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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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ERTW said:
(Mods, sorry in advance if I posted in the wrong section)

Hello everyone,           

I applied this year with my first choice being Engineering Officer, and my second choice being Armour Officer. I Just finished my first semester at Guelph taking Mechanical Engineering.

Well, believe it or not, I got a call on Friday morning saying I got the job for ROTP Engineering.

Having been through the entire application process before, this was the last thing I was expecting, especially at this time. Apparently, RMC or ROTP was short an Engineer, and I got the one and only spot. My phone call was short and sweet, saying I needed to be at the CFRC Toronto for today, Monday, at 9:00 AM. That's it. I barely answered the Master Corporal as I was in shock :D "Th-th-thank-you! Uh-uhm-ohmygawd THANKYOU! Yes sir I-I-I'll be there, Monday, N-N-Nine o'clock at CFRC Toronto! Thanks again!" After running downstairs and telling my parents, I had time to absorb it more. Why was I being sent to Toronto? Odd I thought, since all my processing was being done in Oshawa...

What a day it's been.

My Enrollment and swearing-in date is set for January 11th, the same day I was supposed to be born, as pointed out by my mother (she couldn't wait though, and just had to have me new years day). :)

I'll follow this thread in the future and answer any questions anyone has, if any. :)

Hopefully I'll see some of you this summer coming up!

EDIT: Forgot to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Congrats ERTW!

Was the offer technically from last year's round, just a little delayed?

Either way I am quite happy to hear this happened, as some info I received yesterday was a little discouraging. After my interview I was told that my file is excellent and definitely at the level it needs to be for AERE, however due to the focus on RMC candidates my chances are slim.

Hearing that they took in an Engineer for Civy U gives me a little hope.
KY-Ottawa said:
Congrats ERTW!

Was the offer technically from last year's round, just a little delayed?

Either way I am quite happy to hear this happened, as some info I received yesterday was a little discouraging. After my interview I was told that my file is excellent and definitely at the level it needs to be for AERE, however due to the focus on RMC candidates my chances are slim.

Hearing that they took in an Engineer for Civy U gives me a little hope.

Thanks KY-Ottawa!

Yes, they did say technically my offer was for the last round, although very late. Keep your hopes up too, even if RMC wasn't your first choice, I'm sure you'll get an offer there at least.

Good luck and Merry Christmas!

ERTW said:
Thanks KY-Ottawa!

Yes, they did say technically my offer was for the last round, although very late. Keep your hopes up too, even if RMC wasn't your first choice, I'm sure you'll get an offer there at least.

Good luck and Merry Christmas!


WOOAAH, just read you're whole story! Congrats, that is awesome!

Merry Christmas to you to!
gawnewiththewind said:
The first place I went after the recruiter's was straight to the Distance Education centre where I immediately signed up for physics and chem (both 11 and 12) and calculus.

Way to regain control, sounds like you had a lot of catching up to do!

My recruiter emailed me today, my file is 100% complete and I am now "merit listed" and playing the waiting game. :D
Congrats to everyone whose been successful thus far
I still have a medical then I have to wait till April
Good luck to all and Merry Christmas  :D
Found suitable for all programs at RMC (arts, sci, eng), 90%+ avg (currently gr. 12), competitive hockey and extra curriculars throughout highschool. I felt fairly confident in my application prior to sending it off in late October. However things have taken some odd turns lately.

Completed aptitude test (did poorly on the language section.. even though my gr 12 English mark was a 91 and words like laud and sagacious appeared in which I had no clue what they meant)
Completed medical (poor vision)
Completed interview (did poorly on the section where I had to know every little detail on the trade I was applying to).

Nursing (1st option) is no longer accepting applicants - was told this day before my interview.
Pilot (2nd) - vision did not meet requirements
ACSO (3rd) - Test is scheduled next week.

If anybody has any pointers for the ACSO test that would be great. All I was told via phone call that it included grade 12 math (without a calculator), latitude and longitude, graphs and chart reading, and to study a plane cockpit.. I feel confident with my math skills, however I am completely unprepared for the rest as I have nothing to study from.

Any help would be appreciated.


sasquatchmatt16 said:
If anybody has any pointers for the ACSO test that would be great. All I was told via phone call that it included grade 12 math (without a calculator), latitude and longitude, graphs and chart reading, and to study a plane cockpit.. I feel confident with my math skills, however I am completely unprepared for the rest as I have nothing to study from.

Any help would be appreciated.


Google "military flight aptitude test" or "...training," or "pilot aptitude tests," and see what free stuff is available.  Even though ACSO isn't pilot, the material is applicable.  One good prep would be at http://www.cockpitweb.com/numerapt.html although it will cost you a little lot of money.

Or, just relax and be confident and go at it.  There is no difficult material - just a lot of it.
sasquatchmatt16 said:
If anybody has any pointers for the ACSO test that would be great. All I was told via phone call that it included grade 12 math (without a calculator), latitude and longitude, graphs and chart reading, and to study a plane cockpit.. I feel confident with my math skills, however I am completely unprepared for the rest as I have nothing to study from.

Any help would be appreciated.


The questions come at you hard and fast.

Other than math the only thing you can study for is the airplane instruments. I would reccommend playing some flight simulator or something to understand how each instrument translates into plane movement.
Coming from somebody who has written and passed the test, definitely work on your math. The math problems are more challenging than the ones on the CFAT. Did you not get a CAPSS Study Guide? Your ability to recognize and understand some of the instruments from that guide will also be on the test. If you didn't get one, I'd recommend heading over to your CFRC and asking for one. Practice your spatial ability problems as well. There's more sections (such as reading charts very quickly), but those you can't really study for.

Good Luck!
Hey, haven't updated in awhile.  Went for my interview and was found suitable but not competitive for pilot.  I'm 23 and I've spent a lot of time travelling so none of my high school activities or grades counted. Apparently I was extremely close to making the cut and the MCC asked another officer if they agreed with her scoring.  Thinking about it now I'm surprised that I was so close.

But medical and CFAT were good and another MCC at my recruiting centre is an Air Weapons Officer so I was able to meet with him and I've changed my application to AEC.  Going to Trenton to do Aircrew selection (yes, AEC does it, first year though) sometime between Jan 7th and 14th.  I'll find out on the 4th when they're back form the holiday break.
Good on you slamball for keeping your head high!

My process is going by fairly slow. This medical part of the process is turning out to be a real pain in the ass. After getting a family doctor letter, I was redirected to see a specialist. The specialist spent about, oh, maybe 30 seconds (literally) looking at me, and didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. Normal, healthy patient in terms of ENT standards. However, the reports from the appointment with the specialist will take around 2 weeks to get back to my doctor. (That's after his holiday too ..) I won't be able to meet my set due date for the reports of January 9. So I will have to ask for an extension again (Third time's a charm!!)

Hopefully by the time I hand in my full report to the medical department of the CFRC, all my other steps will be done (such as the background check). After that, it's off to Ottawa and hopefully, merit listed.

What a ride! It's a love/hate thing, but it really teaches you patience. It'll take a lot more than what's happening to my file right now to discourage me!
CAPSS booklets are no longer given out to ACSO applicants. Recruiter told me to touch up on my math and that  should be fine for the ACSO test. Thanks for all who helped, time to study.
sasquatchmatt16 said:
CAPSS booklets are no longer given out to ACSO applicants. Recruiter told me to touch up on my math and that  should be fine for the ACSO test. Thanks for all who helped, time to study.

Theres more to the test than math. Even the math part.....you can't prepare for how little time you have.
So I went to the CFRC today (well, technically yesterday because I'm writing this at 00:32) to submit a portion of my report from my appointment with the specialist and surprise surprise, it was closed. Haha! Lesson today folks? Always check if they are open, whether it be by calling or looking on Forces.ca. I made the mistake of assuming they were open on a tuesday.. In fact, when I arrived, it was their last day of being closed, so it's off to the CFRC tomorrow!

Cheers !
I am a 12th grade student applying for ROTP at RMC, and I was wondering what kind of questions I am likely to be asked during my interview. I know I need to know my occupations as well as myself and everything on my application, but are there specific things I should know?

Also, I was wondering.. I have a 95% average in school, am fully bilingual and have been working at the same job for over two years now. I passed the medical test, did well on the aptitude test, and would most likely pass the physical test, since I have been going to the gym for over a year and am in pretty good shape.
But.. I have absolutely no leadership and have not been in sports teams since the 8th grade, nor do I have a lot of volunteer experience. Do I even have a chance getting into RMC?
cypres78 said:
I am not an officer but you can guarantee they will ask you questions about all aspects of your life. Be confident. Give your best thought out answer. Search your history and make sure you have at least some examples of leadership before going to the interview...as small as you think those examples might be they are still important...potential is huge.

Good luck

Thanks, that's exactly what I needed to know.
Hello all,

As it stands I am currently in grade 12, and I am a Reservist. I have been pondering a variety of options while trying to decide what I will be doing after this school year.

One of the things that I have been thinking about is becoming a reg force officer. This year, 6 of my 8 classes have been co operative education, one placement has been with the fire services and the other will be doing an apprenticeship program as an electrician. Because of this, I am not eligible to apply for university right away, which creates my question.

If I spend a year in college, and achieve good marks, am I eligible to apply to ROTP since I could get into civi universities?  I have read other threads of people not getting into entry programs because they don't have university level high school courses, even though they have spent time in university?

Your title is a bit misleading as strictly speaking, I do not believe the situation you described makes you a 'mature student' especially for the purposes of university applications or ROTP for that matter.
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