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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Chalupas said:
This raises the question then about the acceptance numbers
Since students from quebec have to do the prep year are they counted as part of the ROTP applicants each year or a separate budget entirely

Just curious if anyone knows :)

As always Goodluck to all :)

Its two seperate merit lists, with their own SIP numbers.  The CF likes to put things into their own neat little categories. 
I learned I was merit listed yesterday! Finally. It's going to be a long wait from now till we start getting the phone calls. The recruiters here at CFRC Vancouver said that selection calls will start coming in at the end of April/beginning of May.
LOLslamball said:
Congrats Amcanucks.  How was Trenton and CAPSS?

Thanks! I actually went to Trenton last year. I completed and passed CAPSS then but wasn't selected ultimately. Therefore, I wasn't required to go again this year. Hoping for a different result this time around. 
amcanucks1 said:
I learned I was merit listed yesterday! Finally. It's going to be a long wait from now till we start getting the phone calls. The recruiters here at CFRC Vancouver said that selection calls will start coming in at the end of April/beginning of May.

First and foremost, Congratulations!
Secondly, I wanted to ask how you learned/discovered you were merit listed. Did you receive a phone call or e-mail or a letter in the mail?
Or do you perhaps have to inquire regarding your status at the local CFRC?
I recently completed my application process, and I was given a phone-call (shortly after clearing up a slight error during my medical) that my file was no longer on hold, and that all I had to do was stay in good physical condition.
Do I have to come into the centre, give them a call or send an e-mail to my MCC? Or will they let me know if I were merit listed?

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide regarding this matter.

Kayghee said:
First and foremost, Congratulations!
Secondly, I wanted to ask how you learned/discovered you were merit listed. Did you receive a phone call or e-mail or a letter in the mail?
Or do you perhaps have to inquire regarding your status at the local CFRC?
I recently completed my application process, and I was given a phone-call (shortly after clearing up a slight error during my medical) that my file was no longer on hold, and that all I had to do was stay in good physical condition.
Do I have to come into the centre, give them a call or send an e-mail to my MCC? Or will they let me know if I were merit listed?

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide regarding this matter.


From the sounds of it, I think you might already be merit listed. But I went into the RC and found out there. My medical file had been at Toronto for a while getting an Air Factor. So I decided to personally go in there and talk to the Med staff and I found out that I had been merit listed that very day.

You can give your RC a call and they will tell you. I doubt you have to go there.

Good luck!
amcanucks1 said:
From the sounds of it, I think you might already be merit listed. But I went into the RC and found out there. My medical file had been at Toronto for a while getting an Air Factor. So I decided to personally go in there and talk to the Med staff and I found out that I had been merit listed that very day.

You can give your RC a call and they will tell you. I doubt you have to go there.

Good luck!

I called one day about a medical issue and the desk-worker informed me I was merit listed, so I assume calling the RC and simply asking the desk-worker; should be good enough.

My experience finding out was that way anyways :)
When I came back from aircrew selection and handed in my expenses they told me that they'll give me a call when they get my medical file back from Toronto and let me know when I'm merit listed.
I have a question, if I accept my offer, can I still travel outside of Canada provided that I'm back by the day that I'm supposed to be sworn in? I would like to visit relatives in China this summer, do I have to go through extra security checks once I commence basic training? Any insight would be appreciated  :)
Cui said:
I have a question, if I accept my offer, can I still travel outside of Canada provided that I'm back by the day that I'm supposed to be sworn in? I would like to visit relatives in China this summer, do I have to go through extra security checks once I commence basic training? Any insight would be appreciated  :)

You don't belong to the CF before you get sworn in.  You can do whatever you like.
Would it cause problems if I change my occupations from: 1. Engineer Officer to: 1. Pilot 2. Engineer Officer?

I have thus far completed the CFAT and Medical; with the interview scheduled for the 16th of March. When I first made my application a recruiter told me that I should drop pilot due to scheduling limitations at Trenton with respect to the fact that I applied late season. I took his advice and now in retrospect, I completely regret that because pilot is ultimately what I want to do, with Engineer Officer as a close second.

Is it really too late? If I do change my occupation preference, would I have to redo the medical and or CFAT?

If you applied for ROTP you are too late because we have to have completed Aircrew selection and Aircrew medical by march 16 to be merit listed for the selection board.

Sorry :(
nic32 said:
If you applied for ROTP you are too late because we have to have completed Aircrew selection and Aircrew medical by march 16 to be merit listed for the selection board.

Sorry :(

March 16th you say? Now, all I need is a miracle and to have to skip two midterms. :( If you are right though that is really a shame. I will have to wait until next year, at which point I'll be a third year University student, which automatically disqualifies you from ROTP I think. Ahhhh.... dammit.

Can anyone with more experience chime in on this?
I'm sure because when I went to Toronto for my Aircrew Medical I had lunges infection so I have to redo Chest X-Ray and pulmonary fonction and I have to bring the result to my CRFC before March 12 to get time to send it to Toronto before March 16th

By the way, Deadline for ROTP Pilot and Police Officier was 15th of November and for all other trade it was January 15th

Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Quebec...
I've concluded that calling the CFRC in Montreal is useless to get solid information to answer my specific questions (listed in the previous recent messages). They transfer me around and eventually I was transferred somewhere and the call dropped. It appeared  as though everyone treats you like they are busy and they just want to get off the phone because you are bothering them and are annoyed by having to speak English. I guess calling right before lunch was a bad move on my part though. >:( /rant

Positively speaking; all the more reason why this forum has proven to be an extremely useful resource with a wealth of knowledgeable users and information base! My last option I guess is to go there in person; which I now plan on doing later today.

Thanks for your input guys.
My apologies for disappearing for the last month, it has been a very stressful and exciting time! With regards to interview, medical, and CFAT, I am done and merit listed for all of my trades! The interview was nerve-wraking and stressful, but I was found competitive for MARS, NC Eng, and MS Eng. So, it's time to wait now. These last few weeks have been a blur with midterms and self-inflicted practice in time management (read: sleep is for the weak), as well as a trip east to visit family in Ontario. Hopefully, the next few months are just as intense and pass by just as quickly. Anyone else applying from the island?
So I went to the CFRC in person and they told me that the only other option left for Pilot in my case is by DEO. Bummer. I missed the deadline by 2 or 3 weeks (to give enough time to have everything completed). I can't wait for next year because I am already a 2nd year University student, and will have less than 18 months os school to go by next hiring season.

You guys were right, you need to be merit listed for March 16th in order to be considered for the first selection phase (and they rarely ever go to the second selection phase for pilots). The Corporal also mentioned to me that this date actually goes for all officer occupations. So essentially, if you aren't merit listed by March 16th your chances of being selected decrease drastically (for Senior ROTP applicants varying from trade to trade). And lastly, you are on a merit list for all occupations, there isn't a merit list for each occupation. That is the information he gave me and it sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

So I decided to just put my dreams of being a pilot on hold, I am not interested in waiting another 2 years for DEO. If I qualify, I'll transfer sometime in the future (if applicable)! Besides, Engineering Officer is still going to be great!  :salute:

And to close, this is all very good news for the rest of you pilot applicants! That is one more spot now guaranteed available to the rest of you.  ;)
amcanucks1 said:
From the sounds of it, I think you might already be merit listed. But I went into the RC and found out there. My medical file had been at Toronto for a while getting an Air Factor. So I decided to personally go in there and talk to the Med staff and I found out that I had been merit listed that very day.

You can give your RC a call and they will tell you. I doubt you have to go there.

Good luck!

Thanks for the reply. I'll go give them a call first thing tomorrow morning.
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