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The 911 Conspiracy Theory thread

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I went to a website once that talked about 9/11, so I‘m the untold expert on the topic, and I just can‘t get why none of you can really grasp the truth. It was the Martians who did it, in part of their retaliation for the US shooting down one of their sapceships in Roswell. They‘ve done other things to retaliate too. Remember that mars probe NASA lost contact with a little while back? Martians. Remember Sojourner? It didn‘t really break down, it came across the Martians, and NASA has been covering it up.

The fact is that you will have paranoid people and conspiracy theories. People will also interpret things differntly, and try to twist facts to support their viewpoints. I also love what I refer to as the "Expert Phenomenon".. People think they are experts on a topic because they once saw a TV show, or talked to a person about the topic.. Everybody loves to be an expert.

Further, This forum isn‘t only military pers, there are a lot of civilians. You can‘t take some of the things said here, and plaster it to the rest of the CF.
This is getting too stupid, and outside the realm of our forum. Please lock it out, before I do. I don‘t want to be seen as the :D :blotto: :crybaby: :p bad guy again!!!
No kidding.Pretty soon someone is going to bring up the theory that earth was invaded by aliens and they disguised themselves as women to control us.Hey,wait a minute... :eek:
Who did burn the Reichstad on Feb 27,1933?

Just raising the question of how far some Government‘s will and have gone to create a false crisis to it‘s people so said Gov. get‘s free reign and start‘s to limit‘s it people‘s freedom‘s!

Patriot Act?

Just some thought‘s.
Michael it‘s not who did the deed but the after effect‘s.

"Before the sun rose on the morning of the 28th, over 4,000 communists and a miscellany of intellectuals and professional men who had incurred the wrath of the Nazi Party were arrested. A shaken President Hindenburg, 86 years old, was easily convinced that the nation was on the verge of a communist revolution, was induced by Hitler to sign an emergency decree suspending the basic rights of the citizens for the duration of the emergency. This decree also authorized the Reich government to assume full powers in any federal state whose government proved unable to restore public order, ordered death or imprisonment for a number of crimes including some newly invented such as resistance to the decree itself. The decree did not include any provision guaranteeing an arrested person a quick hearing, access to legal counsel, or redress for false arrest. Those arrested often found their detention extended indefinitely without legal proceedings of any kind."

Hmmm sound‘s similiar to somthing flying aroud to day in regard‘s to one‘s right‘s.History repeating it‘s self in some respect‘s?
Here are watch this and this is from PBS in the State‘s just click on each episode and you will see the whole program.
If you have high speed conection just click on high or 56k.

At the end of watching it all let me know what you think?

The Man Who Knew!!!!!!


All remember!!
With a grain of salt!!!!!!!!!!!
how could no aircrafts be involved w/ all of that LIVE F**KING FooTAGE!?!
I know im a little late for this ttype of post but i saw an amazing show a while ago on the WTC attacks. I myself am very lucky because my father was supposed to be there that morning....Thank God he wasnt. Well anyways i was wondering if you have any stories about what have you done to fight terror(going to Cf members) and also if any of you have stories about the whole thing, I've done a search and couldnt find a topic similar (send me the link and lock this if im wrong)
Alex I'm glad your father wasn't among those present.

Well anyways i was wondering if you have any stories about what have you done to fight terror(going to Cf members)

I have an answer but it probably isn't the same kind you were looking for.

What have I done as a soldier to fight terror?
When i chat online and i see people talking about how all muslims should die, how cool it would be to be a sniper and kill people or how we shouldn't even give these guys trials, we should just blow them all away I try to talk some sense into them.

It makes me sad to see educated people try and use the attacks on 9/11 to justify murder and tourture.   We get pretty pissed off when we see news footage of people from the middle east cheering when the plane hit the twin towers BUT we'll turn around and laugh over a video or picture of a bomb killing a bunch of people?
I try and fight terrorisim by grounding kids (and possible future CF members) against the notion that war is cool and awesome.
Not very exciting eh?
Im glad you posted that ghost because i think it makes most of us on this forum(hopefully) realize that we have helped in a fraction of a way. I agree with the whole "war is cool" issue, most of those kids only play video games or watch saving private ryan a few too many times. Thanks about my dad. He lost a friend there. Unfortuanate really because he had two kids. I hope thatmost of those disrespectful will recognize that this is what the new war is like., not trench warfare or rambo.
World Trade Center Building 7 demands tenacious public scrutiny

February 23, 2006 – The number of Americans that do not believe the federal government’s official account of what happened in New York City on September 11, 2001 is rapidly increasing.  What is interesting about the persistence of the ongoing 9/11 debates is that unlike other instances in American history when public opinion was not in step with official government findings and eventually faded away into obscurity, public opinion regarding the 9/11 Commission Report has actually emerged from the realm of conspiracy theory, and elevated itself into the context of credentialed, scientific analysis.  Today, former, high-ranking government officials[1] and esteemed scholars[2] from key disciplines are lining up against the official government account of September 11, 2001 as described in the 9/11 Commission Report.

If the objective of 9/11 skeptics and critics is to expose a federal level cover-up, or worse, a militarized coup d'état designed to significantly weaken or destroy the government so that those government officials and federal agents involved could establish a perpetual state of emergency while securing enough public support to declare martial law and make war, then the process of uncovering the truth and thrusting it into the mainstream media, which is currently content with the official government report, will require countermeasures that meet and exceed the effectiveness of the existing cover-up measures. 

Of all the cover-up techniques employed by those intending to perpetrate and perpetuate a fraud upon others, distraction is the weapon of choice and most effective tool when attempting to keep secrets, secret.  When considering 9/11 in its entirety, it is easy to become distracted by the overwhelming volume of inconsistencies in the official government findings, as well as the lack of evidence and handling of evidence by the government.  If FEMA, the CIA and FBI, along with the White House, did not intend to appear suspicious and even culpable in their handling of 9/11, they should have because they did such an outstanding job at creating the impression that the federal government had something to hide from the American people.  Secrecy is a distraction meant to get people to focus on that which they perceive rather than what they see. 

When reading 9/11 conspiracy theories, particularly those associated with the Pentagon, great emphasis is placed on what we do not see.  For many, the complete absence of a debris field or any notable and identifiable remains of an American Airlines Boeing 757 on the lawn of the Pentagon’s west wall, serves as evidence that something else occurred at 9:37am EST on September 11, 2001 at the Pentagon then what the government and the 9/11 Commission has reported.  Despite the fact that the federal government has sealed all public access to any debris and physical evidence collected at the Pentagon, when considered in the context of all the other inconsistencies and peculiar behavior of the federal government’s handling of 9/11, it is easy to see that if there is in fact a cover-up or coup d'état to uncover here, then the perpetrators of the fraud, which would amount to treason and mass murder, have resorted to lack-of-information overload to distract the public from uncovering the truth.  As long as the American people skeptical of the official government account keep staring at pictures and pointing at things that are not there, the guilty will escape justice. 

Let’s assume that there is at least a cover-up by the Bush Administration and agents within the intelligence, law enforcement, and military communities of the federal government.  What tactic should we take to break the chain of deception the government has wrapped around our necks?  When held captive by the chains of deception, the only way to break free is to find the weakest link and then, with all the might that can be mustered, shatter it.  When looking at all the evidence, and lack there of, pertaining to 9/11, the weakest link in the government’s account is World Trade Center Building 7.  If the American people really want to expose a felony fraud that would most definitely result in the public execution of government agents and officials for the crimes of treason and mass murder, then there needs to be a full force frontal offensive on WTC-7.  For if the federal government’s account of WTC-7 fails, all of the 9/11 Commission Report and virtually every element of the Bush Administration’s policies since 9/11 becomes highly vulnerable to failure also.  Therefore, what is needed right now, is a persistent, tenacious, singleness of purpose, public inquiry into how and why WTC-7 collapsed at 5:20pm EST on September 11, 2001. 

WTC-7 had 47 floors and was 570 feet in height.  Construction began on WTC-7 in 1984.  In March of 1987, WTC-7 opened for occupancy.  On September 11, 2001 WTC-7 leased office space to the United States Secret Service, the Department of Defense, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Of all the buildings that comprised the World Trade Center Complex, located on the sixteen-acre World Trade Center Plaza, WTC-7 was the furthest distance from both the North and South Twin Towers.  An aircraft did not hit WTC-7 on September 11th.  When the twin towers collapsed, because of its distance from them, WTC-7 sustained no remarkable damage from falling debris. 

WTC-7 did have visible office fires that burned throughout the afternoon of 9/11.  Pictures show the WTC-7 fires as isolated, primarily between the 6th and 12th floors on the south side of the building.  Specific information about the office fires is very limited because no firefighters were fighting the fires in WTC-7.  Because of the greater needs presented by the collapse of the Twin Towers, the New York Fire Department decided, based on its resources available, to let WTC-7 burn.

WTC-7 is the only known steel structured building to have reportedly collapsed as the result of a fire.  When photographs of the WTC-7 fires are compared to pictures of other steel skyscraper fires that look like infernos in comparison to the fires of WTC-7, it is nearly impossible to believe that these other skyscrapers did not collapse due to fire, if the WTC-7 account is truthful.  WTC-7 collapsed straight downward, exactly as a building does during a controlled demolition.  For WTC-7 to have collapsed the way it did using the government’s account of fire as the cause requires that the fires between the 6th and 12th floors to have somehow and miraculously weakened all of the load-bearing walls of this 47-story structure, simultaneously, so that each of the load-bearing walls could and would fail at exactly the same moment, allowing the structure to collapse directly on top of its footprint. 

According to the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a non-partisan association of faculty, students, and scholars, in fields as diverse as history, science, military affairs, psychology, and philosophy, dedicated to exposing falsehoods and revealing the truth behind 9/11, WTC-7 had fifty-eight perimeter columns and 25 core columns.  In order for WTC-7 to sink into its footprint, all of the core columns and all of the perimeter columns would have to be broken in the same split-second. 

In less than seven seconds after WTC-7 began to implode, all that remained of this 47-story, modernly engineered and constructed steel structure was a pile of rubble.  The pile of rubble centered tightly around the vertical axis of the former building.  47 stories of concrete and steel were reduced to a rubble pile less than 2 stories high, and practically the entire rubble pile was found to be neatly within the footprint of the former building. 

Larry Silverstein, the controller of the World Trade Center Complex, stated plainly on a PBS documentary that he and the FDNY decided jointly to demolish WTC-7 in the afternoon of September 11, 2001.  Here is what Silverstein said. 

“I remember getting a call from the ER, Fire Department Commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, ‘We’ve has such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.’  And they made the decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.” 

It was Silverstein’s usage of the term ‘pull it’ that has spurred much of the speculation that WTC-7 was brought down via controlled explosive devises.  Silverstein has since attempted to cover his tracks by claiming that what he was referring to was ‘pulling’ the firefighters out of WTC-7, even though there were no firefighters fighting the office fires in WTC-7.  Silverstein knows the truth, and should be intensely interrogated, Guantanamo Bay style if necessary, in an effort to extract the admission from him that WTC-7 was pre-wired for demolition.  With such an admission and a confession of evidence whereabouts that would stand up in a criminal proceeding, the rest of the unanswered and unfathomable questions that persist regarding 9/11 will be heard once again, but this time, answered outside the control of the federal government and its agents.

See the article and pictures here:  http://www.teamliberty.net/id226.html


The collapse of both World Trade Center towers--and the smaller WTC 7 a few hours later--initially surprised even some experts. But subsequent studies have shown that the WTC's structural integrity was destroyed by intense fire as well as the severe damage inflicted by the planes. That explanation hasn't swayed conspiracy theorists, who contend that all three buildings were wired with explosives in advance and razed in a series of controlled demolitions.

WTC 7 Collapse
CLAIM: Seven hours after the two towers fell, the 47-story WTC 7 collapsed. According to 911review.org: "The video clearly shows that it was not a collapse subsequent to a fire, but rather a controlled demolition: amongst the Internet investigators, the jury is in on this one."

FACT: Many conspiracy theorists point to FEMA's preliminary report, which said there was relatively light damage to WTC 7 prior to its collapse. With the benefit of more time and resources, NIST researchers now support the working hypothesis that WTC 7 was far more compromised by falling debris than the FEMA report indicated. "The most important thing we found was that there was, in fact, physical damage to the south face of building 7," NIST's Sunder tells PM. "On about a third of the face to the center and to the bottom--approximately 10 stories--about 25 percent of the depth of the building was scooped out." NIST also discovered previously undocumented damage to WTC 7's upper stories and its southwest corner.

NIST investigators believe a combination of intense fire and severe structural damage contributed to the collapse, though assigning the exact proportion requires more research. But NIST's analysis suggests the fall of WTC 7 was an example of "progressive collapse," a process in which the failure of parts of a structure ultimately creates strains that cause the entire building to come down. Videos of the fall of WTC 7 show cracks, or "kinks," in the building's facade just before the two penthouses disappeared into the structure, one after the other. The entire building fell in on itself, with the slumping east side of the structure pulling down the west side in a diagonal collapse.

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down."

There are two other possible contributing factors still under investigation: First, trusses on the fifth and seventh floors were designed to transfer loads from one set of columns to another. With columns on the south face apparently damaged, high stresses would likely have been communicated to columns on the building's other faces, thereby exceeding their load-bearing capacities.

Second, a fifth-floor fire burned for up to 7 hours. "There was no firefighting in WTC 7," Sunder says. Investigators believe the fire was fed by tanks of diesel fuel that many tenants used to run emergency generators. Most tanks throughout the building were fairly small, but a generator on the fifth floor was connected to a large tank in the basement via a pressurized line. Says Sunder: "Our current working hypothesis is that this pressurized line was supplying fuel [to the fire] for a long period of time."

WTC 7 might have withstood the physical damage it received, or the fire that burned for hours, but those combined factors--along with the building's unusual construction--were enough to set off the chain-reaction collapse.

I particularly love this line:

The Gues-|- said:
Let’s assume that there is at least a cover-up by the Bush Administration and agents within the intelligence, law enforcement, and military communities of the federal government.

Because, of course, that's supposed to be a given to the reader. They quickly move on to the stuff that actually "needs" evidence to be believed...  ;D

It would seem to me if the black helecopters were going to do this, why waste so much time and energy on things like planes? Just say the terrorists planted explosives and blew up the towers if that's what you're really going to use. There will always be a segment of the population that wants more drama in their lives and/or wants to believe "the man" is out to get them.

I'm content to believe that Western governments are incapable of pulling something so complicated off without a hitch.
I was actually forced to sit through a video called "loose change" which breaks down the supposed conspiracy surounding the 9/11 events.

It went through pretty much everything in that article (and then some), I've been looking for a scientific source to refute it rather than the ones that simply say "oh well it's impossible because no government would do that."

I do enjoy reading conspiracy stuff, sometimes it's even thought provoking, just so long as you don't start to believe it as gospel.
Very interesting video:

The Gues-|- said:
Very interesting video:


Before we all go off the deep end with consiricy theories has anyone checked ALL THE FACTS that that video presents? Its just as easy for the other side to make false claims as it is for us to do so...
The Gues-|- said:
Very interesting video:


Wow, the jiffy pop in that guy's hat must really have been smoking.......

I wonder how the people in the World Trade Centre didn't notice the demolition crew measuring and prepping the building, and didn't trip over the wiring required to trigger the hundreds or thousands of carefully placed charges that would have had to be emplaced on the building's frame (which in normal practice would require stripping away the walls, flooring and ceilings wherever the chage needed to be placed.) Even in New York, at least one or two people might have had something to say?
a_majoor said:
Wow, the jiffy pop in that guy's hat must really have been smoking.......

I wonder how the people in the World Trade Centre didn't notice the demolition crew measuring and prepping the building, and didn't trip over the wiring required to trigger the hundreds or thousands of carefully placed charges that would have had to be emplaced on the building's frame (which in normal practice would require stripping away the walls, flooring and ceilings wherever the chage needed to be placed.) Even in New York, at least one or two people might have had something to say?

I posted the video, I didn't say where my beliefs lie within it.  I know for a fact it is a very good chance you commented on the video before you watched the entirety of the video.  If you want to believe a single plane was the cause of the collapsing of both towers and refuse to be open minded and hear other explanations of the cause of the collapse, so be it.  You have made a lot of intelligent posts, it's hard to believe you would let the Bush administration insult your intelligence as an individual.  Personally, I don't believe everything the Bush Administration says and I don't believe in everything anyone says.  Don't be afraid of other possibilities and close your eyes out of ignorance, I hope your questions will be answered with the truth someday.  Until then, open up... it helps expand knowledge.
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