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The 911 Conspiracy Theory thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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I love the inconsistencies about the tower collapsing in his arguements.

Like, how the fuel wasn't hot enough to melt the metal.

BUT, he left out one HUGE and very basic engineering principle.

The Modulus of Elasticity.

Even if the fuel didn't melt the steel, it would probably have it made flexible and weak enough for the structure to fail, let alone the huge force of the collision itself.

J. Gayson said:
I love the inconsistencies about the tower collapsing in his arguements.

Like, how the fuel wasn't hot enough to melt the metal.
So, you disagree?

J. Gayson said:
BUT, he left out one HUGE and very basic engineering principle.

The Modulus of Elasticity.

Even if the fuel didn't melt the steel, it would probably have it made flexible and weak enough for the structure to fail, let alone the huge force of the collision itself.

Did you watch the entire video?
Gues - speaking of open-minded, when you posted this kind of stuff in radio chatter, I posted the article from Popular Mechanics that specifically and methodically refutes many of the 9/11 rumours.. I didn't notice a rebuttal to PM ...

Ghost778 said:
Alex I'm glad your father wasn't among those present.

I have an answer but it probably isn't the same kind you were looking for.

What have I done as a soldier to fight terror?
When i chat online and i see people talking about how all muslims should die, how cool it would be to be a sniper and kill people or how we shouldn't even give these guys trials, we should just blow them all away I try to talk some sense into them.

It makes me sad to see educated people try and use the attacks on 9/11 to justify murder and tourture.   We get pretty pissed off when we see news footage of people from the middle east cheering when the plane hit the twin towers BUT we'll turn around and laugh over a video or picture of a bomb killing a bunch of people?
I try and fight terrorisim by grounding kids (and possible future CF members) against the notion that war is cool and awesome.
Not very exciting eh?

I have real issues with ghosts post. Murder and torture in the name of WTC ? You are badly informed. Enemies killed in wartime are not murdered. The victims in the WTC WERE murdered. Sorry you cant see the difference. I sure as hell hope you dont wear a military uniform because if you do you are in the wrong profession. The enemy are islmaofascists. That mean's they want to end your way of life and kill you or force you to convert to islam[wahabism] and their way of life.

I have had the privilege to serve the US for 34 years. Keeping the American people safe from communism. Helping our friends out of tight spots - Grenada, Panama and Desert Storm. UN peacekeeping in Somalia. Helping to protect our German and Korean allies so that they can continue to enjoy peace and freedom. Our political leadership failed to respond adequately in the unprovoked attacks on Khobar Towers, embassy attacks in Africa and finally the Cole which led to WTC. In the response to WTC I am proud to have had a small part to play in both OEF and OIF. This is a different kind of war, one where the enemy wraps himself in the trappings of religion, but his goals are no different than Hitler or Stalin. If they have their way this will be an islamic world. We see revisionist history where the holocaust is concerned and now WTC. The facts are in the video link below.

muskrat89 said:
Gues - speaking of open-minded, when you posted this kind of stuff in radio chatter, I posted the article from Popular Mechanics that specifically and methodically refutes many of the 9/11 rumours.. I didn't notice a rebuttal to PM ...


Point being?  Why would I re-but something I don't necessarily disagree with?  It's not like I wrote the article.
BTW it's Gues-|-
The Gues-|- said:
So, you disagree?
I do. What a bunch of crap.
The Gues-|- said:
Did you watch the entire video?
Yes I did.

On Aug 28th 2001 as I was paying off my bills in a certain very ancient City overseas, the vendors I had dealt with throughout that current deployment of mine were all asking myself and those I was with when we were leaving and seemed very anxious.
One such gentleman leaned over to my friend and myself when we answered Sept 4th and stated "good you pretty girls will be gone just before the war starts." A startling statement to say the least and one which we reported to CSZero upon return to our camp. Others reported similar remarks.
As I lay home relaxing on my 5 days disembarkation watching the news on Sept 11th, I flew off the couch immediately upon seeing the first plane fly into the Tower. My 9er asked what was up and I told him the war was on and that I was going to work. I knew immediately that this event was that which the vendor referred to. I could feel it in my bones. 9er thought I was a nut case. I drove through the gates (which were being picketed you'll recall) and into the Hangar, I turned on the TV in conference room, watched the second plane hit and went upstairs to the OR to put in my waiver.
Was this just instinct on my part? Don't think so. Did the Bush government inform this certain country of their intentions to wilfully blow up their own buildings with their own citizens in it (according to the conspiracy theorists in this video)? The answer is: Not a chance in Hell....Open mind not needed here..you only needed to be in my shoes on 28 Aug 01... then you'd feel it in your gut too.

May those who died on 9/11 Rest in Peace... and may the conspiracy freaks allow them to.
GREAT link, Muskrat.. I was looking for something like that..
1. I watched the second plane strike Tower2 live in the commander's office (where we were all watching with horror). Watching people choosing to leap a thousand feet to their death rather than being burned alive was also something I don't think I will ever forget. My wife's aunt, who lives in Brooklyn, is also an eyewitness, and of course there are literally thousands of eyewitness reports, and lots of other documentary and other evidence collected in the aftermath which simply does not support the various conspiracy theories floating in cyberspace.

2. Lots of people associated with the AQ were quite eager to take credit in the minutes and hours following the attacks.

3. The destruction of the towers, and damage to the Pentagon can easily be explained by engineering principles, you don't have to look too far to find credible information

4. After looking at the competing "evidence" for the collapse of the twin towers, I don't need George W Bush to tell me what is or is not real.

5. The line about the US Administration brainwashing or insulting people's intelligence is a popular insult from the political left, which would seem to be an automatic debate ender; people with such a pathological hatred of the Administration are not interested in reasoned debate, to them we are just dupes of an all powerful (yet at the same time ineffectual) government.
a_majoor said:
1. I watched the second plane strike Tower2 live in the commander's office (where we were all watching with horror). Watching people choosing to leap a thousand feet to their death rather than being burned alive was also something I don't think I will ever forget. My wife's aunt, who lives in Brooklyn, is also an eyewitness, and of course there are literally thousands of eyewitness reports, and lots of other documentary and other evidence collected in the aftermath which simply does not support the various conspiracy theories floating in cyberspace.

Well don't I look like the asshole!  If I had known you were there I wouldn't of bothered with the "commented on the video before you watched the entirety of the video" comment.  Why didn't you say!? :-\

a_majoor said:
5. The line about the US Administration brainwashing or insulting people's intelligence is a popular insult from the political left, which would seem to be an automatic debate ender; people with such a pathological hatred of the Administration are not interested in reasoned debate, to them we are just dupes of an all powerful (yet at the same time ineffectual) government.

note: I'm not one of those lefty's with a tin foil hat which a couple people have accused me of being.  In fact, I'm probably the farthest from it.  However, I don't mind reading into the other side and posting what I think will only cause a good debate and is in the interests of others. Debate is inevitable and I like hearing from other peoples perspectives.
The Gues-|- said:
note: I'm not one of those lefty's with a tin foil hat which a couple people have accused me of being.  In fact, I'm probably the farthest from it.  However, I don't mind reading into the other side and posting what I think will only cause a good debate and is in the interests of others. Debate is inevitable and I like hearing from other peoples perspectives.

And yet, you have thus far failed to express any of your own views on this, while readily attacking others for their views and opinions.  Creating debate is encouraged, doing it without providing any useful input and only yanking other's chains is not.  I would suggest that if you want this "debate" to continue that you either engage in it, or it will be shut down as an unproductive thread merely existing to stroke your ego.
note: I'm not one of those lefty's with a tin foil hat which a couple people have accused me of being.  In fact, I'm probably the farthest from it.  However, I don't mind reading into the other side and posting what I think will only cause a good debate and is in the interests of others. Debate is inevitable and I like hearing from other peoples perspectives.

That's not why you posted the link.  You just wanted to stir crap.  You knew what the predictable response on this forum would be to that same old load of conspiracy theory crap that violates in every way Occam's Razor (now you know my opinion).  If you want to debate- debate.  Don't post something this ridiculous and then retreat into the intellectually dishonest "hey, I don't agree with this... I'm just proving to you all how enlightened I am by giving equal weight to every opinion" crap. 

There are some things that should not require debate.  For example, had I been alive during WW2, I would not have felt any need to engage Adolph Hitler in a debate to sound out his motives.  I have no desire or need to debate with Osama Bin Laden today...

Have a nice evening.
Michael O'Leary said:
And yet, you have thus far failed to express any of your own views on this, while readily attacking others for their views and opinions.  Creating debate is encouraged, doing it without providing any useful input and only yanking other's chains is not.  I would suggest that if you want this "debate" to continue that you either engage in it, or it will be shut down as an unproductive thread merely existing to stroke your ego.

The only thing I failed to do was just that,  Readily attack peoples views.  I did not destructively ctricize anyones views or cause harm.  Stroking my ego is the least of my worries.

SeaKingTacco said:
Don't post something this ridiculous
As rediculous as this?
SeaKingTacco said:
That's not why you posted the link.  You just wanted to stir crap.  You knew what the predictable response on this forum would be to that same old load of conspiracy theory crap that violates in every way Occam's Razor (now you know my opinion). 

SeaKingTacco said:
"hey, I don't agree with this... I'm just proving to you all how enlightened I am by giving equal weight to every opinion" crap. 
What's wrong with that? Some people are that intellectually honest. 

Surely my intent was not to "yank peoples chains".  I found a video and simply thought at least one individual here would like to see it and posted it.  I didn't think my opinion was necessary to attach to the video post at the time.  a_majoor wrote what was written and I countered from what I thought was ignorance, at the time.

The Gues-|- said:
However, I don't mind reading into the other side and posting what I think will only cause a good debate and is in the interests of others. Debate is inevitable and I like hearing from other peoples perspectives.

This apply's to more than this thread.

The Gues-|- said:
The only thing I failed to do was just that,  Readily attack peoples views. 

How true, forgive me.  You not once attacked people views, your approach was consistently more personal:

The Gues-|- said:
You have made a lot of intelligent posts, it's hard to believe you would let the Bush administration insult your intelligence as an individual.  ........  Until then, open up... it helps expand knowledge.

The Gues-|- said:
Did you watch the entire video?

The Gues-|- said:
Point being?

The Gues-|- said:
Well don't I look like the *******!  If I had known you were there I wouldn't of bothered with the "commented on the video before you watched the entirety of the video" comment.  Why didn't you say!? :-\

Please review the Conduct Guidelines:

You will not troll the boards or feed the trolls. This is making posts that intentionally create hostile arguments, or responding to such posts in the same hostile tone.

Users that ignore these rules or otherwise act inappropriately may be placed on warning or banned.

Now, are YOU going to discuss the topic YOU introduced into this thread, or are you only planning to continue to broadcast static?
Michael O'Leary said:
How true, forgive me.  You not once attacked people views, your approach was consistently more personal:

Please review the Conduct Guidelines:

Now, are YOU going to discuss the topic YOU introduced into this thread, or are you only planning to continue to broadcast static?

Seems like a lost cause considering you evidently misinterpret my comments as destructive criticism that 'feeds the trolls' .
The Gues-|- said:
Seems like a lost cause considering you evidently misinterpret my comments as destructive criticism that 'feeds the trolls' .

Keep it on track.

You were asked a question. The polite thing to do would be to answer.

Slim said:
Keep it on track.

You were asked a question. The polite thing to do would be to answer.


Personally, I think it would be better to lock the thread.  Having said that, I'm open for debate.
I think this has gone as far as it needs to go.  If you want it reopened, PM and make a persuasive argument.
Like most folks, I'm exhausted and bored about 9/11 and the stupid conspiracy theories that insult our inteligence.

However, I decided to watch this documentary since it's only and runs from Google video for free.  It's actually quite interesting and does point out errors that most people believe about 9/11.

It's 82 minutes long.  For sure, no major media outlet is going to challenge this film *point by *point, and that's too bad.  If it really is as full of inacuracies as the detractors will say, then they should be easy to point out.

See it and then unleash your comments.  It's called "Loose Change 2nd Edition."

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