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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread


If they're clubbed right, one blow and they're out cold, if not dead. Cheaper and safer than firing rifles on the ice, and plus the pelt remains in tact, no guts are leaking inside spoiling the meat, everyone wins. But, because there are infact people who think that violence is a thing of the past, who's worst exposure to anything related to horrific was when barney's crayon got dull, then they need to go back to their coloring books. Flipper pie rocks.
"Chrissy? Get Marketing up here right now!  And I mean right now!  Cancel all of my meets for today except my 'software class' with Misty-Lynn tonight.  And, oh yeah, call my wife and ask her what flipper pie is...'

- I can't buy flipper pie in Edmonton, can I?  Or seal hunting coffee mugs (great for ice fishing), or seal hunting posters with newfie models who (...), or ?

Where the HELL is your MARKETING?


Fry (or anyone else) knowledgeable about this topic maybe you could help me out with one point.
I assume the more seal fur/meat one harvests the more one makes? So why go after the younger seals when there must be at least as many if not more adult seals tooling around? I assume the adult seals are bigger/fatter/hairier and since I think only the female seals give birth there must be adult male seals just hangin' out eatin' fish watching this all go down. My carnivorous marine mammal biology is somewhat limited as the closest thing to the "wild"  I have experienced lately is drink a soy latte on a patio so please forgive my ignorance.
All the best,

Come to NEwfoundland, lots of seal products offered here, I'll certainly look up some merchant websites for you.

One of the reasons why they go after the pups is because of the pelt. Very rich pelt indeed. But because of the overpopulation over I don't know how many years, we could nuke them and they'd still survive the blast, due to sheer numbers, lol.

Marketing has to be more than just selling Newfounland to Newfies, right?  snap open a few cans of White Star, and give us some web links of products we can order and have shipped to the mainland.  I know Memorial U teaches this stuff, I had a Tp Ldr grad from there.

Somebody ship canned flipper pie to supply the Ft Mac colony?

Help us out here, Fry.


Q) why is there no toilet paper in Newfoundland?

A) All the assh*!es are on the mainland!
Hah..... I've lived and worked on the rock

Have you met the "welcome wagon"?
The jokes are priceless guys.

TCBF said:
Marketing has to be more than just selling Newfounland to Newfies, right?  snap open a few cans of White Star, and give us some web links of products we can order and have shipped to the mainland.  I know Memorial U teaches this stuff, I had a Tp Ldr grad from there.

Somebody ship canned flipper pie to supply the Ft Mac colony?

Help us out here, Fry.



Go to any NL speciality store and you can find the products, go to any fur merchant and you can buy seal fur. Also, any pharmacy should carry seal oil.

What's whitestar?
I think he meant Bluestar. One of the many beers I tried when I lived in St John's. I settled on Northern Light, good stuff with Caribou Stew.
Bluestar, ooops.


NL spec store, I will look for, I thank you more.

Fry said:

Come to NEwfoundland, lots of seal products offered here, I'll certainly look up some merchant websites for you.

One of the reasons why they go after the pups is because of the pelt. Very rich pelt indeed. But because of the overpopulation over I don't know how many years, we could nuke them and they'd still survive the blast, due to sheer numbers, lol.

Hey, I've seen those companies that will overnight deliver live lobster, can they do that with a baby seal?  It would be too expensive for me to go up north, but maybe I can smash one to hell in my driveway.  Comes with it's own ball peen hammer?  Not running away on the ice should be the same as not running away down a residential side street. 
How many minutes per pound at what temperature ?
Think the point is that the seals aren't being beaten into oblivion "for the fun of it".
It's a commercial enterprise.

No one says anything about using a hammer gun to kill cattle in the slaughter houses.
are you going round with leather (cowhide) shoes?
do you have a prized lambs leather jacket?
Leather gloves..... etc............

Yeah - the white seals are all cute and pretty and they have thses soo soo sad eyes - they haven't hunted the white pups for some 20 years now.....
The seals are now a nuisance, the same was as wolves & coyote are.
How could you have possibly taken that as an endorsement for the seals ???
(Again, I reiterate the need for a [sarcasm] smiley)

Yes, I have as many leather and animal skin product as I can afford.  I eat all meat that is put in front of me.  Although I don't hunt, it is only because I have never taken the time to learn (not for lack of shooting skill) and plan to one day. 

I think there is a place for all of God's precious creatures.  Right beside the mashed potatoes.
Bluestar is my favorite beer. Goes great with BBQ'd flippers done in Honey Garlic BBQ sauce!

I think we should go back to killing whitecoats as well, the worldwide market would still make it worth while, despite the 'boycotts'.
Fry - there are enough adult seals so as to in not being worthwhile
also - the PR value of killing babies VS culling the herd isn't worth it.

If'n you're really from the rock, you should know that - and not just trolling
Okay, I'm not from the rock, so explain about the baby seal thing.  I also am not familiar with the fur of the animal as it matures, but with many animals the young ones have a softer coat.  Spending a few years swimming in arctic sea salt can't be great for the fur.  Plus, maybe people like the white colour as opposed to the darker ones.  If we have established that the seals are overpopulated, why should it matter at what point in their life cycle they get whacked?  If they mature, won't they breed and extend the problem?  I would hate to think this is just because the baby seals are EXTRA cute as compared to seals?  Plus, is the meat any better when they are young, like veal is to beef?
seal meat tastes like.... seal meat.
High in fat content - not everyone's cup of tea.

baby seal's camouflage is white fur.... but it only stays white for a short white and they lose it fast enough.
There is an international ban on the hunt of baby seals.... not worth persuing.