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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Got a call from the Recruiting Centre to book my update interview for the trades I added.  Since AEC only needs an airfactor of 4 (I think?) and ACSO needs a higher one, I am not sure if they'll send back my medical or not.

I was told that I am ready to be put on the merit list and for my second and third trades "you probably won't need them." So it looks like I will just add Log O and leave ACSO off, but I will clarify that tomorrow when I do the update interview.

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot AEC
Trade Choice 2: Log O
Trade Choice 3: ACSO?
Application Date: August 22nd, 2011
First Contact: August 30th, 2011
Aptitude:  September 14th, 2011
Medical:  September 20th, 2011
Interview completed: November 15th, 2011, Early December (AEC), February 15th (Log O)
Aircrew Selection: Passed January 12th, 2012
Merit Listed: February 13th (AEC)
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:
Recruiting Center: CFRC Kingston
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 2:Aerospace Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 3:Communications and Electronics Engineering Officer
Application Date: September 2011
First Contact: September 2011
Aptitude:  November 10th, 2011
Medical:  November 24th, 2011
Interview completed: November 24th, 2011
Merit Listed: December 11th, 2011
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

Just handed in my first semester transcripts. The recruiter told me he was impressed. He told me now all I had to do was sit back and await to be contacted.

Hoping for the best!
Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I just received my first University acceptance, for the people in Ontario using the OUAC system, I can see the offer through the website, however I have yet to receive an actual Email from Brock (the school), what did you guys hand to them? Just a print out of the email or the OUAC offer? (which doesn't show my name or student number in with it)


A little ironic, to me at least, that you would write this :

scriptox said:
I figured that I shouldn't have to wait 6 weeks to receive an update..

and this:
since I procrastinated on e-mailing/calling them).

in the same post.
canada94 said:
Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I just received my first University acceptance, for the people in Ontario using the OUAC system, I can see the offer through the website, however I have yet to receive an actual Email from Brock (the school), what did you guys hand to them? Just a print out of the email or the OUAC offer? (which doesn't show my name or student number in with it)



They should send you an email when they accept you, telling you to go to OUAC to reply to their offer. The actual letter of acceptance can take a bit longer to receive. I remember that I received my letter from Waterloo about a month after I was informed that I was accepted  :)
Indeed CDN Aviator. That was a fault on my part. Though I may have felt that I shouldn't need to wait 6 weeks to hear back from them, I did indeed procrastinate on contacting them, which is a complete contradiction on my behalf. I guess I just didn't want to check in and ask how my file is doing if they were just going to tell me "No, it's still being processed, we'll contact you" The med tech did say to wait 6-8 weeks so I thought I would wait closer to that time. Nevertheless, I received the information I was looking for, I'm happy, and it won't happen again.
Cui said:
They should send you an email when they accept you, telling you to go to OUAC to reply to their offer. The actual letter of acceptance can take a bit longer to receive. I remember that I received my letter from Waterloo about a month after I was informed that I was accepted  :)

That is quite crap, my recruiter told me that the quicker I get acceptances the more competitive I am, the OUAC stated I have an offer.. I just emailed Brock asking for some sort of "proof" they can send me, that I can send to the RC.

Thanks though :)
Cui said:
do a screenshot of the OUAC site?  ;D

I could and print it haha, but would that be sufficient? From what I see it does not show my student # or for that matter my name!
I was kidding, don't do that, just wait it out. Plus, you might be getting other offers as well. But do contact Brock and ask them if they can expedite that letter for you.
Cui said:
I was kidding, don't do that, just wait it out. Plus, you might be getting other offers as well. But do contact Brock and ask them if they can expedite that letter for you.

Yeah haha I was assuming you were! and thank you!
Just photo copy the letters that you have received in the mail and hand those in. That's what I've done. If you haven't received a letter, just print off the emails from the Universities that have given you offers and use those.

Good luck.
I thought he said he didn't receive anything other than a change of status from OUAC, so he'll have to wait it out lol
I wasn't made aware that we were supposed to notify them if ever one was to be accepted into a University while applying for ROTP. I guess I'll have to contact my MCC about that...
Cui said:
I thought he said he didn't receive anything other than a change of status from OUAC, so he'll have to wait it out lol

I called Brock's admissions department, my letter should be here by Tuesday! Hooray
Someone fill me in, have we established a time frame for board-CFRC notification-offers?

I'm a little on the anxious side myself. Deja vu, you see.
akilpatrick said:
Someone fill me in, have we established a time frame for board-CFRC notification-offers?

I'm a little on the anxious side myself. Deja vu, you see.

The board meets mid-march.

I was just told that I wouldn't see an offer before mid-April, but I am going Civy-u only.  So I would be notified last. 
LOLslamball said:
The board meets mid-march.

I was just told that I wouldn't see an offer before mid-April, but I am going Civy-u only.  So I would be notified last.

Same I am Civi-U only!
canada94 said:
Same I am Civi-U only!

Nice, I just read your profile and you're still in high school, why are you unsuitable for RMC?

I put down no for RMC and I was still assessed for RMC, but unsuitable, so civy u for me.

I guess I'm just asking if you put down no for RMC or if you've been deemed unsuitable, or both.

ACSO test Wednesday, and apparently I am the only person on the merit list for AEC so far.... anybody else close, or on their way for AEC?

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot AEC
Trade Choice 2: Log O
Trade Choice 3: ACSO
Application Date: August 22nd, 2011
First Contact: August 30th, 2011
Aptitude:  September 14th, 2011
Medical:  September 20th, 2011
Interview completed: November 15th, 2011(Pilot, suitable but not competitive)
                                  Early December (AEC)
                                  February 15th (Log O+ACSO)
Aircrew Selection:      Passed January 12th, 2012
                                  ACSO test Feb 22nd
Merit Listed: February 13th (AEC)
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:
LOLslamball said:
Nice, I just read your profile and you're still in high school, why are you unsuitable for RMC?

I put down no for RMC and I was still assessed for RMC, but unsuitable, so civy u for me.

I guess I'm just asking if you put down no for RMC or if you've been deemed unsuitable, or both.

ACSO test Wednesday, and apparently I am the only person on the merit list for AEC so far.... anybody else close, or on their way for AEC?

Recruiting Center: CFRC Vancouver
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Pilot AEC
Trade Choice 2: Log O
Trade Choice 3: ACSO
Application Date: August 22nd, 2011
First Contact: August 30th, 2011
Aptitude:  September 14th, 2011
Medical:  September 20th, 2011
Interview completed: November 15th, 2011(Pilot, suitable but not competitive)
                                  Early December (AEC)
                                  February 15th (Log O+ACSO)
Aircrew Selection:      Passed January 12th, 2012
                                  ACSO test Feb 22nd
Merit Listed: February 13th (AEC)
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

My recruiter said my lack of any math's or sciences, and my, at the time low marks made me unsuitable, I assume even with my new much higher marks; pardon my idioticracy my "unsuitableness" continues haha

I was worried about this, but after my interview the recruiter told me I am on equal playing field and that I still  have a good chance of getting accepted so that relieved a lot of tension, and I did not put that I "wanted" to attend RMC however I did state that I "would". So maybe it was a blessing in disguise or just a reason I won't get accepted haha, hopefully not.

PS: My recruiter told me that merit list is regional, so outside of your region some other people maybe merit listed.
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