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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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That's odd my medical was mailed Friday and the cpl told me max 3 weeks if that
Chalupas said:
That's odd my medical was mailed Friday and the cpl told me max 3 weeks if that

Hmmm.... with regards to your medical file, did you have to submit any Family Doctor Letters? Did you have to see any specialists and have them write you up a letter? I found it quite surprising as well that he told me 6-8 weeks. I was kind of expecting it though. Everybody's file is different and thus, different wait times..
Just about getting headaches when I wa younger due to sinus problems but I'm 17 now and haven't had them since I was 11 that's it tho and I had the form filled out and faxed to the CFRC the same day I was given it
jwtg said:

First hit if you search 'Canadian Forces Interview' on Google.
Speaking from experience, I would say it would be very valuable to you to be well-prepared to answer these questions.

Good luck.

Wow, that would have been incredibly helpful, thanks!
I went to my interview last Wednesday though, so I guess I was a bit late in asking for help, but I think it went pretty good anyways.
Be confident, dress well, be yourself, and be prepared to talk about all aspects of your life. Give the interviewer what they ask for; clear and concise answers are always the best. You seem like a well rounded person overall, you'll do just fine. :)
Cui said:
Be confident, dress well, be yourself, and be prepared to talk about all aspects of your life. Give the interviewer what they ask for; clear and concise answers are always the best. You seem like a well rounded person overall, you'll do just fine. :)

Her interview was last Wednesday.  As in a week ago.

Although it may seem contradictory, what you have acheived so far is in fact a sign of good leardership; personal leadership. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to maintain the academic scores you mentioned, while at the same time holding onto a job. 
Just got back from an appointment with my orthopedic Doctor, turns out I probably need surgery on my arm, I am being sent to an "elbow and wrist" specialist in London (3 hours away) to see him, and if he agrees on surgery he'll be doing it.

My question to people who can answer is, will this get me into trouble with my medical? I passed my medical even with my "damaged" arm (they don't know whats wrong with it) should I re- approach the military about the injury? Or should I sit and wait for the procedure (if it happens) and keep it to myself (is that even allowed?).

To be completely honest, I am extremely worried not only about trying to join the military but simply living my life the way I used to, active, sportish etc. Now I can't even workout, I might be able to play hockey but it still hurts to do so.

Anyways.. if anyone has information on what to do, please do.. I don't want to bring it up if it could inhibit my chances.. but if I have to, I will..

Thanks again,


**** I should add.. that when my father asked if this could be a "life time" problem because they don't know what is wrong, the Dr said it could very well be..****
I would hold off notifying untill you know what's going on man
Like if your even going to have surgery and what the recovery time would be as well as if it's going to be a lifetime problem like the specialist will have a much better idea and that way you'll know for sure
no need to shoot down your chances if you'll have surgery and a month of recovery and be perfectly fine forever just hurry up and wait :)
Chalupas said:
I would hold off notifying untill you know what's going on man
Like if your even going to have surgery and what the recovery time would be as well as if it's going to be a lifetime problem like the specialist will have a much better idea and that way you'll know for sure
no need to shoot down your chances if you'll have surgery and a month of recovery and be perfectly fine forever just hurry up and wait :)

That is exactly what I was thinking.. I was just wondering if I could get a bite in the a$$ in the future, (even if I am fine) that I had surgery and did not notify someone about it, that being said I want to do what you are saying.
Well wait to see if you even have surgery
Notify them if you do but who knows he might just have you do physio
Recruiting Center: CFRC Hamilton
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: Air Combat Systems Officer
Trade Choice 2:Aerospace Engineering Officer
Trade Choice 3:Aerospace Control Officer
Application Date: October 10th, 2011
First Contact: October 18th, 2011
Aptitude:  January 12th, 2011
Medical:  January 16th, 2011
Interview completed: January 16th, 2011
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

        My best hope for trade choice was Air Combat Systems officer but I failed the medical as that I needed V3 level vision. This went for Aerospace Control officer as well. Luckily though, I still qualify as a candidate for Aerospace Engineer Officer which is still a really exciting occupation. Also during my medical, the Sergeant taking me through it had noticed my spine to be slightly curved though it was hardly noticeable until he had taken his finger and felt around my shoulder line. He had said it is likely from sleeping in the same position for many years. They have halted my application process until I get it checked and possibly x-rayed. The Sergeant thinks it shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully I'm a healthy chap and things can get a movin' again.

        As for everything else, the Lt(N) doing my interview explained I scored very well on the aptitude (didn't give me an exact score sadly), my transcript  to be flawless, great extracurriculars (Students' Council/Community involvement), fine cadet experience, great work experience (have a supervisor position) and that the interview itself had gone very smoothly adding that I know quite a lot about my trades. Conclusion: highly competitive candidate for all three occupations but sadly I had done my interview just one hour before my medical.  :'(.

        If anyone has had any past experience with my medical problem, small, barely noticeable curvature of the spine, please explain my likelihood of passing the medical. There is no greater dream that repetitively goes through my mind than being apart of the great group of men and women who stand on guard for our country. Please share your insight.

-Phoebe  :yellow: :cdn:
Nice to see you going for it Phoebe! Fun fact: Mike (canada94) and myself are also applying out of CFRC Hamilton. It's a bummer that you weren't able to finish your processing before December 19th, you could have met us and all the others applying out of Hamilton at the meet and greet :).

Keep us updated and good luck!

In terms of the medical.. not really sure what to tell you. Best advice I myself can give you is to just go get the x-rays done and submit the reports to the med section and see what happens from there. Don't think anyone here can really tell you the likelihood of passing your medial unless you actually go through the process :(.
Well, I had met 3 chaps who were past Army Cadets all having their jump wings... I was very jealous if I might add with they being the jocks of the cadet movement. Oh well though. Good luck, we Hamilton applicants have to stick together.
Phoebe said:
Well, I had met 3 chaps who were past Army Cadets all having their jump wings... I was very jealous if I might add with they being the jocks of the cadet movement. Oh well though. Good luck, we Hamilton applicants have to stick together.

I was a staff cadet at Trenton this past summer, where all the para cadets trained. I have to say they were pretty hardcore. I kind of wish that I joined army cadets, so that I could have gotten my para wings lol

Good luck to you Pheobe :)
Excellent news! Stopped by CFRC Vic this morning on my way to class (had time to kill between buses) just to check up on my app. Left with my CFAT and medical scheduled for Feb 7! Now it's time to hit the books and get studying. Well, correction; do more studying. I haven't really let up on studying since October. Good luck to everyone else, keep it up!
Phoebe said:
        If anyone has had any past experience with my medical problem, small, barely noticeable curvature of the spine, please explain my likelihood of passing the medical. There is no greater dream that repetitively goes through my mind than being apart of the great group of men and women who stand on guard for our country. Please share your insight.

I have the same problem. Its called scoliosis. My family doctor had me get it x-rayed and sent me to a back surgeon about it. They said that it was a result of growing and now that I am mature it is a non issue. Also two med techs checked out the reports and they said that it is no big deal. As long as it isn't getting any worse it shouldn't be a  problem.
Thanks guys! I appreciate all the positive comments and advice, I hope you guys are right.
Getting into RMC would be awesome, and I'm glad to hear people saying I have a chance. The recruiter said I was competitive, so I guess that's a good sign. :)
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