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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Should have added that there are 20 openings for AERE 2018/2019. I haven’t heard of only six being offered as you’ve written.
Abeilles said:
I have been admitted in Computer Engineering and some other programs at UToronto, UWaterloo, and some other places, but I am also considering RMC.

If I go to RMC, the plan is to complete a Computer Engineering degree, do my 5 years of service, and from then, depending on how attached I am to the military, either stay there, get a Master’s degree/go back to the civil world.
(Please don’t bash me for considering getting out after 5 years, not everyone knows exactly where they want to end up in 9 years, and I know that the military isn’t for everyone. I just like planning ahead just in case.)

1. How does RMC compare to other universities in terms of prestige? UofT and UW are some of the top Engineering schools, how is RMC viewed by the rest of the world, and how would an Eng degree from RMC be considered by employers?

2. How is the student life of a cadet in RMC compared to civil universities? Do they get to go off campus to have fun sometimes - Socialize, party, eat out, etc.? Would I be able to be part of anything outside of RMC? I understand it is a very disciplined environment, which is fine by me, but how much so? Missing out on the average “student life experience” is another factor I’d like to take into consideration.

3. I am a musician, a violinist to be exact. I have been performing for a very long time and have even been admitted to McGill for violin performance, so I am very attached to music. The only bands I have heard of in RMC are for brass. Will there be any opportunity for me to keep practicing and playing in RMC?

Sorry for the long post, I am just confused as to what I want to do, going to RMC will likely imply letting go of a lot of things, and the deadline is coming close. Hopefully this will give me some insight, thanks!

I had similar questions, and I decided to apply for RMC, but that's because it works for my specific situation. Here is what i know from my own homework;

1. RMC in terms of Engineering, as I understand it correctly, benefits from Professors from Queen's university. In terms of prestige, it will not compete with Waterloo or UT. However, the course material is accredited, and therefore you learn the same material. The difference will be in the profs and the standard they wish to teach/grade the students by. In some Unis they tend to make the course material unnecessarily difficult which may or may not be your cup of tea, especially with a full course load. My opinion is that as long as you put your 100% into your studies and that the program meets accreditation, then it is not a choice factor for me.

However, at RMC under ROTP, you will require to partake in other military activities which will take your attention away from studies on a fairly regular basis. If you have received acceptance from schools like UT and Waterloo, I would def jump on board with Waterloo. Their compu science dept is excellent and the captsone projects allow you to work on superb experiments in conjunction with physics and other engineering students. My friend went through Waterloo for some Astrophysics courses as he was at Western, and he was very impressed with the place. Be warned though that Waterloo/UT have a notoriously difficult first year for any Engineering core.

2. RMC students get to decompress, especially in the later years. There is a different camaraderie there and it is more like a close-knit community than a large Uni. You get to know most students by first name and you get to make memories just as good as other places. However, yes, it is a lot more disciplined and it only takes 1 person to ruin the fun for everyone else. I am applying through UTPNCM, therefore if I get accepted then I would have a separate group from the ROTP students, and therefore not the same discipline/military activities. I am very focused on studies and I am not interested in the social aspects. I am interested in getting to know the faculty and expand my military career options upon graduation.

3. I am not sure what is avail for RMC in terms of strings. You can bring your instrument, but you may have to pursue your playing on your own time, but again I am not sure what is available in that regard at RMC.
Just received my offer for ROTP- Civ U (Inf O). Thank you everyone on the forum for their help, especially Buck_HRA. I am glad to have found this community who shares their experiences so well and helps others out in such a kind way.


I apologize if there is information regarding this in previous threads, but I haven't been able to locate an answer to my concerns.

I recently accepted a conditional offer to RMCC for the ROTP.

I have my high school completion (gr 12 equivalent from overseas), a 2-year Ontario Diploma from college, and some university credits (York U/Queen's U).

My high school, college, and first several university grades (York) are good. However, I took three online courses from this past Jan-Apr and did not receive passing grades for the three courses I did take (Queen's).

Are the failed Queen's courses grounds for my offer being revoked?

Thanks in advance for any information!

JP4422 said:
Just received my offer for ROTP- Civ U (Inf O). Thank you everyone on the forum for their help, especially Buck_HRA. I am glad to have found this community who shares their experiences so well and helps others out in such a kind way.


Thank you for thanking people! I get a lot of good dirt information from people on here yet don't feel I thank them enough.

Maybe my great wit, good looks and limitless humility is enough? :)
Thanks a lot for the response. Definetly put some of my fears at ease. Just a few more questions for clarification.

How important are the sports, do they have to be team sports and how high level do you have to play? I'm saying this because Karate is my only sport right now and it's kind of difficult to fit something else in unless it's through school. Secondly I'm not good at any sport so kinda hard to join a team.

Do they look at grade 12 marks exclusively or do they look at all 3 years? Additionally do they look at diplomas for Alberta students, and your IB marks for IB? Or is admission based off your class grades?

Does RMC take transfer credits, since I'll have quite a lot from IB, and I want to utilize them.

Lastly, does RMC have early applications? I'll be done Grade 12 Math and Physics by grade 11, so can I apply with those for a conditional offer?
Hey Shinjay.

As long as you’re active and doing well in karate, you’ll be fine. In regards to marks, when you apply in September as you start grade 12, RMC will look at your grade 11 marks. If they are good enough and you have been taking the prerequisites, then they’ll move your application forward. If you pass all the requirements of the application process and get an offer, there will be conditions attached.

One of those will be that you must continue to maintain a school average, in the prerequisites that betters or at least mirrors your grade 11 transcript. Don’t let it drop. Any early offer is conditional on passing grade 12, and the transcript is required by RMC while you’re at BMOQ. Your school will send it to them. Yes they accept IB but you’ll need to contact your RC on the finer details of transferring credits.

Hope this helps somewhat.

Shrinjay said:
Thanks a lot for the response. Definetly put some of my fears at ease. Just a few more questions for clarification.

How important are the sports, do they have to be team sports and how high level do you have to play? I'm saying this because Karate is my only sport right now and it's kind of difficult to fit something else in unless it's through school. Secondly I'm not good at any sport so kinda hard to join a team.

Do they look at grade 12 marks exclusively or do they look at all 3 years? Additionally do they look at diplomas for Alberta students, and your IB marks for IB? Or is admission based off your class grades?

Does RMC take transfer credits, since I'll have quite a lot from IB, and I want to utilize them.

Lastly, does RMC have early applications? I'll be done Grade 12 Math and Physics by grade 11, so can I apply with those for a conditional offer?

High school averages of peers when I went to RMC were like low to mid 90s (from ON, BC); low to mid 80s from other provinces

Hi all,

I have a few questions regarding ROTP. I've asked a few recruiters and none have been able to give me for sure answers to 100% of my questions and I'm a little worried about what path I'll end up taking. Story time...

I graduated high school in 2016, and then took a year off for medical reasons. I had to have 2 ankle surgeries which I'm still recovering from but I'm doing very well and should be back to running around sometime this year so I'm not too worried about that. Last year I attended the University of Toronto Mississauga for chemical and physical sciences, but HATED it. Until the injury that caused me to need the surgeries I was a soccer player and a dancer so now I'm going back to my roots and transferring to kinesiology. I'll be attending either U of T St. George or Dalhousie but I'm still deciding.

Both of my grandparents are air force vets and I suppose maybe that's what got me started considering a career in the forces. I've thought about it off and on for years but only with the chaos of last year did I sit down and seriously look into it. I decided I really want to be a pilot (something I've been interested in from a young age). Unfortunately, it was May when I read about the ROTP and decided to apply and the application deadline for the ROTP had already long passed. I applied anyways but of course it will not be considered until next year.

If I am accepted next year I will have completed my first year of university already. I have read that you can still be accepted to ROTP at a civ university if you only have 3 years left...

However, it has been a lifelong dream of mine to go on an exchange overseas during university, and this wouldn't be possible in my first year. There is a chance of it happening in my second if I pull for it. After I join I won't be permitted to go and this is hugely important to me. I haven't been able to get a concrete answer out of any recruiters about this, so does anyone know if it is possible to get into ROTP if you have already completed your first two years of university?

I know I could also do DEO, but right now I am struggling to come up with the money to pay for even my first year of university in my new program. I come from a very poor family so no one is able to help me finance it and doing ROTP as opposed to DEO would help alleviate a lot of that stress.
Question about DEO as a pilot... how would it differ from ROTP? As far as rank, pay, etc.

I can only answer one of your questions:

You can apply to ROTP as long as when you get in, you have enough school left for them to subsidize at least 1 year.
So if you apply at the start of your third year (4 year program), you can get in ROTP for the fourth year.

xmacx said:
Hi all,

I have a few questions regarding ROTP. I've asked a few recruiters and none have been able to give me for sure answers to 100% of my questions and I'm a little worried about what path I'll end up taking. Story time...

I graduated high school in 2016, and then took a year off for medical reasons. I had to have 2 ankle surgeries which I'm still recovering from but I'm doing very well and should be back to running around sometime this year so I'm not too worried about that. Last year I attended the University of Toronto Mississauga for chemical and physical sciences, but HATED it. Until the injury that caused me to need the surgeries I was a soccer player and a dancer so now I'm going back to my roots and transferring to kinesiology. I'll be attending either U of T St. George or Dalhousie but I'm still deciding.

Both of my grandparents are air force vets and I suppose maybe that's what got me started considering a career in the forces. I've thought about it off and on for years but only with the chaos of last year did I sit down and seriously look into it. I decided I really want to be a pilot (something I've been interested in from a young age). Unfortunately, it was May when I read about the ROTP and decided to apply and the application deadline for the ROTP had already long passed. I applied anyways but of course it will not be considered until next year.

If I am accepted next year I will have completed my first year of university already. I have read that you can still be accepted to ROTP at a civ university if you only have 3 years left...

However, it has been a lifelong dream of mine to go on an exchange overseas during university, and this wouldn't be possible in my first year. There is a chance of it happening in my second if I pull for it. After I join I won't be permitted to go and this is hugely important to me. I haven't been able to get a concrete answer out of any recruiters about this, so does anyone know if it is possible to get into ROTP if you have already completed your first two years of university?

I know I could also do DEO, but right now I am struggling to come up with the money to pay for even my first year of university in my new program. I come from a very poor family so no one is able to help me finance it and doing ROTP as opposed to DEO would help alleviate a lot of that stress.
Question about DEO as a pilot... how would it differ from ROTP? As far as rank, pay, etc.

Hey all,

I'm pretty hell bent on joining the Air Force as an AERE, so I just wanted some information about the recruitment process.

1. What kind of averages should I be looking at to be competitive for RMC, which is my backup choice?

2. How early can/should you apply for ROTP? My timeline may be a bit longer since I was born outside of Canada, and came here when I was 5. I also have extended family in other countries (grandparents in India, Uncles in USA and India). Are these going to affect my timeline, or not since I was so young. I've had my Canadian Citizenship since 2013, if that changes anything. If it'll take me extra time, can I apply in January of my grade 11 year or something around there?

EDIT: Whoever merged my thread into this one, thanks! Wasn't aware of this thread.
Close friend is AERE with Arch March ceremonies 25 Aug. He applied in September of grade 12 with a grade 11 average of 90.1 for AERE. He did very well overall and received an early offer in January of 2018. He has a friend that applied for same program but was not successful with a 83 average but there could be other circumstances that did not work in his favour. You cannot apply in grade 11 as they use your final grade 11 transcript as a benchmark to start your application moving forward. AERE is highly competitive, I believe there were only 20 or so openings for this fiscal year.
I am a first-year university student and I have always wanted to be in the military since I was a kid. I learned about ROTP a year ago but I applied late and I guess I wasn't competitive enough to make it. I did my aptitude test and didn't score high enough to be an officer but high enough for 90% of nco jobs. I really want to be in this program and will be working hard this year to be competitive as an electrical engineer officer. I am studying as a Photonics engineer and taking many engineering courses hopefully to switch next year to electrical engineering. Does anyone know what I can do to make my self competitive? This is my dream Job and am willing to work my *** off to get into this program. What can I do to ensure my acceptance?

Also, I am joining the reservist as Electrical Generating Systems Technician close to what I want to study. I should be doing my medical test soon. Should I stay as a reservist for a year to better my chances? or are there other things I should instead or in addition do to up my chances?

Your advice is much appreciated.
Acceptance to ROTO/RMC and the military in general. Is based on your application , ask yourself these questions before applying: are my marks high enough, am I physically fit and can I improve that, am I medically fit etc. Look at the application process and if you can’t answer them all honestly then you need to figure that out, The CFAT plays a major role in determining your trade, there is a CFAT trainer app for $7 I think, study it, not a few days before but many weeks ahead of your appointment. You’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve been involved with your community, displayed leadership initiatives, involved in sports. Engineering averages at RMC are at around mid/high 80’s to low 90’s.
Hello everyone!
I just have some questions, for I am planning on joining the military soon (1-1.5 years).
I will soon be 16, and when I am 16 I will be able to join the reserves or do the Regular Officer Training Plan.
The ROTP requirements state that one must be 16 years of age or older. How could I train to be an officer when I am in high school?
Can someone clear this up for me?
(I want to be a pilot, by the way, second option NCO vehicle tech).

If you are that keen, I suggest joining the reserves.  That will give you some indication of what you might be in for.

Please consider going to university.  If you want to be an air force pilot, a degree from RMC may be a good starting point (but don't disregard all your options).  An RMC (or other university) degree also gives you lots of options if your plans don't quite work out the way you hope. 

I recommend Chris Hadfield's book "An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth" about setting and working towards goals.  Chris is an RMC grad, a pilot and an astronaut. 
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