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The Seal Hunt Mega-Thread

I would eat so much, I would not be able to get through my car door. :D

We would come back from Lahr on leave and visit my home town.  a good freind - since deceased - would load us up with moose sausages and pickeral fillets for our stay out at the lake.

When my dad and uncle get into the jar of moose, the rest of us usually leave the house.  It's either that or I have to test out my gas mask.  :-X
Springroll said:
Why thank you little fry...that is so kind of you   >:(
I'll get you Fry, and your little dog too.   ::)
Seriously, don't let Springroll get a lock of your hair.
You guys should take Springroll moose hunting.  Why, i remember watching "Bewitched" in the 60s, and ole Samantha would twiggle her nose, and POOF - the dishes would be done.  Kind of a handy skill set to have around a hunt camp.


It started out about the seal hunts. Wavered and wandered all over the place, slid back and forth, on and off subject. Springroll managed to also take this thread, amongst many, off topic again, with another little antecdote about herself, that no one really needs to know or cares about. So, for the same reasons listed, and as has happened with so many other threads, c'est la vie, cherie. Fermie.

Paul versus the premier
McCartneys, Williams clash on TV

Seal slaughter compared to slave trade :rofl:
Mar. 4, 2006. 01:00 AM

CHARLOTTETOWN—Some supporters of Canada's annual harp seal hunt grudgingly acknowledge that Paul McCartney's global reach as a megastar could spell trouble for the hunt's future.
Pictures of McCartney and his wife, Heather, frolicking with doe-eyed seal pups on ice floes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence flashed around the world this week.

The couple's strong anti-hunt message received an even bigger boost last night when they appeared on CNN's Larry King Live for a sometimes heated debate with Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams.
And in another interview with CTV News, McCartney compared the hunt to the former slave trade.
"It was brutal and it was something that had to stop," he said, adding the same is true for Canada's seal hunt.
McCartney told King he'd like to see an international ban on the use of seal skins.

"These pups haven't even had a swim yet," the former Beatle told the CNN host during a satellite feed from a Charlottetown hotel. "They're totally reliant on their mothers. They're helpless."
Heather Mills McCartney called the 500-year-old practice "archaic, brutal and cruel," a characterization disputed by Williams.
"For the record, I don't condone, nor do the people of Newfoundland and Labrador condone, the inhumane treatment of animals," the premier said.

Williams insisted the seals are killed humanely, saying 90 per cent of them are shot, not clubbed — a claim McCartney's wife called "absolute rubbish."
The premier accused the McCartneys of being misinformed and invited them to come to Newfoundland to "learn the truth and the facts."

King had to act as a referee at several points as the debate grew heated.
Williams, who has a reputation for fiery, volatile debater, defended his actions afterwards.

"There's a point where people who don't respect Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, and who don't treat us with respect, will get it back in spades from me," he said. "I certainly wasn't going to allow the McCartneys to dominate that interview."
Proponents of the hunt, including federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn, have said that anti-hunt activists like the McCartneys don't understand how the hunt works and what it means to Atlantic Canadians.

Williams suggested the pop icon duo were misinformed, noting that Paul McCartney had thought his protest trip Thursday had taken him to Newfoundland, when in fact he was in Prince Edward Island and later Quebec.
"They target us because we're a smaller province and it's a smaller industry," the premier said after he emerged from a TV studio in St. John's. "They're not going to take on the beef industry. A seal pup makes a great photo op."

However, Jack Troake, a Newfoundland sealer with 55 years experience, admitted that the arrival of the McCartneys on the protest scene is a concern.
Troake has seen his share of protestors — from fur-clad B-movie stars to radical vegans — but the McCartneys are in a class of their own when it comes to star power.

"I'm certainly concerned about this lad," said the Twillingate fisherman, who can remember when French film star Brigitte Bardot caused a sensation when she showed up to protest the fishery in 1972.
Troake said sealers have a lot at stake financially.
"The only positive thing in the 2006 fishery is the seal fishery," he said.

Meanwhile, Bardot emerged from seclusion yesterday to slam the hunt. "Seal hunters are killers," Bardot told Montreal all-news channel, LCN. "Your country is a rich country and you are setting an appalling example for the world."

OK, Paul.......now go away!!

Hey, I have a neat idea. Since the McCartneys and Bardot want to stop the seal hunt, and since they (likely) have a fair bit of money, why don't they financially support all those who make their livelihood from the seal hunts and then we could stop the hunts. That would be great! The McCartneys and Bardot would be happy, animal rights activists would be happy, the seal hunters would be happy, and seals would be happy and could probably take over the world in a few years. I love my wacky ideas.


*sings* "will ya still need me, will ya still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?"
Besides for the stats that Paul and Heather McCartney  used came from between 1960-1986, It was kind of funny watching the argument with Danny Williams last night. I just hope that the McCartney's learned something from Danny, and learned that Land Mines do not compear to seals.

I seen it all go down on Larry King Live.  You have to question McCartney's credibility after Danny Williams invited McCartney and his half wit wife to come to NFLD to seek out the facts from people who are actually in the know.  McCartney's response? " You don't have to invite me because I'm already in Newfoundland...." at the bottom of the screen - (Paul McCartney in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada).  Good ol' Danny boy was quick to point out that "No sir, your in PEI, I'm in Newfoundland."  I almost had a hernia from laughing so hard.  The wife made silly arguments and dumb comments with no bases whatsoever while Paul sat there looking stupid which just made William's look that much better.  

Enami, that's exactly it.  Easy for a billionaire to come here to PEI and destructively criticize and protest something that would affect peoples livelihoods throughout Atlantic Canada.  I think your own country has enough things you should be worried about asshole.  I was debating whether or not to slip on my Kodiak's, go club one of those innocent cute seals and place it under their limo tires before they leave the Delta.  Or like the Island women said on CBC interview.. "I think everyone should smash his records."

22 minutes should have a field day with this.
Lat night's debate on Larry King was absolutly ridiculous. Paul and Heather (I'd have called them Sir and Lady McCartney for the sake of formality, but they had no problem calling our PM "Steve") were given a good half hour to say their bit, and then proceded to take atleast two thirds of Premier Williams' time. Good thing Larry king is such a well respected moderator. Two Paul's credit, he simply comes off as a missinformed celebrity trying to make an emotional case. Heather on the other hand came off as a raving lunatic. I especialy liked how Heather kept saying that the hunt is only for the fassion industry. Then when she was confronted with the fact that the seal's were used for their pealt, their meat, and their fat, and that the seal hunt was really no different than any other hunting or use of animal for human gain, she went all crazy complaining that Mr. Williams was changing the topic.
I'm a newfie.Yes Ive killed seals.Sometimes they were shot sometimes whey were clubbed.The problem with sir Paul coming on television and sprouting off this bullshit is the public who live in cities and landlocked provinces/states will believe these lunatics.

I personally liked the dig Danny got in towards the FBI investigating these animal rights groups.And I have a little story to go along with that.

back in the 1980's a car was pulled over in newfoundland in a routine check.When the car was searched (probably due to the hippy with newyork plates) they found explosives and det chord in the trunk.He was on his way to blow up a seal factory up the road from my hometown.It would have killed many people and destroyed the one large business in our area (trinity bay).

What really kill's me is how freaky some army people get when this subject comes up."I would rather kill a human than an animal" seems to be the comment I'm hearing.Now don't get me wrong I have a dog and a cat,and love animals...as a high source of protein.
But how can a soldier actually say he couldn't shoot a animal?that makes me wonder about the thoughts going through the guys head if he had to kill a person.

Maybe it's because I grew up in the boonies.

p.s clubbing seals is not inhumane,2 smacks and their dead.seals are the easiest creatures to kill IMO.Why waste a bullet at close range?

I wish that little innocent seal got Paul right in the face,Ive seen a seal kick the crap out of a golden lab once, they ain't so cute.

ANd if larry king called it newfinland.......one more time.......Im 5 foot 6 black hair do you think my ancestors are from finland?
We were asked to reopen the thread because of the recent Paul McCartney episode on the seal fields. That's what this thread is about, the seal hunt. If this thread is to remain open, keep it there.
I'm just curious as what everyone thinks of the new controversy stirred up by Sir Paul Mccartney visiting Newfoundland to protest our wonderful hunt.

This angered me so much, I went out and bought a new leather jacket at Danier, and I'm joking. When Danny further invited Paul to come to Newfoundland, Paul said along the lines "I am here in the studio, I am in Newfoundland" (Not exact quote but close). Then Danny goes on to say "No, you're in PEI, I'm in Newfoundland~~". So really, it goes to show how much Paul was really educated on the matter.

I also invite people to check this link out. Can you smell the hypocrisy? http://www.lovestreetgallery.com/4171.html

Your comments?

Thanks recceguy.
I have no time for celebrities like this. Because you made records, or movies, or were on TV does not mean you know anything about politics, international relations, the environment, science or anything else we see you blathering on about on TV... sadly many of them may have their hearts in the right place, but are manipulated by others to push their agenda...

So Paul and Heather, if you don't tell Newfoundlanders how to hunt, then they won't tell you how to make music. That goes for all the rest of your like as well... oh and Pamela Anderson shouldn't be telling anyone about the merits of synethetic vs. natural materials! Leave the Footguards alone PETA!!
I totally agree, but Paul knows he has loyal followers, just as Oprah and Howard Stern. These people will do whatever their 'god'. Media icon or not, he has no leverage here at all, he's even turned away hardcore Beatles fans. He will not stop a way of life, nor will anyone else. People have to learn and understand that the world is not one big rosey picture with beautiful animals prancing around, hippies smoking natural grass, naked and playing guitars around a campfire. There are things that some will not like, and the harsh reality is that the 'fortunate' people really haven't been exposed to anything harsher than a tax increase. Some people need to wake up and smell the flipper pie. :)
I watched that interview on Larry King, and found Heather McCartney very rude. Danny Williams was trying to have a civilized debate as was Paul but Heather kept on butting in rudely. The McCartney's points of contention seemed to be regurgitated from any other Pro-Animal source (PETA...) take your pick.

I found it interesting that Danny Williams was trying to make the point that any number of groups, including pro-animal had already labelled the modern seal hunt as humanitarian  but Heather especially, would not have any of it. This even after Danny Williams offer to show proof of scientist loosing their jobs with some of these pro-animal groups after saying the seal hunt was well done, but of course that did not go with the groups politics.

Now I am taking Danny's word for it, that he has such proof.  Over all it was more of a shouting match, then a debate, I am sure that both sides did not loose any followers over to the other.
Blue Max said:
Now I am taking Danny's word for it, that he has such proof.  Over all it was more of a shouting match, then a debate, I am sure that both sides did not loose any followers over to the other.

Good post, but I know of Beatles fans who've threw out entire collections over this 'debate', simply because they're rotted with how Paul is such a hypocrite. My grandfather is a happy man, I always hated those Beatles, especially 'John Lemon", ha.
FRY, I still enjoy the BEATLES and WINGS, but remember the Paul is now a VEGAN, which you will recall is a harsh vegetarian. So you will recognise where he is standing and talking from his preferred menu item, and not necessarily from his head.
I have a question:  How do all of these people actually end up doing a photo op on the ice? 

Who takes them there?

If it is by air, NAVCAN/ Tpt Cda should issue a NOTAM banning unauth flights below a certain altitude.  That won't bother the radicals, but commercial pilots won't risk loosing their pilot's jobs.

As for other means of transport, I cannot fathom the sealers tolerating their fellow community members helping the radicals.  The solution to this is obviously 'Community Action.'

What is 'Community Action'? That is when someone lets down their village by assisting the radicals in the destruction of the sealing industry.  The community then:

1. Does not speak or interact with that family.
2. Pulls their kids from any teams, sports or clubs the kids of that family are on.
3. Refuses to serve that family at their businesses.
4. Refuses to use that family's business.

Eventually, some wife will say: "George, I know Paul will pay you big bucks to drive him onto the ice, but our daughter Connie is getting married in two weeks, and it would be real nice if we were not alone in the church."

After that point, you will have unity.


Edited for inappropriate language.