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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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My understanding is that when you apply to a university without having grade 12 university courses, but is based on going to college for a year before hand you are considered a mature student, not because of age.
From the RMC website, here is the what they say mature student is:

Who qualifies as a Mature Student?
You will be considered for admission as a mature student if you:

will be 23 years or older as of the first day of classes of the session for which you have applied;
do not meet the academic requirements for admission as a regular student,
are a Canadian citizen or a Permanent Resident; and
wish to be admitted under Mature Student Status.
do not meet the academic requirements for admission as a regular student,

Then I am assuming I would then be a mature student since I would not be entering the way a regular student is based on their highschool marks. So you can actually get into ROTP this way? Like how you can get into civi universities based off of college?
C.G.R said:
Then I am assuming I would then be a mature student since I would not be entering the way a regular student is based on their highschool marks. So you can actually get into ROTP this way? Like how you can get into civi universities based off of college?

Based on your original post, as long as you get the proper academic prerequisites while you are at college you could certainly apply for ROTP in the normal manner.  You would be a standard applicant, not a mature student by any stretch of the imagination.
The mature student definition sounds like an AND statement.. Ie you have to be 23+ AND not have the required pre-reqs AND be a Canadian citizen or perm resident to qualify as a mature student.

On a side note, I was accepted based on my college marks. I certainly did not have the grades or req'd high school courses to get into university or ROTP, but I did have a 3 year college diploma, excellent marks and a rounded out and balanced application to help with that. I was 23 at the time, but they were going to send me to RMC as a "normal" applicant originally and I'm not a mature student now so I must have met the application requirements somehow.
Thanks so much for your post Heff - It was very timely for me.  In pursuing my NCM enrollment (I am now Merit Listed) I was informed that based on my CFAT scores I qualified for Officer trades and on a few of my visits to the recruitment office, the question was asked of me why I wasn't applying as an Officer.  Knowing that I needed far more education than I have, I didn't think too much about it.  (I was busy assuming that I wasn't going to pass my medical, but I still went through the motions, got all the tests done, saw the specialists and completed the forms the Medic gave me...)  Mid December - a month sooner than the timing my File Manager gave me,  I got the sweet call that I was deemed medically fit - and that I was now merit listed.  I'm not sure what prompted me, but I decided I should just *go for it* and send in my app for ROTP and see where THAT takes me.  I'm working on my last credit to earn diploma - but I'm hoping my College diploma and the marks I earned will pull some serious weight.  I ran my ROTP questionnaire in to the recruiting office today - and I am fully expecting a letter indicating that I don't qualify - but, knowing that your college diploma and application weighted well for you in lieu of your high school marks/ courses - gives me more encouragement that the outcome for me might not be the one I am expecting. 
Last year it was the 14th of January. Get your application package in today or as soon as possible would be my advice

Best of luck!
matthew1786 said:
Does anyone know if there is a deadline for documents submission?


According to: http://www.rmc.ca/adm/rotpretp-pfofrpfi-eng.asp (found at the bottom of the page)

"Deadline for application submission to a Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre is: Jan 15"
matthew1786 said:
Does anyone know if there is a deadline for documents submission?


It is the 15th of January, but I've been told by my recruitment center that if there are good reasons, they are sometimes able to send the application in a bit later as the deadline isn't a strict one.
It's been a while since i updated how my applications been going.

I finished my interview and everything I had to do in November and was informed that I was most competitive for Eng O so I switched that to my first choice and Inf O to my second.

I've had two references contacted and now i'm just waiting.

Good luck to everyone who's still involved in the process.
amayzer said:
It's been a while since i updated how my applications been going.

I finished my interview and everything I had to do in November and was informed that I was most competitive for Eng O so I switched that to my first choice and Inf O to my second.

I've had two references contacted and now i'm just waiting.

Good luck to everyone who's still involved in the process.

Nice. Keep that head up man. Quick clarification, were they saying that "Out of your 3 choices, you are most competitive for this one"? Or was it like "This is the trade out of all the trades, that you are most competitive for".

Bit of an update of myself:

I finally got my reports in from my specialist added to my medical file. I submitted those to the Med Sec at the CFRC on Monday. I'm going to call them tomorrow to see if there is any update. Hopefully it's all good to go.

As always, good luck everyone.
Hi guys, quick question about grades and the procedure. Excuse my bad grammer if I make any mistakes, I am using a mobile device. Judging from what I have seen, it appears that all grades from every single grade counts. How much does each grade take up? I'm guessing that grade 11 marks are the most important.
I'm in grade 11 atm, pulling off 90-92% (FTW), grade 10 was 86% average and I cannot remember previous years.(around 80% I think). I sort of fail to understand why grade 8-9 grades are counted, as many of us took education much less seriously or didn't even have proper future plans. I think it is unfair for many.
Secondly, I heard of the math test you would do in advance upon applying, is it based on gr.11 math? thanks guys in advance
Globemaster77 said:
How much does each grade take up? I'm guessing that grade 11 marks are the most important.
I'm in grade 11 atm, pulling off 90-92% (FTW), grade 10 was 86% average and I cannot remember previous years.(around 80% I think).

The highest grade you have completed will be weighted most heavily. Past marks are looked at to check for consistency and work ethic. Almost all my friends and I had lower averages in grades 9/10/11 than in grade 12, probably because we all focused more on sports than school. My grade 10 and 11 marks were similar to yours and my grade twelve marks were all high nineties.
Remember though it's not just academics extra curriculars and sports and volunteer hours as well as if you have a job are all looked at
And you have to pass the CFAT the interview and the medical
But congrats with the grades
Thanks for the reply, about your extra curriculars, I think I'm fairly solid.
3 school clubs
Rotary Interact
Student council
Model UN

Kendo level 4
Red Cross Lifeguard
also air cadets ( trying out for GPS this year)

Temporary work at sportscheck
Vancouver immigration society volunteer
Senior home (temporary)

about 150 hrs of volunteer hours

Silver Duke of Ed
Major leadership award
Minor leadership award (school)

Lol sorry for the list, is there anything else you would suggest to beef up my resume?
And my current grades are:
Physics 83%
Work experience 96%
English 91%
socials 90%
just a bit worried about my physics, I'm not a ba math person (92% in gr 10) but I just can't get used to theyeacher
It honestly depends on what program your applying for and everyone else's marks that applied that year with you
83 in physics is certainly not a bad mark and your extra curriculars and sport experience as well as volunteer, along with work experience, show your well rounded
Chalupas said:
It honestly depends on what program your applying for and everyone else's marks that applied that year with you
83 in physics is certainly not a bad mark and your extra curriculars and sport experience as well as volunteer, along with work experience, show your well rounded

It all depends on the university program you want to get in to. Your extra curriculars look strong though.
Thanks so far, but do you guys happen to have any suggestions to beef my resume up? Something unique you guys did that maybe not evveryone had? (not like ppl) but more skill-wise
Btw, I wish to go to RMC not civ U, and
top 3:
2.Aerospace engineer
3. ACSO or Air trafic cont.
I strongly doubt I will accept anything other than pilot/aero eng. If I want to contribute, I want to make sure I do ehat I love so I dont quit.
Again, excuse any grammer or spelling errors, iPhone is a hassle
Globemaster77 said:
Thanks so far, but do you guys happen to have any suggestions to beef my resume up? Something unique you guys did that maybe not evveryone had? (not like ppl) but more skill-wise
Btw, I wish to go to RMC not civ U, and
top 3:
2.Aerospace engineer
3. ACSO or Air trafic cont.
I strongly doubt I will accept anything other than pilot/aero eng. If I want to contribute, I want to make sure I do ehat I love so I dont quit.
Again, excuse any grammer or spelling errors, iPhone is a hassle

Just my  :2c:..

We could say all the obvious things.. community service.. grades.. blah ..

But a question like this is probably best answered by a recruiter, give them a call/ or even an email, just ask, what would make my application attractive?

Just my suggestion, its hard for us (we are not even in the forces yet) to give you broad advice about what to beef your application when all we can tell you is to simply do what we did, school, community service .. etc,

anyways good luck

- Mike
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