(Mods, sorry in advance if I posted in the wrong section)
Hello everyone,
I've been a long time follower, and finally made an account the other day to post my ROTP story.
This is my second time applying to ROTP, after being turned down last year for the Pilot position. ROTP wasn't a main focus for me at the time, and basically I just saw it as a great opportunity if I were to be accepted. Needless to say, and I hate to dash any hopeful future Pilot's dream, but VERY few people are admitted to that trade. It is
the most sought after trade in the CF by far. Anyways, I finished up high school and got early acceptance to the University of Guelph for Engineering, which was my main goal, although I had been investigating opportunities in the CF about two years prior starting in grade 10. DON'T COAST IN SECOND SEMESTER GRADE 12! I had my acceptance, and had to maintain a 70% average. I barely made that cut in second semester, after getting an 85% average in all of grade 11 and first semester grade 12, taking all science and math. I regret that a lot, but what's done is done. If you do well throughout all of high school, I guarantee you'll feel great when it's done. Graduate with a bang! ;D
Anyways, I decided to give the CF another shot. I was about to re-write my aptitude test today, the 19th, as I felt that's what I needed to do to be more competitive, and my Military Career Counselor agreed.
I applied this year with my first choice being Engineering Officer, and my second choice being Armour Officer. I Just finished my first semester at Guelph taking Mechanical Engineering.
Well, believe it or not, I got a call on Friday morning saying I got the job for ROTP Engineering.
Having been through the entire application process before, this was the last thing I was expecting, especially at this time. Apparently, RMC or ROTP was short an Engineer, and I got the one and only spot. My phone call was short and sweet, saying I needed to be at the CFRC Toronto for today, Monday, at 9:00 AM. That's it. I barely answered the Master Corporal as I was in shock

"Th-th-thank-you! Uh-uhm-ohmygawd THANKYOU! Yes sir I-I-I'll be there, Monday, N-N-Nine o'clock at CFRC Toronto! Thanks again!" After running downstairs and telling my parents, I had time to absorb it more. Why was I being sent to Toronto? Odd I thought, since all my processing was being done in Oshawa...
I went for 8:20, and it was a good thing too, because the CFRC Toronto doesn't open until 10:00! (Mondays only) At this point I was sure it was my fault for misunderstanding the Master Corporal who called me Friday, and I suddenly felt my heart sink. I screwed up before I even signed on. Luckily, an administrative member at CFRC Toronto saw my worried look as I stood outside the closed glass doors with my Dad, and let me in, where I explained myself. An Officer came out, who promptly called CFRC Oshawa to see just what was going on. Turns out, everything in my file log was a mess, and there had been a miscommunication on their part. I had an interview in Oshawa in about four minutes. "But hey, since you're here, why don't you update your medical?" Said the Officer in Toronto. I was the only one who had an interview in Oshawa, so the Captain I was dealing with there would have to wait for my Medical to get updated. However, since I wasn't scheduled and had already been accepted, I was on low priority, and had to wait for everyone else who was there already to get processed before me.
There were two other guys in the waiting room, and we got talking. Turns out they were both applying for Pilot. Since I wasn't aware I'd have a medical that day, I brought no change of clothes. Long story short, got the medical done, no problems, three and a half hours later
I went to Oshawa, and when I get there I'm told the Captain interviewing me went on lunch, right before I arrived. I'm just smiling at this point.
My dad and I decided to grab a bite; even though I was too excited to be hungry. We went back the the Oshawa Recruitment Center for one o'clock, and I had my interview and discussion about next steps. The interview was necessary as they just needed something within the year. It went great, and I'll continue to attend Civvy U at Guelph, for Mechanical Engineering. Subsidized now, of course.
What a day it's been.
My Enrollment and swearing-in date is set for January 11th, the same day I was supposed to be born, as pointed out by my mother (she couldn't wait though, and just had to have me new years day).
I'll follow this thread in the future and answer any questions anyone has, if any.
Hopefully I'll see some of you this summer coming up!
PS. In case you were wondering, ERTW is a slogan we have here at Guelph. Engineers Rule The World!
EDIT: Forgot to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!