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US Election: 2016

mariomike said:
I wonder if things will settle down a bit after the inauguration?

I would think that greatly depends on Trump himself, and wether he self-destructs. Early indicators are, unfortunately, not good.

Americans in general, and even more so the educated ones (by which I mean anything higher than high school diploma), care a lot more than they let on about their country's reputation in the world. It's a biased - rose coloured - view no doubt, but when something negative pierces through their rose coloured glasses, they don't like it. If Trump gets to be seen as a bully on the international scene, or even internally with the other politicians and critics, he may find himself at the heart of great upheavals.

US voters may have voted Trump in as a sign to the political class that they have had enough of their current deportment, and many may have liked, in that context, the acerbic tone and constant nasty attacks of Trump in the race to the White House, but once in power, they expect their presidents to act presidential and to be president for all Americans. 
Kushner (son-in-law) and advisor will make sure he stays in line  ;)

Oldgateboatdriver said:
I would think that greatly depends on Trump himself, and whether he self-destructs. Early indicators are, unfortunately, not good.
beachdown said:
Kushner (son-in-law) and advisor will make sure he stays in line  ;)

Have you not been paying attention? Nothing can make sure he stays in line.

#Biden2020 #McCain 2024
beachdown said:
Kushner (son-in-law) and advisor will make sure he stays in line  ;)

Twitter is the Achilles heel of the Trump presidency.  As long as he tweets he will stay in hot water regardless of his handlers. 
I have better things to do than spend hours I won't get back on Farcebook, Twitter et al

Lumber said:
Have you not been paying attention? Nothing can make sure he stays in line.

#Biden2020 #McCain 2024
beachdown said:
I have better things to do than spend hours I won't get back on Farcebook, Twitter et al

First, how is this site any different then spending time on facebook or twitter?

Second, I don't have twitter, but his tweets are all over the news.
Lumber said:
First, how is this site any different then spending time on facebook or twitter?

The insanely hot Moderators?

Yup, that's what I'm going with....... ;D
Lightguns said:
I don't know about liberals but I am getting tired of the butt-hurt whining on cable TV.  Heck, I voted con in Canada and haven't whined half as much as Dems in the US....

I suggest that that is what happens when you organize a party on Alinsky's Rules.  After you have convinced your followers that they are on the side of the angels, that the end justifies the means, that the other side are morons it becomes real difficult to manage defeat.

On the other hand, if you are Alinsky, you relish defeat  because it allows you more freedom to step outside of the other guy's rules.
How? I don't update my pics or of family, like a post, share a post or look at what others are doing.

Lumber said:
First, how is this site any different then spending time on facebook or twitter?

Second, I don't have twitter, but his tweets are all over the news.
beachdown said:
How? I don't update my pics or of family, like a post, share a post or look at what others are doing.


Twitter, Facebook and online forums like milnet.ca are all just different electronic mediums by which people interact to share information, stories, news, etc. There may be less cat pictures on milnet.ca, but there is just as much news, some of it fake, and a whole lot of time wasting......
Lumber said:
. . . There may be less cat pictures on milnet.ca . . .

When there are more cats, there will be more pictures!    :tank2:

Nice kitty.

mariomike said:
On the other hand, I have also read this: "If Trump had won by 3 million votes, lost electoral college by 80K and Russia had hacked RNC, Republicans would have SHUT DOWN AMERICA."

They would have gone to work, as they tend to have jobs, unlike pansy-assed university snowflakes who would rather whine and riot than be productive.

There may have been legal challenges where warranted and/or demands for recounts in states where wins/losses were very narrow.

Congress would have checked Clinton's outrageous demands, and begun justifiable impeachment procedures - it's not like they had a dearth of grounds.

Republicans tend to have more respect for the US Constitution and the rule of law than Democrats.
Trump was accused of spreading fear and hate during the campaign. Now it looks like his opponents are the ones wearing the fear boots. They are stomping through the snowflakes safe spaces and stirring them up causing snowstorms in their world. It is all speculation on what will happen and just plain hate for Trump.

It seems that anybody talking to Trump is a person of bad character. Steve Harvey got raked over the coals for just one meeting with Trump. The entertainers who may play at the inauguration are scared stiff of the many threats they will get from social media including death threats.

It is not healthy to live in a world of maybe and perhaps and what if and only if. The reality is Trump is going to be president on Friday and then he actually gets down to business. Even with protests and refusals to attend his inauguration by so called democrat leadership makes no difference. As the Whos in Whoville said in How The Grinch That Stole Christmas, Christmas day will happen no matter what. And the inauguration will happen even if it is only Trump and the person swearing him in. And it will all be legal and done and over and he will get on with business even with a few whiners heard in the far distance.
It was the same ordeal when Bush took office.  Some of the same congressmen refused to attend the inaugeration also, at least Mr Lewis anyhow.  There was just limited social media back then to cover it all.  It is typical left nonsense, that is all. 

Trump, Boeing CEO meet again to talk Air Force One price tag.

President-elect Donald Trump met Tuesday with the head of Boeing at Trump Tower to continue dialog about the costs of the Air Force One program.
Reuters reported Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg said that the pair had made “great progress on simplifying requirements for Air Force One.” They also said Muilenburg suggested a deal could be reached "in the very near term."

Muilenburg told Reuters, "we were able to talk about options for the country and capabilities that will, again, provide the best capability for our war fighters most affordably”.

“Mr. Trump is doing a great job of engaging business," Muilenburg said. “We're proud to take on that mission and I think Mr Trump's engagement with industry is going to help us grow manufacturing jobs in this country."

Last month, Muilenburg met with Trump and told him that his company could build a cheaper Air Force One for less than originally quoted.
Trump took to Twitter to blast the company for alleged cost overruns, saying they should cancel the contract.

“I don't need a $4.2 billion airplane to fly around in,” Trump told “Fox News Sunday” earlier this month, referring to Air Force One.


Trump also stated he’s looking into streamlining Air Force One.

