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US Election: 2016



Joe Biden To Electoral College Truthers: 'It's Over' - The Federalist
Rifleman62 said:


Joe Biden To Electoral College Truthers: 'It's Over' - The Federalist

Biden will be 78 years old in 2020! Woah, baby!  The one who just got in already broke the age record.

Reagan was only 77 when he finished  his second term as president.
If we are going to speculate, what about Hillary in 2020? On first blush, one could or should imagine politically she is as dead as a Norwegian Blue Parrot. But is she? She must have considerable appeal to the heartstrings of the Democratic Party. Their movers and shakers and their deep pocketed Hollywood friends could convince themselves that the American people will come to their senses about January 21st and realize it was all a terrible mistake.

Does she have a chance. That was a question they should have asked themselves a year or two ago? Well, if one does an estimate and gets the Enemy paragraph wrong, don't be surprised if the operation bombs. In this case, they considered the wrong enemy, picking the GOP establishment instead of the voters they took for granted. I suspect they will do it again, which does not rule out Mrs Clinton.

I am writing this from a RV park in rural southern Arizona populated roughly by 2/3 Americans and 1/3 Canadians, all over 55. The Americans to a very large extent proudly proclaim they voted for Mr Trump and probably would do it again. And they are not the deplorables Hillary painted them to be; but they are terribly annoyed at the mess the progressive elites made of the country.
Zebedy Colt said:
One man tried to stop much more.....



He's a hero for standing alone and unarmed against real tyranny (you can hear the shots being fired into the crowd in the background), while the current protesters are attempting to de legitimatize the freely given votes of millions of Americans. If the anti-Trump protesters had their way, they would be driving those columns of tanks. Just like the waves of republican protestors rioted in American cities and had public meltdowns on all the major TV networks in 2008 and 2012...oh, wait...
Thucydides said:
Just like the waves of republican protestors rioted in American cities and had public meltdowns on all the major TV networks in 2008 and 2012...oh, wait...


If you wish to discuss the 2008 and 2012 election results, there's not much to compare,

Barrack Obama in 2008 Popular Vote: 69,498,516  Electoral 365 

Barrack Obama in 2012 Popular Vote: 65,915,795  Electoral  332

Prohibited from serving third term.

Donald Trump in 2016  Popular Vote: 62,979,879  Electoral: 304

[quote author=mariomike]

Never was soooo thankful to live in Canada.  :)

And you have Trump winning the election to thank for exposing how insane the Liberal left with their safe spaces and everyone is special has become.

Can you imagine if Hillary would have won and they were emboldened by the win?  Maybe male user names like yours would be banned for triggering non-males or being a macro aggression lol

Trumps win made living with the emperor-selfie a bit more tolerable.
MM, the Trump win must really bother you. 

With all that was going on during the election for anyone to say they are completely shocked by this result, well maybe it is time for a little self reflection. 

Don't get so cozey in Canada.  The LPC is flirting with the same stupid stuff that sunk the Democrats. 
QV said:
MM, the Trump win must really bother you. 

QV, the Trudeau win must really bother you.

See, I can do that to!  :)

Like I said, what I see happening on the streets of America just makes me appreciate living in Canada.  :)

I figured there would be riots no matter which one got in.

With all due respect to Radio Chatter, it's not my source for news,

QV said:
Don't get so cozey in Canada.  The LPC is flirting with the same stupid stuff that sunk the Democrats.

Their political system is what sank the Democrats.

She got 3 million more votes than he did.

Fortunately, unlike in the US, at this point at least, most Canadians seem satisfied with taking out their political frustrations on their keyboards, with a lot of those  >:D
things.  :)

I've lived through 13 Prime Ministers. You should ask me if I ever  gave a fuck about which political party got in.  :)

When Canadians start rioting in the streets before the next Prime Minister is sworn in - or secret handshake or however they do it - THEN I will GAF about party politics.

Not sure why you feel the need to bring up Canadian party politics in this thread?

QV said:
With all that was going on during the election for anyone to say they are completely shocked by this result, well maybe it is time for a little self reflection. 

I said I am shocked and appalled by rioting. Guess I was not specific enough? My next sentence was, "Surprised? : No, can't say that I am."

Old Sweat said:
If we are going to speculate, what about Hillary in 2020?

Even though she got 3 million more votes, she's seen as damaged goods now, I suspect.

Kim Kardashian might have a better shot at it. And, after this election, who can say she is not qualified?! :)



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Old Sweat said:
If we are going to speculate, what about Hillary in 2020? On first blush, one could or should imagine politically she is as dead as a Norwegian Blue Parrot. But is she? She must have considerable appeal to the heartstrings of the Democratic Party. Their movers and shakers and their deep pocketed Hollywood friends could convince themselves that the American people will come to their senses about January 21st and realize it was all a terrible mistake.

Does she have a chance. That was a question they should have asked themselves a year or two ago? Well, if one does an estimate and gets the Enemy paragraph wrong, don't be surprised if the operation bombs. In this case, they considered the wrong enemy, picking the GOP establishment instead of the voters they took for granted. I suspect they will do it again, which does not rule out Mrs Clinton.

I am writing this from a RV park in rural southern Arizona populated roughly by 2/3 Americans and 1/3 Canadians, all over 55. The Americans to a very large extent proudly proclaim they voted for Mr Trump and probably would do it again. And they are not the deplorables Hillary painted them to be; but they are terribly annoyed at the mess the progressive elites made of the country.

Only is someone nails her to the perch.
Chris Pook said:
So, just how should one view the Open Societies Foundation - which gets involved in elections internationally, including Canadian ones, and not only promotes "democracy" as an institution, but backs positions, parties and politicians.

Or Brits and Yanks offering opinions on Quebec referenda?  Or foreigners offering advice on Alberta oilsands development?
If you consider these state-vs-state poking (and these examples are mostly NGO's & individuals - conspiracies/funding notwithstanding), let's not forget this one or, closer to home, this one if we're going to complain about political interference ...

I've heard/seen/read more than a complaint or two about all of the above, especially on some of the fora here (Open Society Institute, "celebrity foreign busybodies" on the oil sands), so if concern about one type of interference is OK, it must also be OK to be concerned about other interference.
milnews.ca said:
If you consider these state-vs-state poking (and these examples are mostly NGO's & individuals - conspiracies/funding notwithstanding), let's not forget this one or, closer to home, this one if we're going to complain about political interference ...

I've heard/seen/read more than a complaint or two about all of the above, especially on some of the fora here (Open Society Institute, "celebrity foreign busybodies" on the oil sands), so if concern about one type of interference is OK, it must also be OK to be concerned about other interference.

I agree.  It is OK to be concerned about all types of interference.  And the NGO thing - a bit hard to swallow when the NGO is explicitly backing one party over another.  Harder still when, in many countries, governments own companies while in other companies own governments.  Kind of fuzzy in places.
Chris Pook said:
...  the NGO thing - a bit hard to swallow when the NGO is explicitly backing one party over another ...
Not to mention who's funding them - hence my disclaimer.
Chris Pook said:
Harder still when, in many countries, governments own companies while in other companies own governments.
Very true dat!
A couple of useful Trump articles.

One - a reasoned liberal view of why Trump.


Two - a reasoned conservative view of what Trump.

mariomike said:
Their political system is what sank the Democrats.

Sigh. The Electoral College system has been in place since the dawn of the Republic, so if the Democrats somehow forgot how their own system worked, then it sucks to be them. Anyway, their ideas on the EC are situational, see:

Slate published an article about how great the Electoral College is in 2012: …

Slate published an article in 2016 on why the Electoral college was an anachronism and could be quickly abolished: …

She got 3 million more votes than he did.

Again totally irrelevant. How many home runs did Peyton Manning score to win Super Bowl 50? And the Green Party exposed some pretty interesting examples of voter fraud in their quest for a recount, so I'd take that vote count with a grain of salt.

The essential point of the post upthread is the LPC seems to have taken the lessons of the Brexit and the US Presidential Elections to heart, and are looking to ensure the voters are not going to be able to do that here in Canada. Can't let those deplorables make decisions for the nation, now. Ibbitson's book "The Big Shift" suggests that the ground is shifting under the Ontario-Quebec axis, or Laurentian Elites, if you prefer, and they are going to game the system much like the political elites in other nations and fight to the last taxpayer to maintain their positions, power and privileges.

To paraphrase Trotsky: You may not be interested in Politics, but Politics is interested in you.

When Canadians start rioting in the streets before the next Prime Minister is sworn in - or secret handshake or however they do it - THEN I will GAF about party politics.

Not sure why you feel the need to bring up Canadian party politics in this thread?

I said I am shocked and appalled by rioting. Guess I was not specific enough? My next sentence was, "Surprised? : No, can't say that I am."

Even though she got 3 million more votes, she's seen as damaged goods now, I suspect.

Kim Kardashian might have a better shot at it. And, after this election, who can say she is not qualified?! :)
Thucydides said:
The Electoral College system has been in place since the dawn of the Republic,

That could be the problem.

North Dakota and South Dakota may not mind it, but New York and California might.
Stand by. Predict Trump won't last as president 2 years, let alone the next 2 months...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
mariomike said:
North Dakota and South Dakota may not mind it, but New York and California might.

And that is precisely one of the things that the Electoral College is designed to do - prevent one or two small areas with certain interests from controlling the rest of the country, which has differing interests, in perpetuity.

It seems to surprise citizens of Toronto that the rest of Canada does not think like them, and does not wish to be ruled by them.

Having watched this US election much more closely than any in the past, and being quite satisfied with the result, I have developed a much greater understanding of US politics and their electoral system.
Loachman said:
It seems to surprise citizens of Toronto that the rest of Canada does not think like them, and does not wish to be ruled by them.

My reply is here,

Loachman said:
And that is precisely one of the things that the Electoral College is designed to do - prevent one or two small areas with certain interests from controlling the rest of the country, which has differing interests, in perpetuity.

It seems to surprise citizens of Toronto that the rest of Canada does not think like them, and does not wish to be ruled by them.

Having watched this US election much more closely than any in the past, and being quite satisfied with the result, I have developed a much greater understanding of US politics and their electoral system.

This from Andrew Potter's eulogy for Stephane Dion in the National Post

It’s important to remember that from the moment Pierre Trudeau retired, there ceased to be anyone in power in Ottawa who would defend federalism on intellectual grounds. From Brian Mulroney’s cravenness towards the provinces to Jean Chrétien’s refusal to even think about the problem, two political generations were suckled on the conviction that the separatists had the arguments while the federalists had to rely on sentiment.

And thus, in my opinion, the value of the Electoral College. 

Canadian federalists have forgotten this was a confederation of autonomous colonies, all equal.
Chris Pook said:
And thus, in my opinion, the value of the Electoral College. 



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