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US Election: 2016

tomahawk6 said:
According to Assange the DNC was the victim of some disaffected staff and not a hack. From released info by wikileaks the democrats were not united behind Hillary.The DNC treatment of Bernie Sanders was a strong motivator to derail Clinton.One thing the democrats have proven to be true is that tell a lie long enough and people will believe it. :-[


Trump should send the DNC a large gift basket...their pushing Hillary in place of Bernie won Trump the Presidency. :nod:
Good2Golf said:
Trump should send the DNC a large gift basket...their pushing Hillary in place of Bernie won Trump the Presidency. :nod:

Funny but true  :D
I believe that he has already done that.  Snowden got SFA, which disappointed some folks.  ;D
tomahawk6 said:
According to Assange the DNC was the victim of some disaffected staff and not a hack. From released info by wikileaks the democrats were not united behind Hillary.The DNC treatment of Bernie Sanders was a strong motivator to derail Clinton.One thing the democrats have proven to be true is that tell a lie long enough and people will believe it. :-[

Cool evolution.  We've come full circle from some folks here seeing Assange being "a Judas, collecting payment for betrayal, but refusing in some twisted way, to consider himself responsible for any deaths or damage ... the worst type of parasite ..." (note all the violent disagreement with this position in the linked thread) to someone worth listening to/supporting when we like what he leaks. 

Then again, Oliver Stone did say this several months ago, so we DO have corroboration ...

- fixing spelling error -
CNN: Obama must pardon Manning and Snowden before Trump takes office.

President Obama should pardon Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden before President-elect Trump takes office and makes two internationally embarrassing situations worse. In a 2013 article for The National Law Journal, I argued that neither Manning nor Snowden was a hero, and both deserved prosecution. But times have changed, and the leakers deserve pardons before Trump is sworn in.


Edward Snowden backers beam calls for pardon on Washington news museum.

In the past 5 days the overwhelming amount of fake news, online Wing Wang, etc., on; did the Russians take a dump favoring a Trump win during the US election?

Well known is Pinko-Trump's position in this matter...

Something About This Russia Story Stinks - Rolling Stone: Many reporters I know are quietly freaking out about having to go through that again. We all remember the WMD fiasco.

"It's déjà vu all over again" is how one friend put it.

You can see awkwardness reflected in the headlines that flew around the Internet Thursday. Some news agencies seemed split on whether to unequivocally declare that Russian hacking took place, or whether to hedge bets and put it all on the government to make that declaration, using "Obama says" formulations.

The New York Times was more aggressive, writing flatly, "Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking." It backed up its story with a link to a joint FBI/Homeland Security report that details how Russian civilian and military intelligence services (termed "RIS" in the report) twice breached the defenses of "a U.S. political party," presumably the Democrats. the evidence  yet Mr. know it all

FBI and Homeland Security detail Russian hacking campaign in new report.
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI have released an analysis of the allegedly Russian government-sponsored hacking groups blamed for breaching several different parts of the Democratic party during the 2016 elections.

The 13-page document, released on Thursday and meant for information technology professionals, came as Barack Obama announced sanctions against Russia for interfering in the 2016 elections. The report was criticized by security experts, who said it lacked depth and came too late.


“The activity by [Russian intelligence services] is part of an ongoing campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the US government and its citizens,” wrote the authors of the government report. “This [joint analysis report] provides technical indicators related to many of these operations, recommended mitigations, suggested actions to take in response to the indicators provided, and information on how to report such incidents to the US government.”


In the case of Snowden he hasnt had his day in court yet,as he remains on the lam. As for Manning she has had her day in court and has been convicted I guess she could receive a pardon.
POTUS can pardon before there is an indictment - I am fairly certain.  Though I can't recall the ref, it shouldn't be too hard to find for yourself. 

Which is why I suspect Obama will pardon a whole swath of people just before he leaves.  All those related to the email scandal and a bunch more I suspect.
QV said:
POTUS can pardon before there is an indictment - I am fairly certain.  Though I can't recall the ref, it shouldn't be too hard to find for yourself. 

Which is why I suspect Obama will pardon a whole swath of people just before he leaves.  All those related to the email scandal and a bunch more I suspect.

I know he can I just question why he would do it. Bergdahl has asked for a pardon as well.For a man looking at a legacy does he want to be known as the guy that gave a pass to Snowden and Bergdahl.I would rather see a pardon for Assange.
Well....He already has a legacy of pissing off Israel and the Russians.......and numerous allies. 
Pardon a [presumed] innocent man??  Wouldn't have even though that.......learned factoid for the day.
Actually, it is very easy to eliminate the Russians as suspects in any attempted hacking or influencing of the elections: their candidate lost.

Which candidate could have been easily manipulated/blackmailed through the knowledge of classified US documents and information held on an illegal private server?

Which candidate was vulnerable to being influenced through pay to play?

Which candidate was already funnelling money to Russia's "Silicon Valley" and allowed Russia to buy control of 20% of America's uranium industry?

Which candidate was also vulnerable due to revelations that they were in collusion with their party to rig the primaries and nomination process, not to mention collusion with the media and polling companies to manipulate the news?

Why wouldn't the Russians have gone all out to ensure Hillary Clinton was elected since she was the perfect puppet for Russian influence and victim for blackmail? If the reports of Russian influence are actually true, then President Putin must be raging through FSB headquarters every day and lots of Russian Cyberwar experts are managing network infrastructure somewhere in Siberia.

Fitst principles are wonderful things........
Thucydides said:
Actually, it is very easy to eliminate the Russians as suspects in any attempted hacking or influencing of the elections: their candidate lost.

Which candidate could have been easily manipulated/blackmailed through the knowledge of classified US documents and information held on an illegal private server?

Which candidate was vulnerable to being influenced through pay to play?

Which candidate was already funnelling money to Russia's "Silicon Valley" and allowed Russia to buy control of 20% of America's uranium industry?

Which candidate was also vulnerable due to revelations that they were in collusion with their party to rig the primaries and nomination process, not to mention collusion with the media and polling companies to manipulate the news?

Why wouldn't the Russians have gone all out to ensure Hillary Clinton was elected since she was the perfect puppet for Russian influence and victim for blackmail? If the reports of Russian influence are actually true, then President Putin must be raging through FSB headquarters every day and lots of Russian Cyberwar experts are managing network infrastructure somewhere in Siberia.

Fitst principles are wonderful things........

May be the goods they have on Trump are even more damaging??
More like who has what on Obama. The Chinese hacked government servers and got info on 4m civilian and military personnel.No diplomats were kicked out of the country.In fact nothing happened.  ::)

My odd-ball theory?  Mr Obama, after weeks of assuring the US people that no, you cannot "hack" an election and that if you cannot accept the results, it's a danger to democracy, after his heir apparent lost the election, changed track 180 degrees in order to not just have people lose confidence in Mr Trump, but to declare that election void and null in order to cancel the inauguration and issue some executive order declaring himself president for life.


Edit to add:

Oh, and chemtrails.  Obviously.

Apparently it's Trumps fault 4 Black Americans kidnapped, confined, degraded and tortured a mentally handicapped white guy which they posted on facebook.

Symone Sanders from CNN really nailed it.

It also doesn't look like Chicago police will not be investigating it as a hate crime despite the attackers screaming '**ck white people'.  According to the Chicago chief of police it's just some kids making a dumb mistake.  I mean who hasn't made an autistic kid drink water from a toilet right?


Jarnhamar said:
Apparently it's Trumps fault 4 Black Americans kidnapped, confined, degraded and tortured a mentally handicapped white guy which they posted on facebook.

Symone Sanders from CNN really nailed it.

It also doesn't look like Chicago police will not be investigating it as a hate crime despite the attackers screaming '**ck white people'.  According to the Chicago chief of police it's just some kids making a dumb mistake.  I mean who hasn't made an autistic kid drink water from a toilet right?


The ACLU needs to jump on this for the sake of the victim. Equality under the law, equality before the law.
It was announced on the news tonight that they are being charged with a hate crime along with all the other charges that will be brought forward.
And the latest winners of the Darwin Awards, in the Group Category, are:

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6 Dead After Truck Collides With Anti-Trump Protesters On Freeway
The Seattle Trubune
By Lucas Bagwell -  January 4, 2017

A 32-year old man driving a Waldrum Brother’s delivery truck is responsible for the death of 6 Anti-Trump protesters that were blocking traffic while chanting “Dump Trump” in the middle of a Seattle freeway.

The accident occurred near an I-15 off-ramp today around 5:15 PM. According to witnesses, a crowd of approximately 16 individuals pulled their vehicles to the side of the freeway and created a barricade by linking their arms together.

The protester’s actions immediately hindered the flow of traffic and motorists became upset at what many of them viewed as an unwanted obstacle preventing them from getting home after a long day at work. A few of the protesters were seen holding signs that read – “Not My President” or “Love Trumps Hate” and all protesters were chanting – “Dump Trump”.

After dealing with angry motorist for about 5-minutes, the group of protesters moved aside to allow the backed-up vehicles to resume their commute. Once a steady-flow of traffic resumed, the group of protesters once again linked arms to create a barricade for a second time.

It was at this time when Richard L. Porter, a 32-year-old Seattle resident employed by Waldrum Brother’s (a local appliance store) as a delivery driver quickly approached the chain of Anti-Trump protesters. According to Porter, he was driving with the current flow of traffic (around 80-MPH) when the obstruction created by the protesters seemed to appear out of nowhere.

By the time the protesters were visible to Porter – he didn’t have enough time to fully stop and though he did slam on his breaks and attempted to swerve, he ultimately ran into the group of protesters with the side of his delivery truck.

Porter was estimated to have been traveling at a speed of approximately 45-MPH when he collided with the group of Anti-Trump protesters. Several of the protesters were able to get out of the delivery truck’s path, however, 6 protesters were not able to move quickly enough and were ultimately struck and run over by the vehicle.

According to police reports, four of the fatally wounded protesters were killed upon impact and the other two protesters passed-away at a nearby hospital within hours.

Porter claims that the incident was a devastating accident and that he did everything possible to avoid hitting the protesters, however, many of the surviving protesters see things differently. The remaining group of protesters have told reporters that they believe Porter intentionally ran over them with his vehicle because he disagreed with their political beliefs.

Porter has adamantly denied the allegation that he intentionally collided with the protesters because of a difference in political views and told an NBC affiliate reporter that he’s a democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton.

According to statements from the police -they’re currently investigating the incident as a potential homicide and at the advice of his attorney, Porter has declined to make any further comments to the media.

More on LINK.