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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Never heard about the merit list being regional, but I was never told it was national either.  Interesting. Either way it doesn't change the numbers I was told in regards to spots vs applicants. 

Do you know exactly how the civy-u vs RMC works on the merit list?  My MCC has been absolutely amazing, but is unsure how this works.  All I know is that each trade has funding for civy-u, but I don't know how this works in practice, ie whether RMC people are picked first, or at an advantage in any way. I believe they get offers sooner.

RMC and civy-u each have their pros and cons, from what I have heard at civy-u it seems like you're forgotten by the forces from sept-april, more of a shock when BMOQ comes around though.

gotta get that offer first though!

PS how is your elbow? fully recovered?
When I applied to RMC last year, I was found unsuitable for RMC because of my grade 11 math/science marks were not as good. My MCC called me and told me that was the end of the line, and I had to wait until September of 2011 to apply again. I was accepted into all of my choices for civvy-u shortly after.

I was found suitable and competitive for all of the jobs that I applied to, but due to the fact that I slacked off in grade 11. If there are any young ones out there reading this, my advice is to never slack off. If you have the urge to slack off, think of something that you really want (i.e. RMC), and think if the temporary pleasure of not working hard is worth losing your long term goals over.

Right now I am a first year at Waterloo, applying for civvy-u ROTP. In my honest opionion, I think going to school outside of RMC helps in your process of becoming a mature young person. You have to pretty much set your own schedule on when to go to class, when to study, and when to work out, etc. If you want more military experience, you can help out with a reserve unit, or a cadet unit. As well you learn how to manage your own expenses, since you have to pay your own bills instead of just having rations and quarters taken automatically out of your pay.

While at RMC you can immerse yourself in a full military environment, and get second language training while you are learning, which is good since it might give you a step up later on in your military career since you might not need SLT, or have to spend less time in SLT.

Ultimately it is up to you, the CF will decide where to send you, and you have to make the best out of what you are given.
LOLslamball said:
Never heard about the merit list being regional, but I was never told it was national either.  Interesting. Either way it doesn't change the numbers I was told in regards to spots vs applicants. 

Do you know exactly how the civy-u vs RMC works on the merit list?  My MCC has been absolutely amazing, but is unsure how this works.  All I know is that each trade has funding for civy-u, but I don't know how this works in practice, ie whether RMC people are picked first, or at an advantage in any way. I believe they get offers sooner.

RMC and civy-u each have their pros and cons, from what I have heard at civy-u it seems like you're forgotten by the forces from sept-april, more of a shock when BMOQ comes around though.

gotta get that offer first though!

PS how is your elbow? fully recovered?

If there is anything I have been taught as of yet about the Forces, it is that many recruiters say many different contradicting things, I don't personally understand how the merit list could be "regional" either. And for my elbow, it is not completely healed however I have been cleared medically, and I should be good to go by April (back to hockey as in good to go hehe) I have been working out again for about 3 weeks.

And I am actually going to call and ask all those similar questions tomorrow (are RMC people ahead of us etc, I assume they are, however assumptions mean nothing hehe).

EDIT: Spelling
canada94 said:
If there is anything I have been taught as of yet about the Forces, it is that many recruiters say many different contradicting things, I don't personally understand how the merit list could be "regional" either. And for my elbow, it is not completely healed however I have been cleared medically, and I should be good to go by April (back to hockey as in good to go hehe) I have been working out again for about 3 weeks.

And I am actually going to call and ask all those similar questions tomorrow (are RMC people ahead of us etc, I assume they are, however assumptions mean nothing hehe).

EDIT: Spelling

I agree with your statement completely.

And good to hear that you're getting back to hockey relatively soon.

The first thing I was told was that they just go down the list and if the person is civy-u they ask "trade _____ do you have the funding to send this person to civy-u)

Either way there are lots of civy-u spots and we've done all we can to get one, hopefully we did enough.
Who is it that determines whether or not you are unsuitable for RMC? Did you receive information from RMC itself - or the recruiters at the RC? I ask because I have not been informed about this 'suitability' yet.

I am in a little different situation though, as I am doing a CT.  So if anyone is doing a CT and can shed some light it would be much appreciated.

I have not received any word at all from RMC and am not sure if that is normal.

Thanks a lot.
HeavyD said:
Who is it that determines whether or not you are unsuitable for RMC? Did you receive information from RMC itself - or the recruiters at the RC? I ask because I have not been informed about this 'suitability' yet.

I am in a little different situation though, as I am doing a CT.  So if anyone is doing a CT and can shed some light it would be much appreciated.

I have not received any word at all from RMC and am not sure if that is normal.

Thanks a lot.

Well from my experience, I believe it could be the recruiters. In my scenario, it was my MCC. When my interview had finished, I had been asked to wait in the lobby for what seemed like 10-15 minutes. Afterwards my MCC called me back in and he said something along the lines of, "After assessing you, I have found and deemed you eligible, suitable, and competitive".

This could be what they mean be finding out whether an applicant is "suitable" or not.

However, don't take my word for it, seeing as you are going through a different process.
Thank you.

I was informed I was suitable and competitive come to think of it, although I had just assumed that meant they could further process my application.

You know what they say about when someone assumes something...  :facepalm:
HeavyD said:
Thank you.

I was informed I was suitable and competitive come to think of it, although I had just assumed that meant they could further process my application.

You know what they say about when someone assumes something...  :facepalm:

For me, "suitable and competitive" referred to the trade.  I was suitable but not competitive for pilot and suitable and competitive for AEC.

I was told separately when my MCC was looking at my file that I was unsuitable for RMC, because of the amount of university I have completed.
LOLslamball said:
For me, "suitable and competitive" referred to the trade.  I was suitable but not competitive for pilot and suitable and competitive for AEC.

I was told separately when my MCC was looking at my file that I was unsuitable for RMC, because of the amount of university I have completed.

Well then I guess I am still unsure about my suitability to attend RMC, I would prefer to stay at my Civy-U, but that isn't always how it works. The credits I have put me at the second year of my program, but it is my first year at the school. (I have some transfer credits from a college program.) So from what people have been told by their MCCs here - it is likely that a "second" year student would not be found suitable for RMC.

Mid-March is coming very soon though, time seems to be flying by now.
scriptox said:
Well from my experience, I believe it could be the recruiters. In my scenario, it was my MCC. When my interview had finished, I had been asked to wait in the lobby for what seemed like 10-15 minutes. Afterwards my MCC called me back in and he said something along the lines of, "After assessing you, I have found and deemed you eligible, suitable, and competitive".

This could be what they mean be finding out whether an applicant is "suitable" or not.

However, don't take my word for it, seeing as you are going through a different process.

My recruiter said my file was sent to and reviewed by RMC to determine I was unsuitable, I assume it is RMC, which makes sense. So I think you're file was simply reviewed and approved by RMC.
HeavyD said:
Well then I guess I am still unsure about my suitability to attend RMC, I would prefer to stay at my Civy-U, but that isn't always how it works. The credits I have put me at the second year of my program, but it is my first year at the school. (I have some transfer credits from a college program.) So from what people have been told by their MCCs here - it is likely that a "second" year student would not be found suitable for RMC.

Mid-March is coming very soon though, time seems to be flying by now.

No credits transfer to RMC is what I have been told.  Apparently I have the option to redo all my credits and start first year university at RMC, but I was advised against it.

You can always ask you MCC.
Not sure who you heard that credits don't transfer from, however I went through the process last year and I was offered an ROTP contract to attend RMC. I was finished my first year by the time I heard from them. In order to get credits transferred you need to send your transcript to their PLAR section (Prior Learning Assessment Recognition). Not all credits will transfer for example I took some environmental courses, and RMC has NOTHING close to those classes so they didn't transfer those. They also won't take a credit with a mark under I think it was 60 or 65%. 
That's just what my MCC told me.  Maybe you can grad early, but you have to start with the first year indoc period?

Yes, from what I understood you would need to go into first year but afterwards if you had transfer credits you'd be sitting in higher standing - back in 2nd/3rd year.
Wrote the CFAT this morning. After we filled out some forms they had us all (about 15) wait around a conference room table. A civilian employee walked in and grabbed about 8 guys and walked them out of the room. Five minutes later an officer walked in and then told us that we were the group that passed. Most stressful five minutes ever...!

Any who, as I was walking back home my cell phone rang and it was the CFRC contacting me to schedule the medical/interview. Glad to see things are moving quick in Montreal!

Congrats Matt :)
Goodluck on your interview and stay calm :)

Goodluck to everyone :)

Dam straight I am stressing hehe!

However all it does is motivate me to work hard in school, and the bottom line is the marks!
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