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The 911 Conspiracy Theory thread

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Jungle said:
OK, in 1369 the Chinese couldn't find Cape Canaveral so they settled for Cape Breton... Like they couldn't fly to the moon from China !!!
They weren't so advanced, the Chinese go into space from China now...
There are some major problems with that story; I think it warrants closer examination !!!  ;)
But they HAD to launch from Cape Breton.  You see, the whole lunar calendar and all that: they knew the moon would be directly overhead of CB when the launch window opened.  Geesh: can't you guys think of anything?!?!

paracowboy said:
there it is Ladies, Gentlemen, and Undecided: he's discovered the Rosetta stone to the entire mystery. THIS is why Hoffa was killed. So he couldn't give away the secret of the Illuminati/Jesuit/Knights Templar/Mason/Ninja plot to destroy the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, in order to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.
You've got it all wrong.  You see, Hoffa discovered the truth to the Caramilk secret, and then, under direction of the reverse vampires, the Stone Cutters, in co-operation with the Saucer people, put hoffa under center field in Yankee Stadium.  On election day, September 11, 2001 (in New York City), the outgoing mayor, RUDY, RUDY (not Guiliani, but that guy from the movie), was gonna expose the whole thing at around 9:30 AM eastern.  So, that's when, on about 4 November, 2000, GW Bush, with little Bush Jeb's help, "arranged" a victory in Florida.  GW was so tanked at the time that he actually didn't really remember the whole night, but that just helped out "those in charge".  So, with everything in place (a drunk, dimwitted president presiding over a kids reading festival in a school in, you guessed it: Florida!), four airliners took off from the eastern USA, docked with a "mother ship" on "Cloud One" over London, UK, and the passengers were removed a la "Millenium", and replaced with über explosive charges.  Thus refuelled and rearmed, the "missiles" went back to work. 
The WTC 1, 2 and 5 were wired with explosives as well, and just awaited "the right time", which was when 98% if the awake population of the Earth was watching "the Event" (as it was now called), RUDY! unearthed Hoffa, but nobody cared.  Hoffa was then returned to the horse farm in Michigan, totally unnoticed by everyone except some guy name "Joe", but he's now dead, so forget about him.  The first two planes had hit WTC 1 and 2, plane three had hit the Pentagon.  Why?  No reason, they just didn't like the PENTA in pentagon: too evil for them.  They wanted it renamed the QUADRANGLE, because outside of Quebec, there is no really cool place that begins with a "Q" (No, Qatar doesn't count).  Plane four was to hit WTC 5, "just in case" RUDY! was discovered.  When the whole RUDY event went off un noticed, the missile/plane plowed into a field that nobody had ever heard of. 
The cell phone calls?  They were actually made from "Cloud One" over London, UK prior to being loaded onto the deathstar for the group probings.
This whole plan almost fell apart when a junior member of the "corporation" suggested that as a distraction, Canada could simply legalise "Same Sex Marriage".  Since parliament had, less than two years previous vowed overwhelmingly to entrench the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, the "corporation" figured that ANYONE with half a shmick would have seen that conspiracy from a mile off, so they stuck to "the Event". 
Why did Canada go ahead with the "Same Sex Marriage" option?  Well, the conspiracy theorists had actually figured out that "the Event" was a sham, so plan B was enacted.  Plan C?  Just wait for it.....wait for it.....

It all makes sense, except we missed the part where Flight 93 was guided into the field where Jimmy Hoffa was buried. That explains everything.
Old Sweat said:
It all makes sense, except we missed the part where Flight 93 was guided into the field where Jimmy Hoffa was buried. That explains everything.
OF COURSE!  HOW DID I EVER MISS THAT?????Oh, wait a minute, my decoder ring was on yesterday's setting!!  Silly me!
You're just trying too hard. Relax and use this site to create youn OWN conspiracy.

Fun for the entire family and of course, the fact that this is fictional is proof, PROOF I tell you, that whatever you create is, in fact, real.

"OF COURSE!  HOW DID I EVER MISS THAT??Oh, wait a minute, my decoder ring was on yesterday's setting!!  Silly me!'

- Ya gotta watch Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove more:

Colonel 'King' Kong: "...are ya sure ya got today's codes?"

I'm just happy that someone has finally uncovered the real truth about the Minnow,  her creepy skipper and his "little buddy" http://www.apeculture.com/mediamorph/minnowfiles.htm

a_majoor said:
You're just trying too hard. Relax and use this site to create youn OWN conspiracy.

Fun for the entire family and of course, the fact that this is fictional is proof, PROOF I tell you, that whatever you create is, in fact, real.


here goes

In order to understand mind control you need to realize that everything is controlled by a army made up of dogs with help from chinese.
The conspiracy first started during world war two in hamburg. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including signing of the magna carta.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by biting your nails.

They want to kick in the nuts fred phelps and imprison resisters in iraq using trains.

In order to prepare for this, we all must fight. Since the media is controlled by john kerry we should get our information from george bush.
"made up of dogs with help from chinese."

- This all came out of those signs the Brits put up in Shanghai that said "No Dogs or Chinese Allowed."

What goes around, comes around...

It's either a slip of the toung, or an admission of guilt...you decide :p
The real conspiracy is putting out crazy stuff like this to waste all of our time and effort.

For the adults in the crowd, just walk slowly away when you see the Jiffy Pop hat. Sudden moves might startle them into buttonholing you against a wall or corner so they can "explain" how the Knights Templar managed to pull this off from their underground lair on Oak Island (using the Holy Grail and the remnants of the Chinese space expedition launched from Cape Bretton in 1367).

Leave them to their fun, we will ensure the universe unfolds as it should.
Google Im ages - Results 1 - 20 of about 743 for tin foil hat.

Michael O'Leary said:
Google Im ages - Results 1 - 20 of about 743 for tin foil hat.
LMAO ROTFL...they are priceless

You know, you don't have to be a "tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist" to want a few answers to some important questions.  Stop being so arrogant.

If they're so easy to answer, and so easy to dismiss, then why is no one answering them?
I think every question asked by both sides has been answered - often in a number of different ways. The problem is (in part) that people only "hear" what they want and dismiss out of hand answers that don't mesh with their beliefs. (Again, on both sides.) The other obstacle is information - and not a lack of it. There is too much of it in conflict, which means people can be "choosy" about which facts they use to support their theories.

In fact, there's no other way around it. If you accept all the information out there, you end up with an incoherent picture of conflicting reports, which means that each individual must accept some and discount others. Being human, we all pretty much accept and reject different "facts" which results in a wide range of beliefs.

In short, there are facts, stories and first hand accounts to support whatever theory you want to espouse, and any time that happens, a lot of people are going to cling the "wrong" variant of the truth.
I think every question asked by both sides has been answered

That's not entirely true.  Have a look at this video when you have time.  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5137581991288263801

Now I am the last person one would consider a "tin foil hat conspiracy theorist", but this video left quite a number of questions in my head that have NOT been answered.  They aren't irrelevant questions either.  They are very important questions, that the US government could quell with the simple release of a few video tapes and audio tapes.  Their refusal to do so, with absolutely no threat to national security, would lead anyone with half a mind to think they are not being totally honest.

You're not going to see me at a rally calling for the ousting of the Bush administration for their "take in the atrocities of 9/11", but I do have a few simple questions, as do many people, that they refuse to even try to answer.

Something people on this board have to remember, its OK to question your government sometimes.  It lets the people know that we're still a democracy.
OK,dude, get your tin hat on.  Those "questions" raised in that film are bunk.  Sound bytes (bites?) taken out of context, strung together in a convenient fashion.  Some notable omissions by your "theorists":
What of the structural damage to the towers caused by the mere impact of the planes contributing to the collapses?
What of the weakening of the twisted metal under TONS and TONS of weight that finally failed?  (PS: wood retains structural strength LONGER in a fire than metal does)
Finally: Why the big charade of planes across the skies with EVERYONE in on the theory, except you, of course?  Why not just plant some bombs under the towers (like the Rand corporation apparently tried in 1993), but this time do it right?

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