Back to the subject of religion in the military, there is definately a problem. The military being a large institution, is so slow moving to adapt to its changing diverse culture, and the present form of military religion is outdated. We dont have ministers of all faiths available for whoever needs to pray/services/advice/consultation etc. If the military wants to keep padres and chaplains as a viable trade they need to relfect the whole CF community. As for prayers and religious ceremonies on parades and such, it is more of a traditional/notional gesture these days as im sure a good number of CF members are non-believers. They should either elimninate prayers from parades, or allow those who do not believe to have their rights respected and not be forced to participate. Its a matter of principale and respect, show it for those who do believe and those who dont. I think forcing anyone to goto a church parade is ridiculous, can you imagine ordering a religious soldier to an atheist celebration?. Just my .02 on the subject.