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Supplements on BMQ (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drez
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Spend less time trying figure out a way around the rules, and just follow direction. No supps mean no supps.

ObedientiaZelum said:
True, I've seen guys big into supplements shut down pretty fast when they don't have access to their stuff.

This is my point, thanks.

Another small issue I have is with the guys who have to have the biggest arms etc- about a day into field exercises they need to eat, eat, eat - or they shut down as well.
I forget who said it but there's a good quote to illustrate the point:

"Wispy ectomorphic types excel at conventional displays of fitness, but the Falkland Islands showed that their more generously covered colleagues are better suited to the rigours of campaigning."
So Mr Seggie, your point here is that when deployed you may not have enough room in your ruck for enough IMPs, so we should start starving ourselves now in preparation? You might run low on ammo too, so I guess reserve rounds are good to go. No good will come from being in a catabolic state and having you leave course weaker then when you went in.

I agree that some of the pre-workout supplements can have adverse affects on heart rates and the such, but protein has been proven to be very safe. If the rule is "No supps", that is different, but the title of the thread states "No protein" which I (and all of my importance, haha) have a problem with.

Especially when the messes are notorious for this idea that two eggs is a sufficient breakfast for active individuals. I love the look on their face when a 135 lbs guy goes through the line three times to get an adequate number of eggs.
toughenough said:
So Mr Seggie, your point here is that when deployed you may not have enough room in your ruck for enough IMPs, so we should start starving ourselves now in preparation? You might run low on ammo too, so I guess reserve rounds are good to go. No good will come from being in a catabolic state and having you leave course weaker then when you went in.

I agree that some of the pre-workout supplements can have adverse affects on heart rates and the such, but protein has been proven to be very safe. If the rule is "No supps", that is different, but the title of the thread states "No protein" which I (and all of my importance, haha) have a problem with.

Especially when the messes are notorious for this idea that two eggs is a sufficient breakfast for active individuals. I love the look on their face when a 135 lbs guy goes through the line three times to get an adequate number of eggs.


You really missed the point, didn't you.  Or, are you just being a shyte-disturber?
toughenough said:
So Mr Seggie, your point here is that when deployed you may not have enough room in your ruck for enough IMPs, so we should start starving ourselves now in preparation? You might run low on ammo too, so I guess reserve rounds are good to go. No good will come from being in a catabolic state and having you leave course weaker then when you went in.

I agree that some of the pre-workout supplements can have adverse affects on heart rates and the such, but protein has been proven to be very safe. If the rule is "No supps", that is different, but the title of the thread states "No protein" which I (and all of my importance, haha) have a problem with.

Especially when the messes are notorious for this idea that two eggs is a sufficient breakfast for active individuals. I love the look on their face when a 135 lbs guy goes through the line three times to get an adequate number of eggs.

You're so far out of your lane, you crossed the median, and went off into the pecker-brush on the other side of the highway.

Simple question.  Where exactly are troops in a cbt outpost, austere location going to get their "needed" supplements?  On the issue of march discipline can I say "sorry WO...I can't take that extra C6 ammo...I've got my protein powder onboard and am maxed out here".


Simple saying:  Train the way you fight, fight the way you train.  Ever hear that before??
ModlrMike said:
I forget who said it but there's a good quote to illustrate the point: "Wispy ectomorphic types excel at conventional displays of fitness, but the Falkland Islands showed that their more generously covered colleagues are better suited to the rigours of campaigning."

We found that when the Hussars were closed out in the early 90s and some of us "Tanker" size guys got to the Strats we couldn't really keep up to all the running an such that the "Boat" boys did..................but they couldn't do the heavy Maintenance on their new tanks either. We also found out when we went to Bosnia in 94 that the 135- 155 run like the wind, do a million push ups, and pull ups crowed couldn't handle the heat all that well either.
I know some guys did take a tub of protein to their FOB and I'm sure some made it out to the COPs.

When I was overseas I spent most of the tour in a COP and found out there is protein powder in the system(no idea if it is still around though) as we got a couple boxes of it on a resupply. 

But the point of not being reliant on supplements is valid as you won't always have access to it,  and what you do have will eventually be used up.
"Face palm"
Some peoples kids friends!

I'm glad that this guy isn't in charge of a mess menu, all it would be is pure protein since that all you need to be fit.

Who gives a dam about cholesterol, sodium, carbs, vitamins.

The only thing I would recommend anyone doing basic training is a good quality multi-vitamin, and even that is iffy if you choose the right things at the mess.

-Skeletor- said:
I know guys did take tubbs or protein, etc to FOBs and I'm sure some made it out to the COPs.

When I was overseas I spent most of the tour in a COP and found out there is protein powder in the system(no idea if it is still around though) as we got a couple boxes of it on a resupply. 

But the point of not being reliant on supplements is valid as you won't always have access to it,  and what you do have will eventually be used up.

Had no idea...learn something new every day!
Eye In The Sky said:
Simple question.  Where exactly are troops in a cbt outpost, austere location going to get their "needed" supplements?  On the issue of march discipline can I say "sorry WO...I can't take that extra C6 ammo...I've got my protein powder onboard and am maxed out here".

You may also come down to a time when you have to take a litre of water out of your ruck to make way for that ammo. I would never suggest that you intentionally dehydrate yourself (in preparation) for that eventuality.

In an austere location you also can't have showers. Does that mean you should not shower on base?
toughenough said:
You may also come down to a time when you have to take a litre of water out of your ruck to make way for that ammo. I would never suggest that you intentionally dehydrate yourself (in preparation) for that eventuality.

In an austere location you also can't have showers. Does that mean you should not shower on base?


Ok.  Sure.  *Tuesday*.
I want to throw in my comments.

Some background, I used to do protein powder and creatine when I was early twenties, thank god I nearly went broke and was forced out of all that horse shat.

Two years ago, when I last had access to free weights, I pulled over 400 Lbs in dead lift (double overhand, not mixed grip), squat close to 400 Lbs for 5 reps (never tested 1RM) and shoulder pressed 185 for 3 reps at a bodyweight of 195 lbs. WHo gives a rats pess about bench press? Don't ask, I could care less. But I can do dips with over 100 lbs strapped to my waist.

This is after having recovered from a blown meniscus (thanks infantry), neck injuries (thanks wrestling and CQCI) and right shoulder blade that was torn (thanks Grizzly AVGP). This was at the age of 38.

To the original poster, you do not need to waste MONEY on protein powder supplements and all that other GARBAGE. Seriously, not needed and a complete waste of your money.

Austere work outs? Grab some sand bags and start chucking them around. Too easy? Carry two sand bags in each hand. Pull ups off your LAV/TLAV/RG, what ever. Push ups, any where. Find some huge ass rocks and carry them around. Muckle onto to the jerry cans, one per hand and hump them for a bit. Squat with rucksacks. Practice lifting biggest fat arse in your section off the ground in a dead casualty limp.

Get the point? You do not need to pump iron and eat all that junk.

Learn to do without food for a bit here and there (I fast once a week for 18-24 hours and it does the body mega-good).

Point made?
toughenough said:
In an austere location you also can't have showers. Does that mean you should not shower on base?

No. It just means you don't need to carry a bar of soap, so you now have room for the ammo you ditched for the extra water. :facepalm:
ArmyRick said:
Austere work outs? Grab some sand bags and start chucking them around. Too easy? Carry two sand bags in each hand. Pull ups off your LAV/TLAV/RG, what ever. Push ups, any where. Find some huge *** rocks and carry them around. Muckle onto to the jerry cans, one per hand and hump them for a bit. Squat with rucksacks. Practice lifting biggest fat arse in your section off the ground in a dead casualty limp.

Reminds me of the "gym" we made on tour,  a little creativity can go a long way
