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Supplements on BMQ (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drez
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I am going to the bold eagle camp this summer and was wondering if I am able to bring Beta alanine?
Also is the pay tax free?
Depends on your staff, bring it anyways.

I used it while I was there, and my staff knew, and they didn't care.
brandonbellerose said:
Also is the pay tax free?

Considering he's asking about Bold Eagle, I would venture a guess that the poster may have Aboriginal status, in which context the question makes some sense.  ;)
As a staff member I can tell you in Wainwright you will not be allowed Betta Alanine while on Bold Eagle.  As a general rule the only drugs allowed are prescription ones.
I notice on the CFLRS website under "14 things you need to know before coming to CFLRS" it states protein supplements to augment performance are not allowed. Is this a new policy or is it something that has always been around at the CFLRS? I had protein supplements on my basic courses that the NCOs never had a problem with but that was not at CFLRS.
Reaper-1 said:
Is this a new policy or is it something that has always been around at the CFLRS?

At least since 2005, according to this:
"Dietary Supplements?":

"If you bring stuff like that, your instructors will take it away when you get to the School and it will be returned to you at the end of the course."
I kept all my protein bars and supplements in the trunk of my car.  The chow at some bases is crap. I'm looking at you Pet.

Guys, if you are infantry and you are deployed, you may not have room in the rucks for protein sups. Learn to do without.
There is no "unless it is in your car" clause of protection from the CFLRS Commandants' orders and SOPs.  Also, unless things have changed, access to your PMV during the Indoc period is controlled and limited.

Its not like 'hiding it in my car' hasn't been tried before...remember that saying "be smart about being stupid". 
I'm guessing this rule has to do with the staff not wanting to deal with someones heart exploding on PT because the candidate pumped themselves full of wacky supliments that the guy at Popeye's swears by.
ObedientiaZelum said:
I'm guessing this rule has to do with the staff not wanting to deal with someones heart exploding on PT because the candidate pumped themselves full of wacky supliments that the guy at Popeye's swears by.
Not just that, but in the field ie deployed - you may not have access to your supplements. Get Lang like everyone else or you may become a liability to your fellow soldiers.
Jim Seggie said:
Not just that, but in the field ie deployed - you may not have access to your supplements. Get Lang like everyone else or you may become a liability to your fellow soldiers.
True, I've seen guys big into supplements shut down pretty fast when they don't have access to their stuff.
It's also to get into people's heads that they aren't supposed to put stuff into their bodies that the CF doesn't know about or hasn't given to them - there is a huge issue with self medication in our society that can lead to other health issues AND/OR the fact that they are hiding an illness or injury.

Reaper-1 said:
I notice on the CFLRS website under "14 things you need to know before coming to CFLRS" it states protein supplements to augment performance are not allowed. Is this a new policy or is it something that has always been around at the CFLRS? I had protein supplements on my basic courses that the NCOs never had a problem with but that was not at CFLRS.

Once you're done all your courses and posted to a unit, the canex usually sells protein powder and a few other supplements like creatine. Wait until then.