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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

I haven't had the courage of reading the 26 pages of replies to this topic, but I am just taking this chance to mention that :

You cannot legally hunt baby seals anymore (I think it is since 87, but don't quote me on this). Only adults are targeted.

The population of seals in the St-Laurent and Groenland area has augmented every year since this date, and is nearing overpopulation.

And finally, why seals? Because they are cute. Why not go concentrate on moose hunting ? Or bear hunting ? I would be curious to see Ms. Bardeaux trying to crawl up to a baby bear to pet it. Not even talking about industrial farms where chickens are feeded via tubes... At least seals live happily before getting killed by a man instead of another of their natural predators...

You could kind of say that PETA is calling in the "bigguns"...I mean, "big guns" on this one. :blotto:
Bzzliteyr said:
You know what?? If it hasn't been said yet.. I have to say it... (can't look thru 25 pages, sorry!):

This topic is Phoque'd!!!


brian j said:
So far I've read about ten pages of this topic and i have not seen anyone mention the fact that the seals are overpopulated and are actually eating themselves to death.

Douke said:
I haven't had the courage of reading the 26 pages of replies to this topic, but I am just taking this chance to mention that :

When did it become a point of pride to admit you did not have the drive or motivation to educate yourself on a thread before you lobbed out your opinion?  Other than Bzzliteyr's ultra intellectual post, yes, the other two points have already been covered. 

As for the recent celebrity clowns, maybe someone should steer Mrs. McCartney towards Pammy and they can have it out.  (read in your own inference). 
No matter what Pammy says it will always make print, because when you quote her it is an excuse to put her picture (read: tubes) with the article.  I'm not saying that like a complaint, just suggesting look at the picture and ignore the article.
zipperhead_cop said:
When did it become a point of pride to admit you did not have the drive or motivation to educate yourself on a thread before you lobbed out your opinion?  Other than Bzzliteyr's ultra intellectual post, yes, the other two points have already been covered. 

As for the recent celebrity clowns, maybe someone should steer Mrs. McCartney towards Pammy and they can have it out.  (read in your own inference). 
No matter what Pammy says it will always make print, because when you quote her it is an excuse to put her picture (read: tubes) with the article.  I'm not saying that like a complaint, just suggesting look at the picture and ignore the article.

I agree with zipperhead_cop 120%. If you don't have the gumption to actually read this thread and THEN make an educated comment, then don't even bother. These forums are here, acting almost like a library, they contain a wealth of knowledge. Best to get a little informed first before making comments like that.

As for Pam... I don't really care. She shows her lack of self respect by transforming into a barbie doll, then getting half of it taken out again. She has no place to argue against it, because she knows nothing other than the picture with Paul and Heather and the whitecoat on the ice... which probably took 2 hours to get the right take.

The media has nothing else to pick at right now, so well... this seems like a great topic. To them anyway... however it will die down, because we will NOT give up the hunt. I'd wage that if the Canadian gov cancelled the hunt, that sealers would still take to the ice. Some anyway. It's not like the population is declining, like the Cod... I viewed some vids off Limewire about slaughter houses, much more graphic than the sealhunt, I can assure you!

Politics played no part in seal-oil removal: Costco
Last Updated Sun, 02 Apr 2006 08:05:03 EDT
CBC News.
Costco – which has come in for criticism from scores of customers and Premier Danny Williams himself – said in a statement issued late Friday that it removed seal oil capsules for business and not political reasons.

Williams takes aim at Costco over seal oil fuss
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which is headed by veteran anti-hunt activist Paul Watson, said it had lobbied the company for the removal of the "vile" product.
But Costco's statement said otherwise.
The company insisted it "has no affiliation to, nor is it a supporter of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society or the methods it employs in promoting its causes."
The decision, it said, was made on a business case.

"Each item must stand on its own commercial merits," it said.
Seal oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked with protecting against heart disease and other ailments.

Costco was at the centre of a consumer storm Friday, with open-line radio programs flooded with calls advocating a boycott of the big-box retailer.
Williams issued a statement saying he was astonished that Costco made such a decision without discussing it with government or industry officials.

Costco said it looked forward to discussing the issue with the Newfoundland and Labrador government.
HDE said:
    Don't know if anyone has raised this yet but the "HUmane Society of the United States" has absolutely nothing to do with yourlocal, or any, animal shelter.  It is a very large, very wealthy organization with a very hardcore "animal rights" agenda.  Do a google for "Humane Society of the United States" for more.  Apparently they get enormous mileage out of piggybacking on the belief that they're the in the same business as the local "Humane Society" shelter :tsktsk:

Also notable, it's *not* the American Humane Society... which isn't made of loonies...
WRT baby seals; the age that these activists consider a baby seal just keeps getting older and older each year. What relay pisses me off if all these celebrities that think that we hunt "White Cotes". The funny part of this "Boycott" is that around half of the listed compines know nothing about it.

Just My $0.02
Bruce Monkhouse said:

Politics played no part in seal-oil removal: Costco
Last Updated Sun, 02 Apr 2006 08:05:03 EDT
CBC News.
Costco – which has come in for criticism from scores of customers and Premier Danny Williams himself – said in a statement issued late Friday that it removed seal oil capsules for business and not political reasons.

Williams takes aim at Costco over seal oil fuss
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, which is headed by veteran anti-hunt activist Paul Watson, said it had lobbied the company for the removal of the "vile" product.
But Costco's statement said otherwise.
The company insisted it "has no affiliation to, nor is it a supporter of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society or the methods it employs in promoting its causes."
The decision, it said, was made on a business case.

"Each item must stand on its own commercial merits," it said.
Seal oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked with protecting against heart disease and other ailments.

Costco was at the centre of a consumer storm Friday, with open-line radio programs flooded with calls advocating a boycott of the big-box retailer.
Williams issued a statement saying he was astonished that Costco made such a decision without discussing it with government or industry officials.

Costco said it looked forward to discussing the issue with the Newfoundland and Labrador government.

Glad you brought this up Bruce,

Costco here in St. John's is losing customers RAPIDLY! I know of almost 30 right now who've cancelled their membership. 2 can play this game :)
U.S. cosmetics company offers to pay sealers to stay home
Last Updated Wed, 05 Apr 2006 13:01:34 EDT
CBC News
The federal government is taking a pass on an American businesswoman's offer to pay sealers not to kill any more harp seals.

Cathy Kangas, the founder and chief executive officer of Prai Beauty, has written to Prime Minister Stephen Harper with an offer to raise $16 million to replace the money sealers earn from the hunt.
"I do care about protecting the seals, and I don't think it's right," said Kangas, whose Connecticut-based makeup company financially supports the Humane Society of the United States, the animal welfare organization that recruited pop superstar Paul McCartney to oppose the hunt.
Kangas is also a member of the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

She said various groups opposed to the hunt could raise money to supplement sealers' incomes.
"I also think it's really not right for the fishermen. I believe that they're at the wrong end of this," she said. "[They're] being used as a pawn, and they're doing the dirty work. I think it's dehumanizing for them to have to go and do that."
Kangas said it's wrong to kill seals for their fur. In an interview with CBC, Kangas said she was not aware that seal meat is also eaten.

Steve Outhouse, communications director for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, said the federal government will not be taking Kangas up on her offer.
"We're not interested," Outhouse told the St. John's Telegram.
"This is another example of someone with lots of money trying to tell people how to live their lives."

Outhouse said while $16 million would replace some sealers' incomes, it is far less than the overall value of the industry.
DFO has set a harp seal quota of 325,000 animals for each of the next three years, in line with quotas of the preceding three years.
Federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn has said the hunt is partially needed to maintain a balance in the marine ecology between seals and fish.

The hunt off the Front, on the northeast coast of Newfoundland, opens next week. Sealers have already completed a smaller hunt in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Steve Outhouse?....wow I thought I had a name that was easy to make fun of. ;D
"This is another example of someone with lots of money trying to tell people how to live their lives."
Yeah, she should take a lesson from the federal government that Steve Outhouse works for and butt out of people's lives.
Federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn has said the hunt is partially needed to maintain a balance in the marine ecology between seals and fish.
Yup, human intervention to maintain the balance of nature. I bet nothing can possobly go wrong. Correction, possibly go wrong. That's the first thing that's ever gone wrong.
All the best
edit to fix Outhose to Outhouse. How does spell checker miss "Outhose"? What the heck is an "Outhose"?
Honestly, as redundant as this sounds, I really think that those animal organizations would really take a dump if everyone complied with their demands. How else would they make money? I'm sure these fulltime individuals who devote their lives to these 'causes' aren't all millionaires doing this for their love of animals.

Honestly, I think they like us killing the seals, how else would they fight, argue, and have a cause that would sustain their organization?

Makes me think...

Atlantic Canada
April 5, 2006 
Costco relists Omega-3 Seal Oil capsules saying removal misinterpreted
OTTAWA (CP) -- Costco Wholesale officials announced Wednesday that they would restock seal oil capsules at their store in St. John's, N.L., dismissing criticism that they had earlier caved to animal rights protesters.
Costco removed the capsules, which contain health promoting omega-3 fatty acids, from shelves in early March.

"Our earlier decision to remove the product was misinterpreted," Louise Wendling, Costco's senior vice-president, said in a statement.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society said on its website that the big-box retailer decided to remove the "despicable product" on March 1.
The environmental group went on to say that Costco was sending a message about the East Coast seal hunt by its decision.
Costco denied the decision to remove the product from store shelves was meant as a protest against the seal hunt.
"Costco does not and has never supported the Sea Shepard Conservation Society or its methods of getting its issues addressed," Wendling said following a meeting with provincial officials, including Fisheries Minister Tom Rideout.
"We had a productive meeting with Costco which provided us with some very useful information on the company and how they make their business decisions," said Rideout.
"We look forward to working co-operatively with them in the future on the sale of this and other Newfoundland and Labrador products."
Wendling said the decision to relist the product was made because of consumer demand.
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's announcement sparked outrage among consumers in St. John's, with some Costco members organizing a boycott or resignations from the big-box retailer's membership lists.
Even Premier Danny Williams joined the debate, telling consumers to think carefully about whether they should shop at Costco.
Wendling said she regretted the misunderstanding, adding that the seal oil capsules would be back on shelves again soon at the St. John's warehouse.
She said the company will continue to review the viability of the product just as it regularly does for the thousands of products sold in its locations across Canada. 

"Our earlier decision to remove the product was misinterpreted,"

Which really means we thought the people making all the noise were the majority.........oops.
I don't believe it for a minute. There's a hell of a lot more of them then there is of us. If they stop selling seal products, then all others who've boycotted them, would probably to business with Costco, as a way of thanking them, or just because, while the boycott switches sides to us, COstco would be making a hell of a lot more off other people on the mainland, than in our one little store on Stavanger Drive.

I don't even know why there is so much controversy on this anyway, seriously. Wayyy to much discussion on something so simple. We've poverty and starvation, welfare problems, employement problems, etc, that could be addressed and fought for. Instead, a bunch of turds who have no idea what they're talking about (Let me remind you of one certain Beatle who thought he was actually IN Newfoundland, when he was in PEI), waltz in here and think because of their celebrity status, that they can run the show. To be so pigheaded, pompous, and  abhorrent is just showing that they themselves think higher of themselves, than they do the working class of society.

The debate continues because it makes it look good for these 'organizations', but if Harper ordered an immediate halt to the seal hunt, then they wouldn't know what to do... what would they fight for? Who would pay the big execs' paycheques?

Prehaps that is what's needed, then they'd get a taste of what it means to actually work for a living.

Shoal Harbour is a little community outside CLarenville, for those who are wondering. My permanent residence is like 30 mins drive from it, and I know the area well. Figured I'd share this article.
I liked the Min of Fisheries' response to the offer of $15M to stop the seal hunt by that cosmetic company owner... can't remember the exact wording but he bluntly told her and all the other "celeb" do-gooders to pound salt!  >:D
Pound salt?..... interesting.... suggesting that they rub salt into their wounds :)
whatever turns you on I guess.............

Anti-seal activists under siege
Apr. 13, 2006. 11:35 AM

BLANC-SABLON, Que. — Angry supporters of Canada's East Coast seal hunt are making life miserable, and potentially dangerous, for animal rights activists trying to document the hunt off the coast of southern Labrador.

Residents in the Quebec town of Blanc-Sablon, near the Labrador border, have surrounded a small hotel where journalists and members of the Humane Society of the United States are staying.

Rebecca Aldworth, a society spokeswoman, reached inside the hotel Thursday, said the situation was very tense and she was worried about her own safety and the safety of those with her.

Earlier in the day, local residents apparently rammed a van carrying European journalists to the airport where they were scheduled to fly out on a helicopter to photograph the hunt, Aldworth said.

"Thankfully, no one was hurt," she said in an interview.

"They were able to get the van back on the road and returned to the hotel. We're now surrounded by an angry mob. The people outside are intent on preventing us from leaving and our helicopters from leaving."

Aldworth said two police officers are at the scene and she said she is hoping they will escort the journalists and activists to the airport.

"At that point, we will force our way through the crowd into the airport, lock the door and we'll figure out what we'll do then."

Aldworth said this is the second day her group has faced angry crowds determined to stop their activities.

On Wednesday, a group of Labradorians surrounded a helicopter leased by the animal rights group in the coastal town of Cartwright, Nfld., and prevented it from leaving.

"They sat on the floats of our helicopters," Aldworth said. ``We couldn't leave because if we started up the helicopter, the blades could have hurt somebody."

Police moved in and persuaded 50 local residents to allow the aircraft to leave.

Rosetta Holwell, the mayor of Cartwright, said she didn't accept the group's claim it was there to film a documentary about climate change.

The seal hunt in Newfoudland and Labrador opened Wednesday over a vast area north of the island known as the Front.

"They're doing this on the day the seal fishery is opened and they've come to Cartwright and, as everyone knows, there are a great many of our boats from the whole province that are situated a few miles from the Front engaging in the seal harvest," she said.

Federal Fisheries Department officials estimate 255 to 270 large boats were involved in the hunt, most of them working the ice floes off Cartwright in Labrador.

Another 350 small boats were out as well, most of those further south.

Regina Flores of the Intgernational Fund for Animal Welfare, which is also documenting the hunt, said Thursday her group is not having the same difficulties as the Humane Society of the United States.

Flores said the IFAW is operating out of Goose Bay, Labrador, and has been able to document the first two days of the annual hunt.

Protest groups have said they will monitor the slaughter by flying overhead in helicopters.

Sealers from Newfoundland and Labrador are permitted to slaughter a total of 230,000 seals in this year's hunt on the Front.

Another 91,000 seals already have been killed in the Gulf of St. Lawrence hunt, which finished last week.

I bet not a German eats Veal or calf liver...nooooooo...these calves are clubbed on the head the same way for the love of g**.  They are called milk calves because that is all they are consuming at the time of their demise, they aren't even old enough to be taking much in the line of feed.

Oh yeah save the worm infested seals and club the calves and enjoy that veal Parmesan

Ever go to an abatoir to see how they kill cattle, lambs and pigs?

not very symphatetic treatment there - if you ask me.

I have been to one, in fact I worked in one for a stretch...our food doesn't get to the table in a gentle manner by now means.