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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

doesn't have to be anyone from the community.
all you need is a Greenpeace kind of fella with a boat.
And where does the boat come from?  Does it re-provision on the Rock?  Does it clear Canadian customs?  Where? 
can come from Halifax, Cape Breton, PEI, the Magdalens or St Pierre & Miquelon.
Do they enter Cdn waters, or is this hunt in international waters?
In the past Greenpeace ships have entered Canadian waters, usually the Coastguard and DFO keep them away from the sealers. But one encounter last year the anti-sealers threatened the life of a sealer.
Threatened his life?  With what?  What kind of idiot would threaten the life of a Newfie when the Newfie and his buddies have .22s and Lee Enfields?

Sink the bloody boat if it happens again.


Just kidding in that last sentence.

"fluffy the cod slayer" - Kat Stevens

- I think that is an excellent phrase, so I brought it up again.

For a hunt that's probably one of the most regulated in the world, and is needed to control the actual amount of rising seals, I don't know why people don't like it. Everyone will detest many things, but people seem to pick at the seal hunt constantly. Free speech or not, just because he's 'Paul Mcartney' is unacceptable. If he thinks he's won a battle in his war against the seal hunt, he can keep on thinking. He's only fueled more Newfoundlanders than ever, to support the hunt. Even avid animal lovers I know, who wouldn't even want a rat killed, support the seal hunt. It's part of our heritage, it's fun, I like flipper pie, it looks great on the ladies, it's income, and I hate seals. Works for me, how 'bout you?
Hunting seals is not "fun"..... it's work.
To label it as "fun" will only incense the Greenpeace types.
Stay focused
Although I am an athiest, not a Wiccan believer or Buddhist  ::) , I do believe in the preservation of our natural wildlife. I would not agree to the seal hunt if they were all dying out and 1/2 extinct, but seeing as apparently there are TONES of them because of not many natural predators in the area (besides us), why not?

We seem to have evolved with these strange pointy teeth in the fore of our mouth... They're called "eye" teeth and they are there so we can tear meat, not carrots. Molars help for carrots...

I just think we should be responsible with our hunting, which for the most part, Canada is...

I also live in an area where many of the animals that claimed this land as thier natural habitat have been forced out many decades ago due to human development. I do not think that will happen to the seals on thier ice-floatillas!

I just can't find a logical reason to call "no duff", although I wouldn't personally want to hunt seals or club them to death, wouldn't mind buying some meat though...

If someone wants to complain about animal cruelty and animal rights, fine, but you better stop using about 1/2 the worlds products produced by man... Even glue is/used to be made from parts of horses (hooves?). Animal products and by-products are in so much we consume....

If there is enough of them, GAME ON!
R031 Pte Joe said:
IIf someone wants to complain about animal cruelty and animal rights, fine, but you better stop using about 1/2 the worlds products produced by man... Even glue is/used to be made from parts of horses (hooves?). Animal products and by-products are in so much we consume....

From the tone of you argument, I get the feeling that when you pass the "Body Shop" you look at their statement that they don't test any of their products on animals and say to yourself as you pass; "Not Tested on Animals - Not Tested on Me!" and walk away with a silly smirk on your face.   ;D
Fry said:
For a hunt that's probably one of the most regulated in the world, and is needed to control the actual amount of rising seals, I don't know why people don't like it. Everyone will detest many things, but people seem to pick at the seal hunt constantly. Free speech or not, just because he's 'Paul Mcartney' is unacceptable. If he thinks he's won a battle in his war against the seal hunt, he can keep on thinking. He's only fueled more Newfoundlanders than ever, to support the hunt. Even avid animal lovers I know, who wouldn't even want a rat killed, support the seal hunt. It's part of our heritage, it's fun, I like flipper pie, it looks great on the ladies, it's income, and I hate seals. Works for me, how 'bout you?

The reason they (Enviremental Groups) keep targeting the seal hunt is manly for the fact that a "White Coat" (baby seal), have the Innocent look that appeals to the public, so it is easy to capitalise on it. Some people in Greenpeace have admitted it, but I can't find the article.
NL_engineer said:
The reason they (Enviremental Groups) keep targeting the seal hunt is manly for the fact that a "White Coat" (baby seal), have the Innocent look that appeals to the public, so it is easy to capitalise on it. Some people in Greenpeace have admitted it, but I can't find the article.

Yea.. killing the white coats is illegal also.

So, where is your infowar counterthrust?
How can the rest of Canada help?  Where is the stuff we can buy to support the seal hunt?  The Coffee Cups? The posters of good looking Newfie models (we know they exist - Playboy has no problem finding them...) scantily clad in sealskin lingerie?

95% of the upper classes of the world DETEST those babbling idiots of PETA and their ilk, and would love to disparage them IN PRIVATE by wearing boudoir fashions made from sealskin?  So, where is the product line?

I'm not living in the rest of Canada, but there's no trouble here to get your hands on some flippers, oil, or sealskin clothing.

Great support from everyone so far, the revival of this thread is great.
Yeah, Sir Paul certainly stirred up a lot of the brown stuff in our quiet little province, but it's all great, because there are many here who thrive on things like that. It kinda brightens up the day a little when instead of making converation with that stranger by talking about the weather, we can say "So, what do you think of that turd PAul Mcartney? My son, he thinks he can waltz in here and have her scalled, he can think again". It's great.
Celebrities are such twits sometimes (or most/all of the time, depending on the celebrity)... they take up a cause, get all heated about it, then drop it a month or two later. Arguing against the hunt is pointless when the major complaint seems to be the means used to kill. I'm not sure I necessarily disagree that it couldn't be done in a more humane way, but arguing for the elimination of the hunt because the implements are cruel is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. It's necessary and it provides a means of income for alot of people that would otherwise have none.

It's not as though people are out there killing the seals because they just love killing things - deviant little freaks like that are few and far between (thankfully), I find. Similarly, I'm sure they're not using clubs and hooks because they're masochistic sh'ts, but because it's cheap. It seems to me to be a bunch of hard-working guys just doing what's available to put food on the table for them and theirs. I wouldn't mind seeing more humane killing implements, but that goes for just about every animal industry from chickens to pigs.

"Arguing against the hunt is pointless when the major complaint seems to be the means used to kill."

Perhaps we need a typical European solution: we should arrest all of the seals and put them in 'camps'.

To show people our hearts are in the right place, we could then move some of them into an abandoned outport and make a documentary detailing their happy, productive lives.

We could call the movie: "Harper Gives the Seals A Town."

TowGunner... ouch..... no comment.... ouch...

Good... but ouch...
NL_engineer said:
The reason they (Enviremental Groups) keep targeting the seal hunt is manly for the fact that a "White Coat" (baby seal), have the Innocent look that appeals to the public, so it is easy to capitalise on it. Some people in Greenpeace have admitted it, but I can't find the article.

This may be what you were talking about:

Captain Paul Watson: A baby seal is a baby seal. All of the pups we saw being killed were under eight weeks of age and most were under six weeks of age. They looked like seal pups to me. They were helpless on the ice. Many had not ventured into the water yet. In other words, the seals being killed are baby seals. Now one of the reasons that we have been using pictures of the whitecoats i.e. pups under three weeks is that the Government of Canada has restricted our access to the hunt and therefore restricted our ability to photograph and film the seal pups being killed. This year, we were able to get some of these images and we will use them. The government insinuates that we save whitecoats because they are cute. Well, at Sea Shepherd, we also work to save sea cucumbers and they are definitely not cute. The seals they are killing are very cute so the new images we have will work just fine. I personally don't see what is wrong about protecting cute animals. It is true we get more media coverage and support when the animals we protect are cute but we also protect many not-so-cute species like plankton, cod, sea-cucumbers, and sharks. The sealers seem to be saying that if an animal is cute it should not be protected because it is cute. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society does not discriminate on the basis of perceptions of attractiveness.   

Looks like they are some sort of Greenpeace spin off. 
I agree that the main issue here is how they are killed.  Seems some people have a problem with smashing a blunt instrument against somethings head until the brain is sufficiently traumatized as to cease to function (what sissies).  Maybe someone could build big sealed (no pun intended, but a bonus just the same) garages out on the ice, and herd the seals into them.  Then hook up someones truck with a hose from the exhaust pipe to the garage and kill them with CO fumes.  Totally painless and cheaper than lethal injections.  Of course, if anyone is going to eat meat from the carcasses that won't work out so well. 
Hmmm.  Okay, you get them into the garages, then pump in Celine Dion video from Las Vegas.  Then the seals will come out and BEG to be clubbed.  Then you have informed voluntary consent, and even Greenpeace can't argue with that.  It's flawless! :D 
From way back from around reply #30 on this thread, a pertinant reprint:

Originally posted by Gibson:
[qb] So a baby seal walks into a bar.  Bartender says "What‘ll it be?"

"Anythings good" says the seal. "So long as it ain‘t Canadian Club." [/qb]
