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Supplements on BMQ (merged)

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Anyone have any experience with being on course and using protien drinks?  Ive heard the speal on how the big bulky Mr. Clean built guys with there protien drinks cant perform in the field because there body isnt getting the usual amount of calories as opposed to when ur just going to the gym and all that.  But i want to know if it will be harmfull to my health or field performance if I start drinking around one protien drink a day.  Im on SQ so i have the 5 day field ex comin up. 
I'm not a doctor or a nutritionist or anything, but in my reading and experience (which is still fairly limited), this is the scoop on protein supplements:

Protein is what repairs the muscles post-workout. The average North American diet contains more than enough protein for this function, so any supplementation is unnecessary, and a waste of money. I used protein bars a while back, and they were useless and expensive so I didn't bother with them anymore. I'd say don't bother unless you're some sort of vegetarian, and even then, peanut butter tastes better than shakes.

This has probably been covered in another thread, so in the future always use the search function.
Protein drinks will only give you extra protein wich promotes muscle regrowth. Normaly they are also loaded with sugar, so you may feel like you have less energy, but I usualy have one in teh morning when I am going to be working out that day, and I have gone one week+ exercises with no problem.
You have been here long enough in your "other" persona to know how to use the search function.
makc said:
Anyone have any experience with being on course and using protien drinks?  But i want to know if it will be harmfull to my health or field performance if I start drinking around one protien drink a day. 

Protein supplements used while on fd ex is quite literally pissing away your money. Starting them when its time to go out to the fd is a waste of time effort and money. Potien is not a primary source of energy, and you do not need to rebuild muscle while humping the ruck.

Short answer...CF meals are already protien heavy (meat, bean, Peanut butter, etc.) eat your IMP meals, you'll get enough protien.
For protein powders, take a close look at the composition of the stuff you're buying; it *should* be listed on the package.  Do a bit of math:  take the serving size (say, for ease of math, 10 grams) and find the proportion of that serving which is protein (listed on the label, in a 10 g serving of the powder, this product has X grams of protein).  If the percentage of the total serving is less than 90% protein (9 grams in the example, obviously), you're paying for more "filler" than maybe you want.  Fitness instructors, weight trainers, my muscle-bound roomate  :D have repeatedly mentioned this point to me regarding the quality of powders on the market...some cheap brands in particular can be giving you far less protein that you thought!  The really "good" stuff (85-90%+ protein) tends to be a bit more expensive though.  Maybe it's no biggie but I just thought I'd chuck that in there too...value for money n all!  All in all, as others have mentioned, supplements are exactly that and shouldn't be abused.
Edit: spelling
I use a protein supplement as just that: supplement. I'm a student and quite often do not eat as well as I should. That may sound like a cop-out, maybe it is. However, there is no inherent danger with using protein supplements AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT MISUSE THEM. One to two scoops a day spaced out evenly should only be around 40-50g of protein, which is a little less than half my target protein/day (120g).

Protein is the key component to building muscle (apart from working them ;) ) and if you want to build muscle, more specifically bulk muscle protein is entirely necessary. I do reccomend you try to get most of your protein from tuna, chicken, nuts, and other meats/fish. However, life isn't perfect so you can top up with a protein shake to add in 20-30g of protein. I bought some Optimum Nutrition 100% whey and the cost/serving (with 24g of protein per serving) equates to about $0.55. That's about the same cost of a can of tuna (a cheap can).

You don't NEED supplements, but in an imperfect world it certainly isn't a bad substitution.
Protien supplements can be totally benificial, but you need to look at how the protien is also bieng produced. Sometimes paying more means you are getting a higher quality protien. Also wieght gainers are a complete waste of money. You are paying a lot of money for just a few simple carbs on top of the protien included in the gainer. It may help you gain wieght but the quality of the carb is absolute C(6p.

I wouldn't spend so much time worrying if you're getting enough protien chances you already are. I would focus more on weather or not your getting enough efas, and good clean calories.
220 grms protien is too much unless your a bodybuilder...i really doubt you are...try to eat basic amounts with about 4 meals a day..if ya want numbers..at least 20 or so  a meal..about 80 grms a day..work out hard. as for supplements...unless you are lacking in a certain area..healthwise....you can possibly get a mutilvitamin...maybe protein powder to add to your oatmeal for breakfast...but don't spend alot..spend your money and time learning how to eat properly.
Castle said:
220 grms protien is too much unless your a bodybuilder...i really doubt you are...try to eat basic amounts with about 4 meals a day..if ya want numbers..at least 20 or so  a meal..about 80 grms a day..work out hard. as for supplements...unless you are lacking in a certain area..healthwise....you can possibly get a mutilvitamin...maybe protein powder to add to your oatmeal for breakfast...but don't spend alot..spend your money and time learning how to eat properly.

Plan to look like a skeleton if you follow the above advice.

I'd like to thank everyone for throwing in their two cents on this thread, as it has been for the most part quite amusing. I'm glad that at least a few people on here have researched the topic at hand before speaking, and could actually give solid advice.
Hey guys, I'm new here and about to apply for a full time infantry soldier position.  I was wondering how legal supplements such as protein, creatine, amino acids, etc are viewed in the army.  Are they encouraged or frowned upon?

I take them, and a lot of guys i know take them as well. They're a legal, natural supplement, so i dont see why anyone would frown upon them.
Thanks, I just wanted to make sure they wouldn't consider them as "cheating" on my physical tests if it somehow came up in the medical.  I have a batch of Xyience NOX-CG3 coming soon. ;D
Beware about the protein supplements, I am pretty sure I read somewhere if you take lot of the protein supplements it can show up in your urine.  If you do the urine test and there is an excess of protein then you fail.  This of course has to be a very high amount which I believe is only caused by basically 'over-doing it'.  But just so you know.  There is a thread floating around in the Recruiting>Medical forum someplace that has that in it.


I found the thread. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/13577.0.html
Now I don't see it specifically saying that taking protein supplements can cause protein in the urine so maybe it's a false alarm.  But theres the info regardless hope it helps.
ArmyDave said:
Thanks, I just wanted to make sure they wouldn't consider them as "cheating" on my physical tests if it somehow came up in the medical.  I have a batch of Xyience NOX-CG3 coming soon. ;D

Don't worry about it, if someone says you are cheating by taking protein powders they're ignorant. The Xyience is good stuff, horribly expensive, but good stuff.
If you can purchase it off the shelf in Canada, you can take it.

As for cheating yourself, the only way to do that is to not properly research what you are taking and not knowing the hows, whys, whens and sides. It is also dangerous to take something that you don't know how it works and what it is doing. I'd recommend doing some research on the products and brands you are taking (try www.bodybuilding.com for starters, they have great articles).

As for taking a 5 lbs bottle of whey with you on course, I wouldn't count on it....
I've heard that the Canex at St. Jean sells protien powder(s), is this true? Does that apply to the Canex at Borden as well?

I'm not sure exactly where one could keep it (on BMQ), maybe I'll fill the shoebox up with it.  ;Dj/k
Well, i've heard they sell white face cloths in St-jean, is this true.....if so, would it be the same in Borden ?
read that before you waste any more money.
They sell Isoflex and Muscle Tech stuff at the Borden Canex. Your better going in Barrie and getting some. Canex can be a tad pricey.