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The 911 Conspiracy Theory thread

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Bah! My mom has tried to brainwash me with this video 100 times.... ::)
"it sounded nothing like an airplane"...
Yeah... since when do joe shmoes are qualified to talk about sonic signature of a low flying aircraft and a low flying cruise missile? Have they even SAW a cruise missle in person? Neither did I, but i do not give stupid comments to a stupid tin foil paper rag.
Like previously mentioned, no matter what the evidence, there is always someone who will believe in a conspiracy.

First, the tapes were seized initially for evidence; by this time the first two strikes had occurred and this aircraft was known to be 'off the map', so when it hit the FBI jumped right on it.  Then the tapes were not released so that certain malevolent oganizations could not use the films for anti-US propoganda purposes.  There are hundreds of US citizens trying to get access to these tapes through the freedom of information act, so it is only a matter of time until they are made public. 

Next this bozo ignores his own evidence; all the non-pentagon crash images show crashed aircraft disintegrated by fire flame and extreme heat.  When the aircraft crumpled into the pentagon, the heat from the resulting explosion reulsting in a higher than normal point temperature so that most of the frame of the aircraft was almost completely consumed. 

Any other questions about this or other aspects of 911 people dont understand?


From Wikipedia

Factual inaccuracies

The film states that New York's Empire State Building was hit by a B-52 in 1945. It was actually a B-25 Mitchell, an aircraft less than one-third the size of a B-52. The authors have since apologized and acknowledged this error.

Dylan Avery claims that the motors belonging to the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, made of steel and titanium alloys, could not have melted, because the burning temperature of kerosene in even a pure oxyen environment is below the melting point of titanium. Critics contend the melting point of titanium is irrelevant since the motors involve steel-titanium alloy rather than pure titanium, although Ti alloys melt at temperatures (1668 C)[1] significantly closer to titanium (1725 C) than to steel (1500 C).


Loose Change has been criticized as disinformation even by some within the 9/11 Truth Movement, which disagrees with many aspects of the official version of events on 9/11/01 [2]. A primary concern of many in the movement is the promotion by documentaries such as Loose Change and In Plane Site, that a commercial jet did not hit the Pentagon [3], [4], [5], [6].

Critics of the documentary's proposal that a cruise missile or a small aircraft may have been the cause of damage to the Pentagon, cite the nearly 100 documented accounts from witnesses on the scene[7] who reported seeing a large airliner. Some witnesses specifically noted seeing a 757, while only two witnesses, located some distance from the scene, reported seeing a small plane. Loose Change, however, implies that an equal number of witnesses reported different aircraft as reported a commercial jet, and does not mention the large body of witness reports in support of a commercial jet. Critics of the missile theory note that not a single witness at the scene has ever reported seeing a missile[8].

Many do not support the suggestion put forth by Loose Change that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland instead of crashing or being shot down in Pennsylvania, and that passengers were subsequently secretly evacuated to an empty NASA research center. Critics in the 9/11 Truth Movement note that there is virtually no evidence to support this claim and that many witnesses at the time reported seeing and hearing the plane at the crash site.[9], [10].

Wikipedia was used as a source for some information from the documentary. Critics argue that since Wikipedia can be publicly and anonymously edited, the producers of the documentary could have edited articles to suit their own purposes. None of the Wikipedia-based information has yet been verified as correct or incorrect.

Influence On Pop Culture

Also: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html

Hasn't this already been posted and debunked... several times?
Why don't they have a PUBLIC inquiry into the whole 9-11 affair? It seems an event like this one would exhaust all resources to find out what happened. There just seems to be too many questions that should be easy to answer, yet no answers are forthcoming or being sought. This just adds credibility to even the most far fetched theories. While I watched the second plane hit on the news, I too thought instantly controlled demolition. In any case, some of the main points of contention are:

1) How did WTC tower 7 fall? And why did the guy that owned it say in an interview it was "pulled"? And why did he have the forsight to put billions in insurance on the towers just 6 weeks before the event?
2) Why do we not have any CLEAR pictures of the aircraft that hit the Pentagon, when there were numerous cameras available. Why were the pictures confiscated from the various businesses that took them to begin with?
3) What's with that PNAC document talking about the US needing some galvanizing event to allow them to push forth the neo-con agenda
4) Why did George Bush even lend credence to the debunkers by saying "we MUST not tolerate conspiracy theories".
5) What's with the put options on the various Airlines that occurred leading up to 9-11? Any investor will tell you that four times the normal volume is not random. Unless that was Osama and family.
6) What were the extra explosions in the towers that numerous people reported, as evidenced in news video from the time.
7) The problem with the temperature of the burning jet fuel versus the temp it actually takes to bend the steel involved.
8 ) Why were so few fighters available at the time of the attacks to react? Apparently most were away on various  convenient exercises.
9) Immediate confiscation of WTC steel rubble. Essentially hiding all evidence from the crime scene.
10) Flight 93.......a ton of questions there. For one...where are all the black boxes?  And the ones that were....Data unrecoverable?
11) No proof that the hijackers were members of Al Qaeda, or anything, really.

There are many other questions to go with those basic ones. But why are they not addressed?

Why I ask...WHY!?

This admittedly conspiracy oriented video has most of the main points.

because the Illuminati and the Jesuits, with their army of Ninjas - trained by the Knights Templar and the Inquisition - are secretly in control of the US Government, and they want to eliminate Islam. It's all a big scam to continue the Crusades.

Halliburton? Pawns to the Jesuits.

George W. Bush? Secretly a Grand Imperator of the Illuminati.

Condi? Imperatrix of the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants and Regina of the GetYerGrooveBack Matriarchy.
paracowboy said:
because the Illuminati and the Jesuits, with their army of Ninjas - trained by the Knights Templar and the Inquisition - are secretly in control of the US Government Masonic Order, and they want to eliminate Islam. It's all a big scam to continue the Crusades.

Halliburton? Pawns to the Jesuits.

George W. Bush? Secretly a Grand Imperator of the Illuminati.

Condi? Imperatrix of the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants and Regina of the GetYerGrooveBack Matriarchy.
Para me boyo, get your facts straight...

so mote it be,

I see you're back...  ::)

Why don't they have a PUBLIC inquiry into the whole 9-11 affair?

Oh, like this one?



Listen, I was working the morning of the attacks and watched them unfold live and in technicolor, on huge screens, on multiple channels in the ops centre, all the while trying to coordinate the recall of the IRF(L) and the IRU and track where airliners were landing.  You tinfoil hat wearing clowns are suggesting a conspiracy of such epic proportions that it boggles the mind.

Personally, I think the airliners are buried in Area 51 - after the passengers were gassed of course - alongside the alien spacecraft and _The Saint's_ sense of reality.
Geesh, tess, luv you're right. How could we forget the Masons? I mean after all, crunch the numbers and it all adds up to *33!

*except of course for the ones that add up to 333, 666, 11, and 7.
the 48th regulator said:
Para me boyo, get your facts straight...
laddie, since the Masons run the White House and Congress and the Senate, but are run by the Illuminati and the Jesuits, I just skipped them.
with that comment, throat punches won't protect you....NO one skips them..

Well except Opus Dei

Now there is another bag of clams..


I ain't skeert. I got pirates watching my house. Illuminati Ninjas got nuthin' on pirates.

Only those trained in Real Ultimate Power can defeat pirates.
the 48th regulator said:
with that comment, throat punches won't protect you....NO one skips them..

Stand down soldier! Aren't there rules about decking innocent civis? ;)
It still just boggles my mind that the same people who state that the whole Bush regime is incompetent, stupid, etc..... somehow managed to pull off the greatest scam since the Sex Pistols "Great Rock and Roll Swindle".

*sneers ala Johnny Rotten*   "feel like you've been cheated?" >:D

Hey Saint,....do ya think your long tuned out??
Dammit Tess, you've all gone and ruined the secrets.
If everyone could just focus on this little red light and wait for the flash....

So how did everyone find the zoo?

Oh, it didn't work? Shit, this isn't my memory eraser it's just my click pen with the stripper on it.
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