some of them for information.

They told him that Mr Trump had been filmed with a group of prostitutes in the presidential suite of Moscow's Ritz-Carlton hotel. I know this because the Washington political research company that commissioned his report showed it to me during the final week of the election campaign.

The BBC decided not to use it then, for the very good reason that without seeing the tape - if it exists - we could not know if the claims were true. The detail of the allegations were certainly lurid. The entire series of reports has now been posted by BuzzFeed ...
This part is interesting:

...the opposition research firm which commissioned the report had first worked for an anti-Trump political action committee.
So is this:

The opposition research firm that commissioned the report had worked first for an anti-Trump superpac - political action committee - during the Republican primaries.

Then during the general election, it was funded by an anonymous Democratic Party supporter. But these are not political hacks - their usual line of work is country analysis and commercial risk assessment, similar to the former MI6 agent's consultancy. He, apparently, gave his dossier to the FBI against the firm's advice.

beachdown said:
Performers for the inaugural next week....

Donald Trump won't be getting Paul Anka after all, but Toby Keith, Jennifer Holliday and 3 Doors Down are among performers slated for inauguration celebrations in Washington, D.C., next week.

"A day after Jennifer Holliday was named to Trump's inauguration concert, the Broadway singer announced that she was dropping out of the performance."

Here’s Who’s Performing the Inauguration Concert

Leading up to inauguration day this will be one heck of a fiasco, reality TV at its finest moment.

'Bikers for Trump' to Form 'Wall of Meat' If Inauguration Protests Get Out of Hand.
The founder of Bikers For Trump told "Fox & Friends" his organization will, if need be, form a "wall of meat" to protect citizens attending President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday from protesters and the like. Chris Cox said thousands of bikers from across the country are going to converge on the District of Columbia to prevent any violence or wrongdoing at the event. http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/01/14/bikers-trump-wall-meat-inauguration-

Inauguration protests: your guide to where you can make your voice heard
A host of events – from marches to queer dance parties to lawyers’ conferences – will cluster around Donald Trump’s swearing-in as president on Friday

Anti-Trump civil rights demonstrators vow to 'march until hell freezes over'

As thousands rally in Washington, Trump takes aim at civil rights icon and Congressman John Lewis


Anti-Trump protests start a week before inauguration with Rev. Al Sharpton's MLK civil rights march in D.C. and a Black Lives Matter demonstration outside Trump Tower.
• Al Sharpton led the D.C. MLK march that turned into an anti-Trump rally
• Protesters shouted chants of 'we will not be Trumped' and 'love Trumps hate'
• Black Lives Matter members also gathered outside of Trump Tower on Saturday
• These protests come a week before Trump's inauguration on January 20

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4120930/Trump-protests-Washington-D-C-New-York-start-week-inauguration-Rev-Al-Sharpton-s-MLK-civil-rights-march-D-C-outside-Trump-Tower.html#ixzz4Vqtq6MDu

mariomike said:
More bad news,

The Washington Post

2 days ago

New poll shows Trump's popularity is historically low

Not sure what your point is ? Wapo and most of the media has been feverishly printing fake news,anything anti-Trump. Trump's base is solid and the opposition are a bunch of Soros funded leftists. This is going to be a long slog for Trump as he has to over come the left to get his agenda passed. Thats where the real battles will be. The Democrats dont have the votes to stop Trump,unless some Republicans vote with them. ::)
tomahawk6 said:
Wapo and most of the media has been feverishly printing fake news,anything anti-Trump.

If it's not pro-Trump it's fake?  ::)
mariomike said:
More bad news,

The Washington Post

2 days ago

New poll shows Trump's popularity is historically low

This poll has only been conducted for the 3 past transitions, Clinton Bush and Obama. It is a bit of stretch to call the numbers historical with that small of a sample.