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U.S. Politics 2018

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ModlrMike said:
Clinton/Lewinsky was an employer-employee power dynamic, while the alleged Trump affair is a social power dynamic. It's a real stretch to consider them equivalent.

They're both power dynamics so I would argue that the employee/employer or social dynamic is irrelevant. Regardless, in neither case is there any real evidence that the power dynamic is what caused the relationship aside from the assertion that Monica Lewinsky/Stormy Daniels only slept with their respective suitor due to the power dynamic rather than a mutual attraction. Both were consensual extra-marital relationships. Clinton lied about it to hide his infidelities. Trump paid off Daniels to not look bad during an election.
SeaKingTacco said:
Seemed to work for JFK....

As long as we are comparing President Kennedy....

Jan. 16, 2018

Associated Press

"Trump ends 1st year with lowest average approval rating"


First Year Presidential Approval

John F. Kennedy 76%

Donald Trump 39%

Thucydides said:
Second event is the government shutdown. This could be interesting because it was fairly clear from the beginning the Democrats were not going to negotiate in good faith (since the "asks" from the President included the Wall, immigration and security reforms). What American media and the chattering classes still don't seem to get is President Trump has dealt with bad faith negotiations for decades when in the real estate business. It will be interesting to see what the President's negotiation fail and BATNA plans are as they get rolled out (no doubt to outrage and disbelief that the President is going to do something using his executive powers).

So, the Democrats did exactly what the Republicans did when Obama was president? To imply that one side or the other is inherently different in what is essentially acting as an obstruction to the president or other party is not rooted in any fact or critical analysis.
'But Thuc. does have a point when he says "Trump has dealt with bad faith negotiations for decades when in the real estate business".

He does because, as demonstrated time and again in various courts and from his multiple corporate bankruptcies, in all those, he was the one negotiating in bad faith.  ;D
mariomike said:
As long as we are comparing President Kennedy....

Jan. 16, 2018

Associated Press

"Trump ends 1st year with lowest average approval rating"


First Year Presidential Approval

John F. Kennedy 76%

Donald Trump 39%

Kennedy didn't have to deal with as many snowflakes looking for shit to be offended by.  Or you know,  a generation that's eating laundry detergent for fun.
Definitely has nothing to do with being an embarrassing fool on twitter who constantly makes crap up or contradicts himself  :dunno:  Lets of course blame it on the millennials.  The only snowflake here is Trump himself who embodies poor leadership,  a hair trigger temper and has no ability to take criticism or admit wrong.
Bird_Gunner45 said:
They're both power dynamics so I would argue that the employee/employer or social dynamic is irrelevant.

Well, except one is a criminal charge and one is an affair.......
Yup he's a loud mouth boor who says stupid stuff.

And apple is bringing back the vast majority of the $252 billion in cash that it held abroad while paying a $38 billion dollar one time tax. Also expecting to create 20'000 new jobs and invest $350 billion into the economy. 

Thats going to trigger people who are no doubt upset the unemployment rate will drop even further than its already 17 year low.

Lots of character flaws with the man but Americans (and Canadians) are obsessed with hating him.

Jarnhamar said:
Lots of character flaws with the man but Americans (and Canadians) are obsessed with hating him.

Journeyman said:
That's pretty rich, being posted in a Trump bukkake-fest.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Bird_Gunner45 said:
They're both power dynamics so I would argue that the employee/employer or social dynamic is irrelevant. Regardless, in neither case is there any real evidence that the power dynamic is what caused the relationship aside from the assertion that Monica Lewinsky/Stormy Daniels only slept with their respective suitor due to the power dynamic rather than a mutual attraction. Both were consensual extra-marital relationships. Clinton lied about it to hide his infidelities. Trump paid off Daniels to not look bad during an election.
i don't like trump. Can't wait for him to be gone,  one way or another.

That said,  what a man does in his personal time consensually with another man or woman is their own business.

Power dynamic or not,  there is nothing that concerns us about rich and famous people having sex with less rich and famous people. That is between him,  the other woman,  his wife and his kids.

Clinton, same thing. Only difference here is don't do that stuff with someone who works for you,  but other than that,  seriously,  it concerns nobody.

the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation,  on the flip side,  the people have no business in the bedrooms of those in power.
Altair said:
the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation,  on the flip side,  the people have no business in the bedrooms of those in power.

President Trueman used to say, "If a man will lie to his wife, he will lie to me. If he'll break his oath of marriage, he'll break his oath of office."

This is US federal ( not state or local ) only,

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States

2017 United States political sexual scandals

Not to agree or disagree. But, voters may be interested.



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mariomike said:
President Trueman used to say, "If a man will lie to his wife, he will lie to me. If he'll break his oath of marriage, he'll break his oath of office."

This is US federal ( not state or local ) only,

List of federal political sex scandals in the United States

2017 United States political sexual scandals

Not to agree or disagree. But, voters may be interested.
People can be interested all they want,  but it is honestly none of our business.
Altair said:
People can be interested all they want,  but it is honestly none of our business.

Not until election day.  :)

Political selection

"Politicians are often thoroughly vetted. For example, in the United States, a party's presidential nominee must choose a vice presidential candidate to accompany them on the ticket. Prospective vice presidential candidates must undergo thorough evaluation by a team of advisers acting on behalf of the nominee. In later stages of the vetting process, the team will examine such items as a prospective vice presidential candidate's finances, personal conduct, and previous coverage in the media. The hurried vetting that preceded the selection by Republican nominee John McCain of his running mate Sarah Palin in 2008 was seen by many political observers as a mistake."
Altair said:
That said,  what a man does in his personal time consensually with another man or woman is their own business.

Power dynamic or not,  there is nothing that concerns us about rich and famous people having sex with less rich and famous people. That is between him,  the other woman,  his wife and his kids.

Clinton, same thing. Only difference here is don't do that stuff with someone who works for you,  but other than that,  seriously,  it concerns nobody.

the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation,  on the flip side,  the people have no business in the bedrooms of those in power.

mariomike said:
Not until election day.  :)

Political selection

"Politicians are often thoroughly vetted. For example, in the United States, a party's presidential nominee must choose a vice presidential candidate to accompany them on the ticket. Prospective vice presidential candidates must undergo thorough evaluation by a team of advisers acting on behalf of the nominee. In later stages of the vetting process, the team will examine such items as a prospective vice presidential candidate's finances, personal conduct, and previous coverage in the media. The hurried vetting that preceded the selection by Republican nominee John McCain of his running mate Sarah Palin in 2008 was seen by many political observers as a mistake."

The difference is the presidential candidate is selected by direct vote of the citizens of each state by way of primaries. There is the vetting of the candidate, the people decided who they want. Then they decide if they want that person for president. And they did, they chose Trump.
kkwd said:
And they did, they chose Trump.

Yes, they did. Congratulations. Nearly three million more chose his opponent.  :)

Good luck in the mid-terms.

mariomike said:
Yes, they did. Congratulations. Nearly three million more chose his opponent.  :)

Good luck in the mid-terms.

You are absolutely correct but those votes were in the wrong states. As for the mid terms what do the Democrats have to offer - "We are not Trump" What else - "We have ________ to offer the country"
mariomike said:
Yes, they did. Congratulations. Nearly three million more chose his opponent.  :)

Good luck in the mid-terms.

It's lucky for the economy their votes didn't change anything.
Trump is brilliant. He gave everybody a look at his cunning plan at the immigration meeting last week. He said he was willing to take the heat. He has been doing just that. While the main stream media are occupied with piddling matters like this porn star deal Obama's legacy is being dismantled. Soon all that will be left of Obama is a picture in the portrait gallery.
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