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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

geo said:
Fry - there are enough adult seals so as to in not being worthwhile
also - the PR value of killing babies VS culling the herd isn't worth it.

If'n you're really from the rock, you should know that - and not just trolling

He asks me if I'm really from the rock, dude, I'm wearing a bluestar halfcase on my head.

The ban is in effect because baby seals look 'cute'. The meat in baby seals is more rich. The same goes for the pelts. Dude, I know what I'm talking about.

If whitecoats are banned, why not the rest? I don't understand why this is the case. It's an animal species like any other, yet I'm unsure as to why it's being targeted. I can speculate that it has a lot to do with the 'cuteness' factor, and the fact they're not slaughtered in houses like cows... and well that the uneducated who probably own more dollars worth in leather than my entire family's assets, need something to whine over.

Just look at Paul's comment, about how he thought he was in Newfoundland, when Danny proudly told him he was in PEI.

Why isn't there a ban on veal or lamb? Or all 'baby animals' for that fact. This hyprocisy just makes me chuckle.

And Geo, I'd like to know how experienced you are in our ways of life here in Newfoundland, or are you simply just another mainlander who thinks he knows all there is about whatever he argues about. Quite frankly it seems that way.
Fry said:
The ban is in effect because baby seals look 'cute'. The meat in baby seals is more rich. The same goes for the pelts. Dude, I know what I'm talking about.

I hoped it wasn't something stupid like that, something that had a little more basis in biology.  Agree completely with the rest of your post, Fry. 
Guess I'll just have to settle for a nice meal of Panda burgers and rainforest maccaw wings.
Well, there really is no other way to explain it. USA and well, pretty much Europe put a ban on seal products, which is stupid... especially from the USA, seeing they slaughter so many cows each year, hundreds of times more than the amount of seals slaughtered. Cows just don't look as cute as some of those seals, and more people like burgers than flipper pie. Doesn't mean they should not ban seal products, but someone needed votes, so I guess it was a good political move.

Commercial hunting of whitecoats has been banned since 1987.

A single resturant by the name of MCDONALDS slaughters on average, 10 million cows a year. As opposed to our few hundred thousand seals, why aren't people protesting this more? You rarely hear of it on the news, as opposed to the seal hunt.


That site has a few interesting facts.

Fry.... was a mainlander Newf...... lived in Lab City
later over an 8 year period, worked in Carbonear, Grand Falls, Stevenville, Cornerbrook, St Anthony, Happy Valley & Northwest River.

I think my peddigree is adequate.
I grew up literally "by the bay". It's in my family to hunt, and many of my family has hunted seal. I know what I'm talking about.

There's no such thing as a mainlander newf. Say that down on George some night and watch how fast your eyes turn a shade or two darker :)
Anywho, back to this wonderful thread. Prove me wrong Geo, on why we shouldn't harvest pups or whitecoats for that matter, when compared to other animals that are on our plates, backs, and in various cosmetics.
Fry - I'm not saying that the pups aren't fair game....BUT
from a PR standpoing, it's a loosing proposition. It's for that reason that the "ban" has held this long and continues to hold.

I totally agree, I musta misread you earlier, I thought oyu were saying that there's no point in harvesting the pups. I know it'll never happen, but then again, since when has the Canadian gov last did something logical. *Cough, gun registry*

Senator fires back at U.S. family upset with seal hunt
Last Updated Fri, 17 Mar 2006 09:16:34 EST
CBC News

A Liberal senator has replied to a family in Minnesota upset about Canada's seal hunt with a letter denouncing the United States for executing prisoners at home and killing people in Iraq.

Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette says Americans are in no position to criticize the Canadian seal hunt. (CP Photo/Fred Chartrand) 
The McLellan family had written to Canadian senators to say they cancelled a vacation in Canada because of the hunt, which they called "horrible" and "inhumane," Montreal's La Presse reports.

In her response, Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette said that what she finds horrible is "the daily massacre of innocent people in Iraq, the execution of prisoners – mainly blacks – in American prisons, the massive sale of handguns to Americans, the destabilization of the entire world by the American government's aggressive foreign policy, etc."

She said Americans are not in a position to criticize others. "They must start to look at their own behaviour, the permanent heightening of the planet's insecurity since the election of Bush," she told La Presse.

"All senators received the letter from the McLellans and I was the only one to respond," she said.

The family "did not choose a good cause," she added.

In their letter, the McLellans said they love Canada and have Canadian ancestors but cancelled a trip to Canada last year because of the seal hunt and will scrap plans for one this year if the spring hunt goes ahead, La Presse said.

FROM MARCH 8, 2006: Seal hunt will go ahead

Hervieux-Payette, a lawyer and former Liberal MP, was appointed to the Senate in 1995 by then prime minister Jean Chrétien. She last drew public attention with a private member's bill in 2004 to outlaw spanking of children.

In defending the seal hunt, she called it a centuries-old practice and part of the livelihood of coastal residents both native and white.

She invited the McLellans to come to Canada to see a humane society that lives in safety and respects the traditions of its native people.

It is not clear whether she might pay a penalty for remarks that could be seen as anti-American. Once appointed, senators have a job until retirement at 75.

A Toronto-area MP, Carolyn Parrish, was thrown out of the Liberal caucus in 2004 after she stomped on a George Bush doll and renounced her loyalty to the party. She stayed in Parliament as an Independent but did not seek re-election this past winter.

LOL, many Newfoundlanders don't care much for mainlanders, let alone Americans.
someone didn't think thru the political ramifications
ie.... did not put brain in gear before placing mouth into operation.
As much as I disagree with the anti-american remarks, about time someone told these activists to go fornicate themselves...
I have family in Florida... I'm not saying how I feel, I'm saying how many feel, here in the province.
Having just returned from NYC for St Patricks day, I am again reminded that the United States is a brilliant country filled with many people from many backgrounds.  As with all free nations, opinions are like a$$holes--everybody has one.  Ripping on a whole country for one yenta's letter campaign seems a bit off.  As for the relative merits of American foreign policy, there are plenty of other threads. 
I can't believe there hasn't been a better seal hunt PR effort.  Maybe it could be "Seal, the other, other white meat" or something.
People can think what they want about us, we don't care, honestly.
I don't even know who Bardot is, but really... I don't really care. It's funny how it's always celebrities from other countries that are kicking up stink and not ones here in our own country.

People are more uneducated about this topic than the whole topic of 'peacekeeping' and that's saying something.
"I can't believe there hasn't been a better seal hunt PR effort.  Maybe it could be "Seal, the other, other white meat" or something."

- See? See?  That's what I'm on about!  I have Grade 2 Page 4 Thunder Bay, and even I can see your PR blows chunks.  Lots of rockin babes on the rock, putt 'em in sealskin undies and get them struttin' they stuff.  The world will follow - drooling.

"Sealskin - the New Latex!"

Man , I should SO be in marketing.

