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Supplements on BMQ (merged)

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aesop081 said:
Well, i've heard they sell white face cloths in St-jean, is this true.....if so, would it be the same in Borden ?
paracowboy said:

read that before you waste any more money.
aesop081 said:
Well, i've heard they sell white face cloths in St-jean, is this true.....if so, would it be the same in Borden ?

Thanks all. Para, that link was definitely a good read. I remember reading that thread a long time ago, I guess I just didn't scroll down far enough.  :-[
TN2IC said:
They sell Isoflex and Muscle Tech stuff at the Borden Canex. Your better going in Barrie and getting some. Canex can be a tad pricey.

That thanks went for you too TN2IC...
Not all protein supplements are bad, or a waste of money. 

Paracowboy's thread has some excellent points and facts.

Here's what I use (and this is just me, and it works for me, might not for you).

I know I should have 1.5 grams of protein for each Kg of body weight that I have (I do cardio in the am and weights after work). 

I eat most of my protein (check the info on the packages/food containers, whatever you eat.  You would be surprised that protein is in your oatmeal...rice...egg whites...WW bread, etc etc). 

Eat clean, and supplement if you see a need, not just 'cause it is there.  I use ISO Xp, 45 grams of protein (100% whey protein isolate) per scoop, 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of carb's (bonus!).

Why and when do I take this?  RIGHT after I work out with weights, as it is the fastest absorbing protein I can get, I can have it right in the gym (just add water) and the muscles will absorb it and use it right away. 

Leads to my next point, what are you hoping to get out of it?  I take it 'cause I am trying to build muscle, and I factor the 45 grams I get from my shake into my "daily amount".

You can spend a shiteload of time finding conflicting info on the Internet, however, a credible source I have read before is a guy named Covert Baily.  The website I went off of is below...


There are na-sayers out there aplenty against protein supp's, and an equal amount of na-sayers about those na-sayers. 

Find what works for you, research why and when you should take ANY supplements, ask yourself why your diet isn't providing what you are missing, and supplement smart.   

Oh and remember, this stuff might be great in garrison, but you think you are gonna get this stuff while on ex?  Cart it around in your ruck or have the SQ carry it in your baggage in his Ech?   

Do some reading, before you just take anything for the sake of taking anything.

Extreme example?  Hot Lips has a friend who is a triathlete.  She also bodybuilds.  She has to supplement to maintain her intensity...

Lots of advice out there, lots of opinions, take it all in, research, and make a smart choice that will work for you.

About the "eating clean" stuff, I thought I would add this.  Believe it or not, someone has already made this pretty easy to figure out...


This is printed off and on our fridge.  Good quick reference material.  Pretty easy to follow, gives normal serving sizes, and is aimed at the "average" person.  So to up your protein, just...go to the higher end of the daily amounts...ya, see its too easy.

Just remember the burger and fries in the Jr Ranks mess aren't the best choice.  Milk is good, pop is not so good.

You are the one who decides what your body gets to work with...

Hope that helps some...I know it did me.  I love the KISS approach, and the Food Guide works for me to keep it simple, stupid.  (Cause I am sorta stupid  ;D).
Mud Recce Man said:
About the "eating clean" stuff, I thought I would add this.  Believe it or not, someone has already made this pretty easy to figure out...


This is printed off and on our fridge.  Good quick reference material.  Pretty easy to follow, gives normal serving sizes, and is aimed at the "average" person.  So to up your protein, just...go to the higher end of the daily amounts...ya, see its too easy.

Just remember the burger and fries in the Jr Ranks mess aren't the best choice.  Milk is good, pop is not so good.

You are the one who decides what your body gets to work with...

Hope that helps some...I know it did me.  I love the KISS approach, and the Food Guide works for me to keep it simple, stupid.  (Cause I am sorta stupid  ;D).
I sold the fridge Mud...a few weeks ago...and took off the info... ;D...but that's okay...he has it in his head...where it ought to be

Research and do what works for you...no two bodies are the same nor do they have the same requirements or function exactly the same...be creative and aim for good health...

Be well
Again, I claim AMTS (aluminum mess-tin syndrome)  ;D

I have the electronic copy on my laptop.  its all good.
Hello all, I have a quick question....

I am curious as to why you're not allowed Protein Powder in BMQ? It has been said that it will "alter performance" or something along those lines. So would I be allowed to bring Branch Chain Amino Acid powder?

Protein is a naturally occurring substance that is in nearly every type of food, Meat/Dairy/Beans/Legumes. If protein is not found in the food, Amino acids generally are, which is what protein breaks down into.
Simple answer - the staff have neither the time nor the inclination to investigate the health risks or the legality of every single witches' brew that can show up on basic.  Your first number of weeks will be strictly regimented, and even finding space to store your supplement would be a task and a half.  You simply don't need it.  Need protein?  Go for seconds in the chow line if you have time.

If you can't manage to pass basic without a supplement, then physiologically speaking, you have no business wearing the uniform.
I take supplements as well (protein, NO-Xplode, and for 2 months I took Sub Q). I now only take protein and the occasional NO and by all means I'm no bodybuilder but I do hit the gym 4-5 days a week as it's something I enjoy and lets me listen to my music more often!
I had the same question before, when I was unaware of these forums. However, at the time i was watching the series "Basic Up" that i discovered on youtube. The series is great, I would suggest watching the whole thing. But I've got a link that clearly answers your question.


Theres the link, go to 5:50.

Basically explains that in St. Jean they have a "properly designed diet and excersize program that you do not need these things."

Bummer eh? But it's no big deal, after basic you'll be able to hit the gym again as im pretty sure all bases have them? And I'm more then sure that the military would promote your physical fitness throughout your career as it is a requirement.

But yeah, that should answer your question. I wish you could take them while you train but I'm planning on having much more important things to worry about while I'm there haha.

Best of luck,
Why can't you take protein powder during BMQ, IAP or BOTP?

Because the Commandant of CFLRS says so.  Period.  Don't make it any more complicated than that.  Don't get into the habit of questioning "why" all the time.  You will cause yourself grieve, your platoon-mates will start getting in shit because of you.

To quote one of the best RSMs I ever served under:  "We are here to defend democracy, not practice it!"

I suggest you read this document.  Relevant to this thread specifically is Para 6.  In the military, ignorance of the law is NOT a valid defence.

Orders are orders.  You can disagree with them, think they are dumb.  I suggest you keep that to yourself.  Being professional means acting professional. 

If you disobey a lawful command up there and are caught, I can almost promise you that you will face some form of discplinary and/or administrative actions.

Eye In The Sky said:
To quote one of the best RSMs I ever served under:  "We are here to defend democracy, not practice it!"

+10 to that EITS
Eye In The Sky said:
Why can't you take protein powder during BMQ, IAP or BOTP?

Because the Commandant of CFLRS says so.  Period.  Don't make it any more complicated than that.  Don't get into the habit of questioning "why" all the time.  You will cause yourself grieve, your platoon-mates will start getting in shit because of you.

To quote one of the best RSMs I ever served under:  "We are here to defend democracy, not practice it!"

I suggest you read this document.  Relevant to this thread specifically is Para 6.  In the military, ignorance of the law is NOT a valid defence.

Orders are orders.  You can disagree with them, think they are dumb.  I suggest you keep that to yourself.  Being professional means acting professional. 

If you disobey a lawful command up there and are caught, I can almost promise you that you will face some form of discplinary and/or administrative actions.

It seems to be a common problem with new troops wishing to question anything they don't agree with. As Eye said, the reason you can't have said products is that the CF, and the school CO, have decided a proper diet and exercise is all you need at St Jean. Once you are done with your basic training and move on to your next posting feel free to purchase and use all the supplements you want.

Mine was a CO that gave us the democracy speech! ;D
I am a vegetarian and therefore use supplements to stay healthy.  It takes a wide variety of foods to get everything, every day.  I'd imagine the IMPs, etc. don't contain all the nutritional necessities for a vegetarian. Would they make an exception for a vegetarian in training courses?  [Note: I applied for Sig Op & Infantry]

I currently take:

Daily vitamins
Whey protein
Digestive Aid
Creatine (I would not be brining this though.)

Thanks in advance.
There are vegetarian IMP's (quite filling too), Vegetarian box lunches, and vegetarian options in the mess hall.
Personally, I am a firm believer that "artificial supplements" are not required, nor good for you, if you eat the proper foods.  Although you call yourself a Vegan, I find it sort of contradictory for you to be taking artificial supplements.  I just find it odd.  

Now, I don't want to be jumped upon for that comment, as I know many others who have totally different diet regimes, who also take large numbers of artificial supplements, and I can not see what benefit they really get.  I guess, I feel "natural" is better.  

As for your questions on dietary needs, the CF will usually accommodate as best as possible the different Religious and Dietary needs of its members.
psy said:
I am a vegetarian and therefore use supplements to stay healthy.  It takes a wide variety of foods to get everything, every day.  I'd imagine the IMPs, etc. don't contain all the nutritional necessities for a vegetarian. Would they make an exception for a vegetarian in training courses?  [Note: I applied for Sig Op & Infantry]

I currently take:

Daily vitamins
Whey protein
Digestive Aid
Creatine (I would not be brining this though.)

Thanks in advance.

IAW Para 6 of this document, protein powder is not authorized.
They don't allow that kind of stuff in BMQ because there is no way to tell what it actually is.  For all they know it could be illegal drugs.  They also have no way to know what the stuff contains, even if it is legitimate.  Energy boosters are frowned upon in BMQ and BIQ because there are those that have run into serious health problems taking them, ie Red Bull.  You can remain a vegan in the military, they even offer vegan rations for the field.  You won't need supplements.  You won't have room to keep them either, especially in BMQ.
Thanks for all the feedback.

Just for the record though, I am not Vegan.  If a Vegan shouldn't have any problems,  then it should be clear sailing for me.

Thanks again
stealthylizard said:
They don't allow that kind of stuff in BMQ because there is no way to tell what it actually is.  For all they know it could be illegal drugs.  They also have no way to know what the stuff contains, even if it is legitimate.  Energy boosters are frowned upon in BMQ and BIQ because there are those that have run into serious health problems taking them, ie Red Bull.  You can remain a vegan in the military, they even offer vegan rations for the field.  You won't need supplements.  You won't have room to keep them either, especially in BMQ.

Just finished BMOQ on NOv 27 and I can concur that even in the OCDT blue sector where you have your own room and personal safe, these things are frowned upon, not to say some people don't take these boosters. Canex even sells energy drinks and bars.

Oh...you can get veggie rations when you are in the field, we had a veggie on our platoon. I lived on the IMP bread and raspberry jam only all the time we spent in the field, I just counldn't stomach the other stuff.

Always listen to the words of command and never question them. If you are told you are not allowed to take the liner out of your beret till you leave st jean, don't ask why