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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Hey scriptox, congrats on your interview. It's a good feeling getting it done and out of the way eh. I had my interview today as well. It's funny that you had two MCC's interview you. I only had one MCC conduct the interview who also happened to be very cool. All in all, a good experience.

Hello applicants of 2012,

Well, I hope all your tests and interviews are going well.  :) As a CMR student, I just wanted to give some advice about going to RMC.

First, don't worry too much about everything. What will come, will come. I worried a bit, and so did a few other applicants; the extra stress is not worth it. They may be vague about your results, but that is okay.

Try to be as fit as you can before going, as the orientation period (or FYOP) will require you to be as fit as you can be... I personally found it be a challenge! I enjoyed my OP, and hopefully you will too. Just take one day at a time.  After OP, things will quiet down after awhile.

Even if you are an 'A' student, good study habits are a must. Academics are taken very seriously here. If you have a choice of preparing for an inspection the next morning or studying for an exam, study for the exam.

Always try your hardest. They look for people who do not give up despite how hard everything is.

Once you have free weekends, go out and have fun! Military weekends are also enjoyable!

As for the application itself, remember that marks are not everything.  Not everyone has stellar marks from their high school. Also, I recommend that you try to make your essay stand out, and some flair etc to it, and make sure it is well written. For the aptitude test, I would recommend brushing up on your grade ten math, and be able to do it without a calculator.

Wow. I'm starting to sound preachy.  :facepalm:

Good luck to everyone! Hopefully you get what you applied for!  ;D

Anyone trying to become an officer in the Navy? XD I see lots of Army and Air Force applicants. Haha.

Hi, So I'm going for my interview in a week. Any tips on preperation? I am definitely reading up on my career choices and stuff. But any other info would be appreaciated.
Also I am going to be earing dress pants ans shirt with tie. I want to be formal but not too formal either.

jathukor said:
Hi, So I'm going for my interview in a week. Any tips on preperation? I am definitely reading up on my career choices and stuff. But any other info would be appreaciated.
Also I am going to be earing dress pants ans shirt with tie. I want to be formal but not too formal either.


Ditto :)

If anyone could give some simple tips hehe
Tips about the interview... learn about all of the job choices you put on your application (you can find the descriptions and the steps to becoming them on the Forces site) and be prepared to be asked personal questions; for instance they might ask for certain scenarios where you showed a certain trait. Other than that, I can't really help you too much as the interview questions are not supposed to be discussed. Sorry.

I would go to the interview as if your going for a job interview, ie: you would not be wearing slacks and hoodie to one.  :) Try to be polite and thank them for their time afterwards. The interviews, depending on how you answer, can be very long.

Also, don't freak out over the the interviews, the interviewer(s) are very nice. If you are nervous, it's better to tell them before they start asking you questions. During my interview I kept hesitating, but they did not seem to mind.

Good luck on your interviews!  :D
Before my interview started one of the MCCs looked at me and simply said, "Make us stupid not to hire you".

I'll let you guys take that for what it's worth. ;).
scriptox said:
Before my interview started one of the MCCs looked at me and simply said, "Make us stupid not to hire you".

I'll let you guys take that for what it's worth. ;).

I have the same MCC as you.. and he told me the same haha
Done both my interview and medical :D

As my arm is fine, I don't need anything to get signed by a doctor OTHER than my vision as I am both crappy visioned and "slightly" colourblind.

Interview went quite well and I am a "competitive applicant" :)

So I am hoping for the best for all of us!

Hello fellow applicants,

I dropped off my app yesterday to get the ball rolling on ROTP round 2. I am half done my first year of Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University and so far have an A average.

Although my grade 12 marks and University marks have been good, my early high school marks were low; which held me back in last years selection. Hopefully my added University marks, new volunteering experience, and additional occupations (I only put one choice last year) will help me out this year.

Here is my info:

Recruiting Center: CFRC Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: AERE
Trade Choice 2: Com & Elec Eng Officer (Air)
Trade Choice 3: Construction Eng Officer
Application Date: Nov 16
Aptitude: Transferred from 2010 app
Medical: Transferred from 2010 app
Interview: To be scheduled
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:

KY-Ottawa said:
Hello fellow applicants,

I dropped off my app yesterday to get the ball rolling on ROTP round 2. I am half done my first year of Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University and so far have an A average.

Although my grade 12 marks and University marks have been good, my early high school marks were low; which held me back in last years selection. Hopefully my added University marks, new volunteering experience, and additional occupations (I only put one choice last year) will help me out this year.

Here is my info:

Recruiting Center: CFRC Ottawa
Regular/Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: Officer (ROTP)
Trade Choice 1: AERE
Trade Choice 2: Com & Elec Eng Officer (Air)
Trade Choice 3: Construction Eng Officer
Application Date: Nov 16
Aptitude: Transferred from 2010 app
Medical: Transferred from 2010 app
Interview: To be scheduled
Merit Listed:
Position Offered:
Enrollment date:
Basic Training Begins:


Nice to see more people :)

Good luck! Keep updating everyone!
Judging from past ROTP threads, it seems that not many of us are applying this year. Of course, I am totally wrong in that sense because I know many other people are applying without being on Army.ca. Just seems like the some odd 10 of us are applying and keeping updates on our process haha.
The 2012 season is really just getting started, we'll see more pop up as the app deadline approaches.

I haven't read through all of the posts yet but I did skim through and I didn't see any others applying for the second time. Any other 2nd rounders out there?
Hello all, so I got a call yesterday from CFRC Detachment Kitchener yesterday, and I am booked in for my medical next Monday and my interview for next Wednesday. I applied to attend RMC last year, but was unfortunately turned down due to my low high school average in grade eleven. The good thing though is that since I qualified for all of my occupational choices on my CFAT last year, and therefore I do not need to take it again.

I am currently a first year student at the University of Waterloo, and planning on doing a joint major in sociology and legal studies. My preference would be to stay at Waterloo for the remainder of my education, but if I get offered a spot at RMC, I am willing to accept that as well.

I wish everyone luck in their application process, and hopefully be on course or work with some of you in the future.  :)
Hi again guys. I'm just wondering about this. This year in Grade 11, the teachers in my region (BC) are currently on strike. And many of them have been neglecting marking for the first half of the first semester, and now many students' grades are TERRIBLE. As the teachers soothed out a little, they finally got everything together and started marking things better.
This is what  worries me. Our grades for the first term are already submitted with no way to change them.
In English, I am getting 78% which is horrible in my opinion.  In addition, my English teacher was badly hurt so a substitude has been hastily marking all our things, and he has informed me that if everything is marked correctly I should be getting somewhere in between 86~90.
This is the mark I would appreciate a lot more. And because of this "Job Action", we are not directly issued report cards with grades on them. However, my 78% grades are still being submitted in to the records. If I really do recieve a 86~90% average in the 2nd term, how would that effect my academics for applications? Would it be okay if I explained the situation during the interviews?
I believe most universities take your average, meaning: 78+88 then divided by 2. That would be 83. That is a little below my desired grade. How would this work?
Just came back from seeing the Family Doctor. Got both my Family Doctor Letters filled out. From what I can tell, everything seems to be a-okay from her report. There seems to be no alarming or hindering circumstances that should slow me down.

Going to be going down to the CFRC to hand in my mid-term reports and Doctor Letters on Friday. Let's get moving ;)

How is everybody else coming along with their processing?
Notify the recruiting centre of the issue and advise them that you will provide term 2 marks as soon as you receive them.  That's all you can do, really.

scriptox said:
Just came back from seeing the Family Doctor. Got both my Family Doctor Letters filled out. From what I can tell, everything seems to be a-okay from her report. There seems to be no alarming or hindering circumstances that should slow me down.

Going to be going down to the CFRC to hand in my mid-term reports and Doctor Letters on Friday. Let's get moving ;)

How is everybody else coming along with their processing?

My file was sent off to Ottawa earlier today :)

and I agree.. lets get moving! I want it to be selection time! But mid-terms is it acustom to do so? I was just told to hand in my transcript again after this semester?
canada94 said:
My file was sent off to Ottawa earlier today :)

and I agree.. lets get moving! I want it to be selection time! But mid-terms is it acustom to do so? I was just told to hand in my transcript again after this semester?

Well I just asked my MCC during the interview if I could bring in my mid-terms since I felt that they would add merit to my file. He said sure go ahead. I have also been in contact with him through e-mail, and I asked him again and he said to just come in and they will photocopy it. I am going to be bringing in my transcripts after the first semester regardless, but since I'm handing in my family doctor letters, I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring my mid-terms as well :P .
scriptox said:
Well I just asked my MCC during the interview if I could bring in my mid-terms since I felt that they would add merit to my file. He said sure go ahead. I have also been in contact with him through e-mail, and I asked him again and he said to just come in and they will photocopy it. I am going to be bringing in my transcripts after the first semester regardless, but since I'm handing in my family doctor letters, I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring my mid-terms as well :P .

Definitely bring in your updated transcripts; especially if it will increase your academic average. I believe the files are actually sent to the selection board after the new year, so you have lots of time. My MCC told me last year to being in anything an everything that would improve my file. If it didn't apply to the process or wasn't needed, they would just disregard it, but that it better than the possibility of not submitting something that could have helped.
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