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US Election: 2016

George Wallace said:
And the latest winners of the Darwin Awards, in the Group Category, are:

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

More on LINK.

Play stupid games, get stupid prizes...
The anti-Trumpers are well on their way to ensuring a Trump win in 2020, and The Donald hasn't even been sworn in yet.  Keep it up  >:D
Reports that a group of "Dump Trump" protesters was fatally struck by a truck while blocking a Seattle freeway came from a known hoax purveyor.
Although the Seattle Tribune appears to be the digital edition of a real city newspaper, it is simply one of many fake news sites (along with the Boston Tribune and the Baltimore Gazette) that mimics the appearance of real metropolitan news outlets in order to spread hoaxes and generate ad revenue.

George Wallace said:
And the latest winners of the Darwin Awards, in the Group Category, are:

Technoviking said:
Play stupid games, get stupid prizes...

cavalryman said:
The anti-Trumpers are well on their way to ensuring a Trump win in 2020, and The Donald hasn't even been sworn in yet.  Keep it up  >:D



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George Wallace said:
And the latest winners of the Darwin Awards, in the Group Category, are:

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

More on LINK.

As always, read the small print. From the Seattle Tribune front page:


"The Seattle Tribune is a news and entertainment satire web publication. The Seattle Tribune may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within The Seattle Tribune are fictional and presumably satirical news – with the exception of our ‘list style’ articles that include relevant sources. The content published on The Seattle Tribune is intended to be entertainment and is often intended to generate thought and discussion among its readers. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help, please consult a professional. The Seattle Tribune is not intended for children under the age of 18."

Retired AF Guy said:
As always, read the small print.

But, but...

How gullible do they think people are?!  :)



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Or perhaps it's because there are geniuses that have actually played the "if we link arms the traffic won't hit us" stunt in the past and at some point that game of chicken is just going to end poorly.

Some may think that the death of six people would make other "protesters" think twice about hopping in front of freeway traffic. I on the other hand think it will simply encourage more people to hop onto freeways and the new #banfreeways movement will begin.
Flavus101 said:
Or perhaps it's because there are geniuses that have actually played the "if we link arms the traffic won't hit us" stunt in the past and at some point that game of chicken is just going to end poorly.

Do you think it's ever going to end?

Whichever side won the election, I personally don't see the resistance ( call it whatever you will ) ending in the foreseeable future.



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Flavus101 said:
Or perhaps it's because there are geniuses that have actually played the "if we link arms the traffic won't hit us" stunt in the past and at some point that game of chicken is just going to end poorly.

Some may think that the death of six people would make other "protesters" think twice about hopping in front of freeway traffic. I on the other hand think it will simply encourage more people to hop onto freeways and the new #banfreeways movement will begin.

One man tried to stop much more.....



cupper said:
It was announced on the news tonight that they are being charged with a hate crime along with all the other charges that will be brought forward.

I came to correct my post.  Yes. You're right.  Either they realized how absurd they sounded or their boss gave them a one way phone call.

I predict riots.
So, just how should one view the Open Societies Foundation - which gets involved in elections internationally, including Canadian ones, and not only promotes "democracy" as an institution, but backs positions, parties and politicians.

Or Brits and Yanks offering opinions on Quebec referenda?  Or foreigners offering advice on Alberta oilsands development?
mariomike said:
Do you think it's ever going to end?

Whichever side won the election, I personally don't see the resistance ( call it whatever you will ) ending in the foreseeable future.

I don't see it ending in the foreseeable future either.

We can play the "what if" game forever though...
Flavus101 said:
We can play the "what if" game forever though...

I just know what I read in the papers.  :)
mariomike said:
I just know what I read in the papers.  :)

There's nothing wrong with engaging in a little fantasy with all these opinion and speculation pieces. Sometimes fantasy is all you have to comfort you in your days of woe.
kkwd said:
There's nothing wrong with engaging in a little fantasy with all these opinion and speculation pieces. Sometimes fantasy is all you have to comfort you in your days of woe.

You live in Indiana? Celebrate!

Personally, this thread makes me celebrate living in Canada.  :)
mariomike said:
You live in Indiana? Celebrate!

Personally, this thread makes me celebrate living in Canada.  :)

No need for celebration. The system is designed to work no matter who is driving the bus. Sometimes the bus misses a few stops or runs over somebody but it still chugs along and most of the people get to their destination. There is no need for any fear mongering at all, it serves no useful purpose.
kkwd said:
There is no need for any fear mongering at all, it serves no useful purpose.

Like posting Fake News - in huge yellow font?  :)

"6 Dead After Truck Collides With Anti-Trump Protesters On Freeway".
Reply #3059

How's that for "engaging in a little fantasy" ?  :)

mariomike said:
Like posting Fake News - in huge yellow font?  :)

"6 Dead After Truck Collides With Anti-Trump Protesters On Freeway".
Reply #3059

How's that for "engaging in a little fantasy" ?  :)

Because people stupid enough to try and block vehicles with their bodies never happens? 

https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=Nqhd1btYLIY    anti Trump rally

Just  watched a half dozen great videos of protestors learning about human vehicle physics you should check them out.

Jarnhamar said:
Just  watched a half dozen great videos of protestors learning about human vehicle physics you should check them out.

No thanks.  I've seen enough "human vehicle physics".  Don't need to re-live it on Youtube.

But, I do believe you. In fact, I believe you ain't seen nothing yet!

Shocked and appalled by what is happening in the US?: Yes.
Surprised? : No, can't say that I am.

Matter of fact, I know it's in poor taste, but since we are still  on the subject of "human vehicle physics", how about a pool? 
( Fatal and non-fatal shootings, stabbings, vehicular, roof toss, a$$ stomping etc. ) for Inauguration Day 2017.

Place your bets gentlemen! ( I don't believe there are any ladies posting in this thread? )

No gambling or money involved. Bragging rights only to the winner!

Never was soooo thankful to live in Canada.  :)



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