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U.S. Politics 2018

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Altair said:
People can be interested all they want,  but it is honestly none of our business.

the sex isn't of interest. The paying off of someone should be as it's a pretty good character indication.
[quote author=kkwd]  Soon all that will be left of Obama is a picture in the portrait gallery.
And the estimated $500 million Obama center  ;)

[quote author=Bird_Gunner45]
The paying off of someone should be as it's a pretty good character indication.

So the same SOP as Hollywood, church, and many facets of the US government.

When in Rome they say.
kkwd said:
Trump is brilliant.

I heard one of the base explain it this way... He is playing some sort of three-dimensional chess. That the rest of the world is playing tiddly-winks. That only the base is intelligent enough to understand him.

kkwd said:
Soon all that will be left of Obama is a picture in the portrait gallery.

And, hopefully, the base will be finally cured of eight years of Obama Derangement Syndrome ( ODS ).

Like I said, good luck on the mid-terms!

Bird_Gunner45 said:
the sex isn't of interest. The paying off of someone should be as it's a pretty good character indication.

If the sex isn't of interest, why would someone have to be paid off?


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Bird_Gunner45 said:
the sex isn't of interest. The paying off of someone should be as it's a pretty good character indication.
im sure trump voters voted for him for his "character".

They vote for the guy who said grab them right in the ***** but won't vote for him for paying off a porn star?  Ya... I hate trump,  but I don't buy that one bit.
Altair said:
im sure trump voters voted for him for his "character".

They vote for the guy who said grab them right in the pussy but won't vote for him for paying off a porn star? 

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."

mariomike said:
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters."
pretty much.

And if it isn't going to move the needle, in this case its better to take the high road.

Its not like the man hasn't given people enough reason to hate him already andnits not like he won't give us more reasons next week and the week after that.
Altair said:
pretty much.

And if it isn't going to move the needle, in this case its better to take the high road.

Its not like the man hasn't given people enough reason to hate him already andnits not like he won't give us more reasons next week and the week after that.

"The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."
Former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards (D)

January 18, 2018

Obama Gets More Credit Than Trump for the Improved Economy

Tempest in a teapot. 

Those who hate Trump will continue to do so.  Whereas his "base" are probably unaware of any crisis because their level of literacy precludes them from reading actual news -- hence, relying on Fox and Friends  for what passes as informed viewing;  (the more curious, seeing photos of the porn actress, are probably just baffled as hell at seeing a woman with a complete set of teeth).

Time to move on to something US politics does with an actual knock-on effect that should  matter to Canadians.
Journeyman said:
Time to move on to something US politics does with an actual knock-on effect that should  matter to Canadians.

I don't deny that Trump found more suckers after he mined New York for all it was worth. But I would argue that folks like the Clintons, Obamas and Trudeaus have been mining the urban suckers for years as well. If the city mice are so god damn smart why do we still have the levels of poverty, homelessness, gang violence and drug abuse that is rife in pockets of urban NA? Trudeau's handlers played the liberal left of this country like a violin and they are now finding out that he is nothing but an empty suit with a perpetual stunned look on his face.

mariomike said:
Canada's Murder Capital List
"Winnipeg has been the "Murder Capital" of Canada 20 times since homicide rates have been available in 1981, far exceeding any other city."

Violent Crime

Crime statistics by province and territory
"Of the provinces, Manitoba and Saskatchewan have the highest violent crime rates. The chart below also shows that Saskatchewan has the highest assault rate, and that Manitoba has the highest sexual assault rate, robbery rate and homicide rate of any Canadian province."

Those are urban centres if you haven't noticed. Where Liberal cabinet ministers Ralph Goodale (Regina-Wascana) and James Carr (Winnipeg South Centre) were voted in.
Who is Warning/Watched all these posters?

Isn't about time we move on from rewarding points in the Politics threads? The same people continually award points to each other.

What does Toronto have to do with U.S. Politics?
A commentator in "The Australian" points out that much of the anti-Trump hysteria is really virtue signalling gone wild, and a dispassionate look at the events of the first year of the Trump presidency shows it has achieved both the voter's aim at shaking up the political establishment, and actually achieving some of the gains they were hoping for (economic growth and the tax cuts):


"Lengthy posts and fully quoted articles are posted here. Link to these large posts in the regular boards."

[quote author=mariomike]

A go back to quoting entire posts without adding a word of original thought,

You will have to explain your point and examples to me. It is too sutle for the old guy.
Quote from: Rifleman62 on Today at 11:20:56
Isn't about time we move on from rewarding points in the Politics threads?

A go back to quoting entire posts without adding a word of original thought, other than one of these?



mariomike said:
"Crime statistics vary considerably through different parts of Canada. In general, the eastern provinces have the lowest violent crime rates while the western provinces have higher rates and the territories higher still. Of the provinces, Manitoba and Saskatchewan have the highest violent crime rates. The chart below also shows that Saskatchewan has the highest assault rate, and that Manitoba has the highest sexual assault rate, robbery rate and homicide rate of any Canadian province.
2012 crime statistics for the provinces and territories are given below, as reported by Statistics Canada."

Crime statistics by province and territory

A go back to quoting entire posts without adding a word of original thought, other than one of these?




Mike, you have me scratching my head here. 

FTSO, if l follow his train of thought correctly, was making the point that "if cities (urban centres) had it all figured out, then why did they still have issues" 

Whereas, your rebuttal, if I understand you correctly was to point towards Western Canadian cities, like Winnipeg and Regina vs Eastern Canadian cities like Toronto and Montreal.

Now, I'm just a simple sailor and there are those whom would emphasize the "simple", but they're all cities.  To steal from PMJT a little, a city, is a city, is a city, is it not?  I'm with FTSO on that one.

Or, are we just confused here on your counter point?

I will add that this past week in Ottawa has had more in common with Chicago with all the kiss kiss bang bang shit going on.  I mean really, this shit keeps up we're going to have to rename this place.
Got your condescending reply. After over 10 years as a subscriber/donor, I know how points work.

"A go back to ..." means: Going back to....????  And,

I don't catch what the examples specifically meant.Just don't get it and I do want to understand.


Mike, l wasn't adding your reply to Rifleman in my head scratching, just your reply to FTSO.

I'm still of opinion you're perhaps talking cross purposes here.  FTSO is talking cities and you're talking Provinces.  My post still stands as stated.

I'm in agreement, Winnipeg is in trouble. 

Which would support FTSO's comment that cities haven't figured it out yet, how to successfully  deal with all those problems.  We're all in agreement it seems.  :nod:
Does Canada track crime rate by race (too) like the states or do we stay away from that can of worms?
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