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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

Observers of the hunt _ typically activists and journalists _ must remain at least 30 feet from the fishermen, who kill the seal pups with ice picks or a bullet to the brain.

ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland (AP) -- The final leg of Canada's contentious seal hunt moved to the ice floes off northeastern Newfoundland and Labrador on Wednesday, with sealers expected to slaughter another 234,000 harp seal pups in just one day.

THat's a lot of baby seals. Please. 234k pups?

A protest in Washington? I'm laughing hard. I bet none of them even seen a seal before. They should tackle McDonald's 10 million 'slaughtered' cows.

With all of the poverty in the world, millions are spent to protest this supposed 'animal cruelty'. What a joke.
Fry said:
A protest in Washington? I'm laughing hard. I bet none of them even seen a seal before. They should tackle McDonald's 10 million 'slaughtered' cows.

McDonald's uses beef? and for all these years, I had thought it was cardboard loaded with fat  ;D.

I was glad to see people blocking the "observers" from going out on the ice. But I think the Government should put a new policy in place; to the effect of: 'No person that is observing the hunt, may be in one hundred fifty (150) Nautical miles of were the hunt is taking place or going to take place' (my best shot at legal writing ;D)

For the economic side the price of an observer permit should be $1,000,000 (each). If it doesn't limit the number of protesters, at least we can make some money off these want-a-be "Tree Hugger's" ;D
I bet not a German eats Veal or calf liver...nooooooo...these calves are clubbed on the head the same way for the love of g**.  They are called milk calves because that is all they are consuming at the time of their demise, they aren't even old enough to be taking much in the line of feed.

Oh yeah save the worm infested seals and club the calves and enjoy that veal Parmesan

I don't know if that's entirely accurate. If I remember correctly I think Homer Simpson explained that veal doesn't get cruelly slaughtered, it dies of loneliness.
All the best,
I have a theory:

Cows are ugly, we eat them.
Pigs are ugly, we eat them.
Chickens are ugly and noisy and we eat them.

It's ok to kill ugly animals but seals are cute and cudley so it's bad to kill them.

My theory is very simplistic, and also doesn't address the area of domesticated vs. undomestic. 

I took an environmental ethics class in university and I learned enough to gross myself out for life. Damn chicken slideshow day....ugh.
tree hugger said:
I took an environmental ethics class in university and I learned enough to gross myself out for life. Damn chicken slideshow day....ugh.

You think you had it bad? A vegan chick made me sit through a DVD about animal abuse and all that (damn PETA..). Took me a week before I could enjoy a nice piece of medium-rare steak! A whole week! Can you imagine the terror?
If it wasn't intended for me to eat it and wear it,why would he make it out of meat and fur?

Yes I am from Rural Newfoundland.

I also have pictures of myself covered in blood from large woodland animals as a child.

If they have a problem eating meat don't take it out on me.Maybe we can collect them all and have them graze our front lawns on base....god knows I hate mowing.
EX_RCAC_011 said:
If they have a problem eating meat don't take it out on me.Maybe we can collect them all and have them graze our front lawns on base....

Great idea! That way they'll be bigger and fatter when we slaughter them, and tastier, too, because they'll be grass-fed instead of grain-fed. You're a genius, man! If you weren't a guy, I'd kiss you.
There is also a theory of supply and demand.  Maybe they'd be better off taking on that angle...
Frederik G said:
Great idea! That way they'll be bigger and fatter when we slaughter them, and tastier, too, because they'll be grass-fed instead of grain-fed.

I refuse to eat hippies.I have to pass drug testing.

It seems to work for many other groups in canada,how about the "distinct culture" card?Why couldnt Newfoundland use it?

And from personal experience clubbing seals is not inhumane.They are a very very easy animal to kill.(except hood seals)
And all the twitching is nerves.Ever shoot the head off a grouse?Same thing.Head's near missing and they are still trying to fly.
Larry Strong said:
It should all be blamed on Walt Disney for giving us "Bambi"

Hey!  Bambi scared the crap out of me when I was a kid........Then he had to come out with Snow White......scared what he missed the first time.
I was referring more to the emergence of cute animals talking and acting like humans.
Anyone actually try seal meat? The ribs actually ain't too bad fried up with some onion and salt and pepper. Little rich though but doesn't taste too fishy  ;).
I get so annoyed at some of these animal rights activist groups.  PETA is one that seems to take it too far.  I remember hearing about them going to elementary schools and telling kids not to drink milk because milking the cows hurt them.  Another ironic incident was when I was on my PMed QL5 course, after we went to a turkey processing plant.  On the way back, the driver was listening to a talk show on the radio and a PETA spokesman likened the chickens in processing plants to the Jews in the concentration camps of WWII.  If I had been Jewish, I would have been calling into that show so fast!!  :threat:
I don't care if people are vegetarians or vegans or don't wear leather etc, but leave everyone else alone.  Seals are in no threat of becoming extinct, unlike whales and we still have countries that allow whaling.  Go after them instead.
PMedMoe said:
I don't care if people are vegetarians or vegans or don't wear leather etc, but leave everyone else alone.  Seals are in no threat of becoming extinct, unlike whales and we still have countries that allow whaling.  Go after them instead.

You might assume the activists are rational  ::)

The "if it's cute you can't eat it" guy was right, it's all about the heart strings.

PMedMoe said:
I don't care if people are vegetarians or vegans or don't wear leather etc, but leave everyone else alone.  Seals are in no threat of becoming extinct, unlike whales and we still have countries that allow whaling.  Go after them instead.
I think global warming is more of a threat to the seal population then the annual hunt.