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US Election: 2016

Anyone suspect the Obama Regime of sabotaging Donald Trump and setting his Presidency up for failure after Secretary of State John Kerry alienated Israel, followed by Obama's accusation of the Russians committing cyber attacks on Democratic Party sites and then expelling thirty some Russian Diplomats?
George Wallace said:
Anyone suspect the Obama Regime of sabotaging Donald Trump and setting his Presidency up for failure after Secretary of State John Kerry alienated Israel, followed by Obama's accusation of the Russians committing cyber attacks on Democratic Party sites and then expelling thirty some Russian Diplomats?

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The Russian accusation is a distraction and meant to delegitimize Trump's win as much as possible.  Obama's administration didn't give the Russians much attention during the election when they were certain of a Hillary win.

The Israel situation is disgusting.  This close to a handover there should not be any major policy decisions without concurrance with the incoming administration. 

Yes I think arrogant Obama is causing some lasting pain on his way out knowing he won't have to deal with it.  It is petty and pathetic and will further damage his "legacy". 

RocketRichard - Trump over Trudeau any day of the week my friend.


Frank Luntz: Obama Doing An ‘FU Tour’ In Final Days In Office

or watch the interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_L_yZJrOio
QV said:
....  This close to a handover there should not be any major policy decisions without concurrance with the incoming administration. ...

On the other hand this gives the Trump administration a pretty good negotiation position to start from.

Israel has always taken US support for granted and has often taken positions (settlements for one) which have been counterproductive to the peace process.

Palestinians have been the biggest problem to peace and this latest move might embolden them but one shouldn't forget that almost the entire world rejects and condemns Israel's settlement policies while clearly understanding and supporting Israel's right to exist (yeah, yeah, I know there's a bunch of Middle Eastern Countries that have a different view on this last point)

With Obama's move, Trump now has a bargaining chip on the table that he didn't have before.

QV said:
The Russian accusation is a distraction and meant to delegitimize Trump's win as much as possible.  Obama's administration didn't give the Russians much attention during the election when they were certain of a Hillary win.

The Israel situation is disgusting.  This close to a handover there should not be any major policy decisions without concurrance with the incoming administration. 

Yes I think arrogant Obama is causing some lasting pain on his way out knowing he won't have to deal with it.  It is petty and pathetic and will further damage his "legacy". 

RocketRichard - Trump over Trudeau any day of the week my friend.

Obama certainly didn't react this way when it was revealed the Russians had hacked the White House in 2014, nor were there any public announcements after it was revealed the Chinese had hacked the database with the personal information of millions of Americans with access to classified information. If fact, he was rather quiet during the actual election campaign when Wikileaks was revealing the inner workings of the DNC and their manipulation of the Democrat primaries, collusion with the media and polling companies and even cheating on the Presidential debates, not to mention the data dumps on the Clinton foundation and the Podesta emails.

There is no principle behind the man, it is entirely situational based on presumed public perception of him and his actions, and how the media accommodated these actions to fit the "Narrative".

WRT Israel, the Palestinians and the Iranians are actually internally weak and divided at this point in time, and I suspect that the new Administration could be planning some diplomatic, economic and perhaps even cyber or SoF actions to shatter their internal cohesion and provide long term breathing space to look at how US policy will evolve in the Middle East.
Tom Hanks:
Quite frankly, going from "it'll be a dark day for the planet" if Trump is elected to "Lets see if he transcends the republican/Democrat thing enough to earn my vote in four years time" is a lot tamer than some of the swings in "accusation" to "your the best" we have seen in some Republican contenders that were defeated by trump in the leadership race ... and then came begging for jobs on their knees.  :nod:
So far no evidence of Russian hacking has been presented. Maybe Trump can get to the bottom of it. My guess its a classic Obama misdirection play. To cover for their failure in Benghazi they invented the story that a mob attacked the embassy caused by a you tube video. In Libya protestors must bring their own heavy weapons along. To explain the election and to diminish Trump they invented the Russian hacking myth.If they had used the Chinese it might be more believable. Before the election Obama said it wasnt possible to hack the system.But DHS WAS caught trying to hack several state election servers.
tomahawk6 said:
So far no evidence of Russian hacking has been presented.
This includes your assessment of the report attached earlier in the thread?  What's your take on that?
Any guesses on if or who Obama will pardon as he goes out? 

No dates/times of intrusions from ip's originating from Russia nor target servers ? This document is garbage. The heading said it all to me before I began to read the so called report.

DISCLAIMER: This report is provided “as is” for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within. DHS
does not endorse any commercial product or service referenced in this advisory or otherwise. This document is
distributed as TLP:WHITE: Subject to standard copyright rules, TLP:WHITE information may be distributed
without restriction. For more information on the Traffic Light Protocol, see https://www.us-cert.gov/tlp.

Obama under pressure to provide proof of hacking.Unless they fabricate evidence this is al they have.


he Obama administration is under intense pressure to release evidence confirming Russian interference in the presidential election before leaving office.

The administration up until now has provided little documentation to back up its official October assessment that the Russian government was attempting to interfere in the U.S. election.

Nor has it corroborated subsequent leaks from anonymous officials contending that the CIA believes the campaign was an attempt by Russian President Vladimir Putin to ensure Donald Trump’s victory.

President Obama has ordered the intelligence community to produce a complete review of its findings before Trump takes office on Jan. 20. The White House has said it will make as much of the report public as it can.
tomahawk6 said:
So far no evidence of Russian hacking has been presented. Maybe Trump can get to the bottom of it. My guess its a classic Obama misdirection play. To cover for their failure in Benghazi they invented the story that a mob attacked the embassy caused by a you tube video. In Libya protestors must bring their own heavy weapons along. To explain the election and to diminish Trump they invented the Russian hacking myth.If they had used the Chinese it might be more believable. Before the election Obama said it wasnt possible to hack the system.But DHS WAS caught trying to hack several state election servers.

Here is a link to a report from ThreatConnect who make the following statement:

"Now, after further investigation, we can confirm that Guccifer 2.0 is using the Russia-based Elite VPN service to communicate and leak documents directly with the media. We reached this conclusion by analyzing the infrastructure associated with an email exchange with Guccifer 2.0 shared with ThreatConnect by Vocativ’s Senior Privacy and Security reporter Kevin Collier. This discovery strengthens our ongoing assessment that Guccifer 2.0 is a Russian propaganda effort and not an independent actor."
According to Assange the DNC was the victim of some disaffected staff and not a hack. From released info by wikileaks the democrats were not united behind Hillary.The DNC treatment of Bernie Sanders was a strong motivator to derail Clinton.One thing the democrats have proven to be true is that tell a lie long enough and people will believe it. :-[
