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Supplements on BMQ (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drez
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woah!!! havn't seen this post in a while. pretty cool what the Directing Staff can do  ;D


Mike F.
Mike F. said:
personally i like prolabs whey protein ;D ::)

ha a little off topic there

thanks guys for the posts so far. great discussion

I like Bioex whey protein Isolate, myself, as for the creatine don't take them in pill form get the poweder (I think I heard someone mention this)
Private Parts said:
I highly doubt it.   One of the first things they make you do at St-Jean is get rid of any food, non-prescription meds (including vitamins), etc. that you've brought with you.

Really? Does this mean I can't bring any Chris Brothers Pepperoni even if I bring enough for everyone???  :'(

I am looking into taking some suppliments to help me drop the extra weight and build up some more muscle but I have no clue where to start....
Do a search in the "training" forum and there is lots of info......
As posted earlier, the St. Jean Staff will take away your supplements. 

You may want to consider saving money instead of buying supplements during
BMQ.  It is not a fitness or muscle building course, however emphasis is on
cardio and muscular endurance.  You're better off waiting until after BMQ when
you have the situation to pursue your own fitness training and goals.

The St. Jean mess is pretty good and you can eat all the protein/carbs/vits/mins
in real food during the meals.  You'll have enough to worry about in the course
without over-considering a supplement schedule anyway.

I guess right now what I am looking for is a supplement to help me drop this darn weight......
turn me into a slim, mean, gun totin' machine :threat:...hehehe ;D
During BMQ, don't worry about dropping weight quickly with supplements.  You'll
loose weight anyway.  Most people do.

The course is very busy from 05:00 to 23:00; you're moving around alot, marching,
PT, attending courses, studying, drill, taking care of kit, taking care of buddy, and
undergoing field exercises.  Any supplement to help loose weight after all this may
very well be a waste of money. 

After BMQ, alot of people pack it on again.  They're used to the routine of BMQ and
power eating during meals.  Once you go to the training units or whatever, the pace
may be less than BMQ but the eating doesn't and some pack it on again.  Better to
consider a PT routine, nutrition and supps later when you have more control over your

For loosing weight and gaining mucle before BMQ; it is a modification of diet and
focused exercise.  Take the CF PT self-test and see if you can meet or exceed
the fitness requirements.  Talk to a knowledgable fitness trainer and get a fitness
routine that provides over-all body strength, mucle endurance training, and
cardio training for your fitness needs.  They should have diet plans that will
maximize training nutriton and minimize fat gain.  However, loosing alot of weight
may not be in your best interests either.  A knowledgable fitness trainer will have
good advice.

"The St. Jean mess is pretty good and you can eat all the protein/carbs/vits/mins
in real food during the meals."-Bert

Thanks Bert, that sums it up right there for me.

will whey protein supplements show up in my urine as protein, I Am worried about that beacus eI know a few folks who have been declined for protein showing up in their urine and I Was just wondering if whey protein powder will put protien in your urine, I also eat a high protein diet.. Need suggestions.Thanks a lot.

are you sure it's protein your friends were declined for? I find that very difficult to swallow (or inhale as the case may be).
yeah they werent drug users, they just had protein in their urine which could mean a number of things(kidney disesase,inflamation of the urethra,prostate) they also used protein powders,and I am just wondering if overuse of that would lead to protein in the urine.also, replying to your pot reference, I used to smoke it, but gave it up about 3 weeks ago, and am handing my papers in quite soon. will my past use of marijuana prevent me from getting in? thanks.
And did they also admit to using excessive amounts of protein powder? Google "protein urine", read the applicable medical websites. Protein in urine is NOT normal and can be interpreted as evidence of kidney disease.

What exactly were these friends told when being "declined"? Were they advised to seek medical attention? Were they told they could retest after (any admitted) protein was flushed from their system?

Or is this their handy excuse for being turned down for other reasons - like those in your other thread? (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34334.0.html)
If you quit 3 weeks ago you are going to be held up for sure.  A freind of mine went to the recruiting office the same day as me and he quit 6 months ago.  Im cruising through recruiting he's waiting until January to continue the process.  All because of the weed.  As far as whey protein goes, you should be fine.  With all supplements you should be drinking plenty of water to help your kidneys process any excess.  If your taking proper amounts there should be few by-products.  Many of these things have been discussed previously on other threads so maybe if you search a bit through this site you may find some more useful information.
Cheers and good luck,
CEhopeful said:
yeah they werent drug users, they just had protein in their urine which could mean a number of things(kidney disesase,inflamation of the urethra,prostate) they also used protein powders,and I am just wondering if overuse of that would lead to protein in the urine.
okay, overuse of protein powders enough to cause that sort of thing to show up would be fairly significant. What I'm saying is, you would need to take in a LOT of Ultra-Grow 5000 Mega-Mass Builder XP, for it to affect your kidneys, etc. I doubt there is any connection. I know a lot of guys in the Infantry who eat that stuff by the handful (in some cases, literally. Weirdos.) I use protein powers, as well as creatine monohydrate, and the only vegetables I get are from the animals who ate them first. (Unless tobacco is a vegetable. Is it?)

Any time you are using protein and/or creatin powders, you should be drinking lots of water.

But, to put a squelch on any more ramblnigs from semi-educated fools like me, hopefully a medic-type and a recruiter-type will happen along and sort both of us out. If not, maybe you should send some pms in a few days.

also, replying to your pot reference, I used to smoke it, but gave it up about 3 weeks ago, and am handing my papers in quite soon. will my past use of marijuana prevent me from getting in? thanks.
there are several threads already dealing with youthful indiscretions, and I won't muddy up the waters with my less-than-expert yapping. However, honesty is always your best policy.
paracowboy said:
okay, overuse of protein powders enough to cause that sort of thing to show up would be fairly significant. 

Yes somewhere along the lines of where the girl on here, who was a "professional bodybuilder" and was taking 4 grams per pound of body weight a day.  ::) When I explained that an average chicken breast has about 20 grams of protein and that she would need to be eating the equivalent of 25 chicken breast a day, maybe 20 if you add in 3 or 4 protein shakes, to obtain this amount she disappeared.  ::)

paracowboy said:
and the only vegetables I get are from the animals who ate them first. (Unless tobacco is a vegetable. Is it?)

Has to be a fruit my friend, you don't know any vegetables that you want more and more of do you?
Island Ryhno said:
Yes somewhere along the lines of where the girl on here, who was a "professional bodybuilder" and was taking 4 grams per pound of body weight a day. When I explained that an average chicken breast has about 20 grams of protein and that she would need to be eating the equivalent of 25 chicken breast a day, maybe 20 if you add in 3 or 4 protein shakes, to obtain this amount she disappeared.  
yeah, that was funny! I like sitting back and watching you go sometimes. (Winding up, winding up, winding up, and....sproing!)

Has to be a fruit my friend, you don't know any vegetables that you want more and more of do you?
just tomacco. And that's scarce since Homer went back to town.
I take muscle milk protein supplements plus v12 creatine i passed the medical test without a problem except i drank too much juice without any supplements in the morning and in the CRFC they made me pass the urine exam twice and they tough i had diabetes because i had too much sugar in my urine, i told them i drank too much juice and they replied i needed a deeper exam, i went to my doc. passed the medical exam without any problem it was the darn juice that caused the problem and the CRFC didn't told me not to drink juice before showing up... so my file was sent to Ottawa took em one month to examine my medical and the 6 september my medical was accepted and if i didn't drank this juice i will be going on the 3 October BMQ aaaaaaa darn juice...anyways don't abuse supplements and you will be OK  AND DONT DRINK JUICE BEFORE SHOWING UN MEDICAL ONLY WATER .....WATER.

Wolf  :cdn: