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The 911 Conspiracy Theory thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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That film boggles your mind.  I thought for sure that this was a terrorist act by Al Quida (spelling might be wrong), but after seeing this video makes me think twice.  I always knew that a plane didn't hit the pentagon, from watching other videos, but flight 93....voice fakes....I want to know where those passengers went.  Calling from 32 000 feet across country is impossible.  Also, for all we know, the explosions that detonated the towers to collapse them, could have been place by Iraqi's terrorists. 911 is a gigantic mystery, and I hope something is uncovered to unveil the truth behind this.  Great video, if your deciding whether to watch it and have the time, I recommend it.
Did you notice he didn't offer one piece of solid evidence? He didn't even show an interview with an expert. I can make a documentary too where I can claim alot of things and take things out of context and interview janitors.
meni0n said:
Did you notice he didn't offer one piece of solid evidence? He didn't even show an interview with an expert. I can make a documentary too where I can claim alot of things and take things out of context and interview janitors.

LOL, but the videos were pretty convincing.  I dont care who did it...there is still terrorists in Iraq/Afgan.
Didn't we recently discuss this "documentary"?

Oh yes, here it is ....  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21449.0/all.html (link posted in Reply No. 4) - Actually, I've saved you the time and merged them, just scroll up.

And the result .... locked.

Just like this one.  Ask a Mod to reopen if you actually find evidence to post.
Check that out: http://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/swf/pentagon_en.swf  ::)
Did anyone ever hear someone saying that the 9/11 pentagon strike is a US invention (well, some say that the hole 9/11 thing is a US invention) ? Well, if it was, it is not anymore!  :D

Ok- found the video I was looking for. 


Please observe closely what happens to an aircraft when it hits a concrete structure at 500 MPH.  Effectively, it atomizes.  Which is why there was "no wreckage" left at the Pentagon.

Good enough for me...you may all now return to worrying about how the Illuminati faked Elvis' death (or whatever).

Any other urban legends need debunking?

The internet has done many things, it allows us (students) do research very quickly; it allows us to stay in touch with friends... it has also given a voice to those who normally didn't have one... i wonder was that really such a good idea?

think on this... The plane disintegrated on impact, yet somehow penetrated through two layers of the pentagon.. Contradiction anyone?
I'll give them this,

the music for that conspiracy theory video is pretty tight.  :P
I've seen all the conspiracy videos, and rebuffed them all using a mixture of popular mechanics (Excellent article on there somewhere which point for point disproves conspiracy after conspiracy) and official reports from private engineering firms and to a lesser extent some of the official comissions findings.
So in that sense i know it was what everyone thinks it was, planes, full of innocent passengers without the aid of explosives etc.
But I've always had to question why they don't just release the damn video tapes on the flight path of the plane into the building, they could very easily silence any skeptics!
think on this... The plane disintegrated on impact, yet somehow penetrated through two layers of the pentagon.. Contradiction anyone?

Not in my books.  The fuselage (made mostly of really thin aluminum- most people would be really shocked at how very "lightly built" the average jet liner is) basically atomizes on impact, but it does transfer a whole bunch off kinetic energy to the concrete walls, which become projectiles in their own right.  My guess is that the engines (being a bit denser)  keep travelling for a bit farther before they too basically disintegrate.  Not that I'm an engineer or anything, but it seems to make sense to me- Occam's razor writ large.

SeaKingTacco said:
The fuselage basically atomizes on impact, but it does transfer a whole bunch off kinetic energy to the concrete walls, which become projectiles in their own right.  My guess is that the engines  keep travelling for a bit farther before they too basically disintegrate.  Not that I'm an engineer or anything, but it seems to make sense to me.
It makes sense to me two.
Especially when you reverse the objects (physics-wise, identical) and picture a plane sitting statically and having a building like the Pentagon come screaming along at 350mph and run over the plane...  SKT is right, an airliner is pretty much an aluminum Oscar Meyer weenie with some heavy bits attached to it as far as momentum and strength is concerned.

It doesn't matter how much evidence there is, someone will always choose to believe complete BS. Someone will still believe that the CIA/Mossad/Martians planned the 9/11 attacks, that there was no moon landing, that Elvis is alive, or that size doesn't matter. Dream on!
Infantry_wannabe said:
... that size doesn't matter.

"It's not the size, it's the way you rock it" !!!
The Cave Rock Club, Cyprus, 1980s  8)
If you search around a little more, you will note that they have recovered much wreckage.  In fact in that video, you can see sections of wings etc...

People will believe anything that is put together well and looks pretty (Just as my girlfriend ;D).


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