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US Election: 2016

You can google all these stories, and in each case, the media initially trumpeted these as "hate crimes" by white supremacists. After police investigation, the people in the pictures were charged with the crimes (or in the woman's case, making a false complaint). One commonality is the alleged "white supremacists" are not very white at all.....
Journeyman said:
Really?  That's  the only heartache you have with their behaviour?      ;D

Well, no. The burning of the church part bothers me. I was just kind of marvelling at his criminal "genius"... ;)
And this  is how the election would have played out had it been based on favourite fast-food joints, by state.


I just figured I'd keep with much of the previous 'relevance'  :nod:

.....knowing that 20 January will arrive -- accompanied by Armageddon or Rapture?  Probably not so much.  :boring:
Journeyman said:
I just figured I'd keep with much of the previous 'relevance'  :nod:

Although the Popular vote is not 'relevant', legally, I found this BBC News story of interest,

New York: The city where Donald Trump hates being hated

"In Manhattan, his long-time home, nine out of 10 voters supported Hillary Clinton."

New York City - the largest city in America - has been home to the family since 1905.



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Take your pick from the links below. The Big O is my fav, and to paraphrase the lyrics, marionmike, just for you:

"It's Over"

Your citizen's don't love you anymore
Golden days before they end
Whisper secrets to the wind
Your Democrats' won't be near you any more

Tender nights before they fly
Send falling stars that seem to cry
Your citizen's don't want you anymore
It's over

It breaks your heart in two, To know Hillarys been untrue
But oh what will you do? Then she said to you
There's someone new We're through We're through
It's over It's over It's over

All the rainbows in the sky
Start to weep, then say goodbye
You won't be seeing rainbows any more
Setting suns before they fall, Echo to you that's all that's all
But you'll see lonely sunset after all

It's over It's over It's over It's over

Now if we only could sing this about our PM.






Rifleman62 said:
"It's Over"

It's over It's over It's over It's over

Do you really believe "It's Over"  It's over It's over It's over It's over

I can do that thing with the fonts too.  :)

Rifleman62 said:
Now if we only could sing this about our PM.

He won. Why not try to get over it?  :)

Rifleman62 said:
The Big O is my fav, and to paraphrase the lyrics, marionmike, just for you:

Do me a favour, Rifleman62. Don't do me any favours. 
Quote from: Rifleman62 on Today at 14:57:26

    Now if we only could sing this about our PM.

He won. Why not try to get over it?  :)

I have thus do not compulsively, repetitively post the same theme.

If I be so bold, open your big heart and forgive Hillary, the DNC and the millions and millions of voters who don't have your point of view.
Rifleman62 said:
I have thus do not compulsively, repetitively post the same theme.

There's 23 posts from other people ahead of mine!

I think we get it, Rifleman62. You compulsively, repetitively post your feelings about the Prime Minister. Including in the US Election thread(s).

Don't like him? Don't vote for him!

Rifleman62 said:
If I be so bold, open your big heart and forgive Hillary, the DNC and the millions and millions of voters who don't have your point of view.

Three million more Americans voted for her than him.

This one graphic displays the utter ignorance of those who favored the losing candidate:

So, if you knew anything about the electoral college, you would know that they are based on two things:
1.  The number of representatives in the House; and
2.  The two senators in each state.

So, in Wyoming, they have 3 votes.  This means they have 2 senators (like every other state) and 1 representative.  In California, they have 55 votes, so that means they have 2 senators and 53 representatives. 

Since each state is to be considered equal and since each state votes for President, the college isn't going away.  If it goes away, then future candidates focus on the large urban centers and nowhere else.  I mean, why campaign in Wyoming? 
Also consider this: in 2000, the focus was on Florida, but the race was won in tiny West Virginia.  Long considered a Democratic bastion, Mr Bush Jr campaigned there and got those five votes.  If Mr Gore won West Virginia, then Florida would have been irrelevant.

So, back to California.  First, you have to ignore two votes (each state gets them) and go with the votes that represent the people.  Wyoming:  584, 153 to get one vote.  California: 716, 981 to get one vote.  Still a difference over over 132,000, but in a federation where states are equal, you're not going to change that without giving California more districts. But I suppose they could go to 66 districts and call it even.


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mariomike said:
Three million more Americans people voted for her than him.

Whether or not they were all Americans remains to be seen, but as pointed out, that number is irrelevant. 
Technoviking said:
Whether or not they were all Americans remains to be seen, but as pointed out, that number is irrelevant.

I get that. The Popular vote is not relevant, legally.

I was replying to this,

Rifleman62 said:
If I be so bold, open your big heart and forgive Hillary, the DNC and the millions and millions of voters who don't have your point of view.

[quote author=mariomike]
I get that. The Popular vote is not relevant, legally.


It's plain to see you're still hurting. Grab some whiskey and come over to my house, you can touch my guns. We'll go on Tumblr and troll the people who are "diagnosed with PTSD" over Trump winning.

Jarnhamar said:
It's plain to see you're still hurting. Grab some whiskey and come over to my house, you can touch my guns. We'll go on Tumblr and troll the people who are "diagnosed with PTSD" over Trump winning.

I'm certainly thankful to live in Canada.

I expect there will be more fun and games on the streets of America in the New Year. Lots of police overtime clearing traffic.

Hopefully, Democrats and Republicans will stay inside and take it out on each other with their keyboards and there will be no violence in the streets.
Nothing new about riots. But, over a president-elect? That is a first, I believe, in my lifetime.

I figured whichever way their election went there would be action in the streets when he said this,

One can only imagine if he had won by 3 million votes, but lost the election.  :)

I recall when I said Trump would win popular vote by a landslide some folks on here stated all that mattered was the electoral college and Hillary had it locked up.  I guess we were all wrong.  😁 

But I still feel like I won.  And so did 'merica!

My second favourite pastime is watching all the anti Trump replays on YouTube right behind any Nigel Farage in the EU parliament videos.  The elite couldn't be more out of touch. 

I equate this US election to the last Alberta election.  People just had to go.  I don't think history will be very kind to Obama, in fact he will probably be remembered as one of the worst. 

mariomike said:
Not hurting. But, certainly thankful to live in Canada.

Don't try and get out of bringing me whiskey!  ;)

I'm a bit jealous Americans got Trump and we got Trudeau. But speaking of thankful I'm sure American soldiers are thankful Trump got elected and not Clinton. She's a warmonger and would probably drone US soldiers just to cover up for her mistakes. Foreign countries have their hands so far in the Clinton Foundations pants even Trump wouldn't make a joke about it.

As far as what would happen if Trump won, if this election has shown us anything it's how utterly intolerant the far left is when someone disagrees with them. They're nuts.  Trump saved the US from all the snowflake social justice psychos. 


Obama Says He Would Have Defeated Trump for a Third Term
For change from the Party-centric finger-pointing er, name calling er, "discussion," to a bigger-picture perspective, folks may wish to have a look at an opinion piece by Marwan Bishara (Al Jazeera's senior political analyst):
"What went wrong?  A withering West: How the West is wobbling under the pressures of its neoliberal and geopolitical overreach."

'Capt Obvious' warning: The combination of "Al Jazeera," "political analyst," and "opinion" should suggest a degree of bias. 
Some possibility  of learning exists nonetheless.  ;)