For offers - RMC is the militarys school, its their first choice, its their bread and butter. Whether you put RMC or not they will fill RMC first with who they want there. For example I was finished my first year at civi u when I got my offer and it was for RMC and I didn't even put RMC on my application. Your offer will come, it will be very standard - your rank, your pay grade, what year you will be in and where, how much time you will serve and what uniform you will be wearing (army, navy, air). I went back and forth for 2 months trying to get them to change mine to a civi U offer, and to recognize my current pay grade in the reserves - because your pay can never go down in the forces I.E. If you are at pay level 5 for rank X and are promoted to rank Y typically your pay goes back to pay level 1 for the new rank, but if pay level 5 for rank X was higher, you should stay at that pay. They wouldnt budge on either. Lastly I would suspect that most civi U offers will be for people who are either already done a year or 2 at civi U, or are in a program that is not offered at RMC I.E. Environmental Studies, etc. Otherwise I suspect whether you put RMC or not, the offers this year will primarily be for RMC.
As for your 9 university credits did you just take highschool university level courses as opposed to college? For my school it was in grade 9 and 10 applied and academic then it switched to college, mixed: college/ university or university courses. Those are not actual university credits...just the ones required to get into university. If by chance you managed to some how get 9 university credits - something I've NEVER heard of then you should go into your student services building at civi U or the PLAR section (they have a website and email) at RMC to get them recognized and put on your transcript.