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Peaceniks Try Direct Mail on Vandoos Destined for AFG

How low can you bloody well stoop?  Now everyone here knows how I feel about the decision to invade Iraq, but if I were to write a letter to deploying troops at a time when they would be experiencing conflicting emotions: excitement, apprehension, anxiety, sadness at being separated from family, it would be a letter wishing them Godspeed and offering morale support NOTE ENCOURAGING THEM TO DESERT AND GET COURT MARTIALLED!

I too am also concerned about how these people got access to the personal mailing addresses of serving CF members, a terrorist could easily use such a list for mailing letter bombs and other attacks through the mail.  Remember those anthrax letters that were circulating in the US after 9/11.  This needs to be investigated, peace protesters have a right to oppose war in a democratic society, THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO SEND HARASSING MAIL TO CF MEMBERS OR THEIR FAMILIES.
We're talking Afghanistan but i'm drawing an analogy by saying that while I oppose the Iraq war I would consider such actions to be totally out of the question.
I just saw CTV's coverage of this.
  They took the time to talk to one of the empty headed useful idiots of the anti-war movement but didn't (obviously) interview anyone in the military.

The tone of the entire piece was that :

a.  Troops would defect and were already ready to defect because of this pamphlet
b.  It really is an illegal war
c.  Soldiers are soldiers because they couldn't find anything better to do with their lives and were bribed by the promise of job training and education
d.  Mr Juarez was a reservist who was being forced to go to Afghanistan

Unbelievably lop sided, non-factual, BS piece of guerrilla journalism
Wow,  leave it to another Jimmy to be a voice of calm and reason. I respect that I'm completely ignoring the subtle aspects of the situation - I should adjust my perception to fit with the best course of action; but I don't want to do that. :warstory:

I read through their website when this first flared up,  they not only talking about the Reserve Ocdt who rtu'd himself from a course,  they're still talking about the Afghan pipeline  :-\

Yes by raising a fuss - I hope I'm not the only one to write the CBC - we are giving a group of ... special people a chance to say some fairly obtuse things.  What it also lets happen is that we get to show the rest of Canada what the anti-afghanistan crowd looks like, how clear headed their thinking is and how they treat other with whom they disagree.

I'll admit that I was freaked out when I read three separate articles about how soldiers about to deploy are going to open these letters.  What I missed in the article was that they were just carpet bombing entire areas where they *guess* allot of soldiers live.  What happened to minimising collateral damage ;-)  (bad joke sorry)

I just spent the day skimming http://www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/dynamicSearch/telecharge.php?type=2&file=/CCQ/CCQ_A.html
I knew their civil law was different ... but wow.  I must have missed entire sections,  I couldn't find anything usefull.

Well,  I'll admit it,  this is what I look like when I got a good snit on.  Yes I know it is "a bunch of hippies looking for easy publicity" but still, they want to rock out on this one, I say bring it.  :-D  They will embarrass themselves very badly.

Now I got to finish packing, I'm flying to Gagetown on the 17th to spend the summer getting yelled at by Sgts until I pee blood  ;D I'm sooo excited. If for some reason I am found to be not up to standard and I'm RTU'd,  I hope I have the dignity and humility to admit where my short comings are. That way if I survive the career review board, I will be better off to try again.  (Yes that was a slam against Ocdts who come up with creative stories as to why they rtu'd.)
I'm kind of upset that I missed my chance to clear the air back in October when Juarez's coments first came to light.

During the summer of 2006, I worked as a supplementary staff member in Jaurez's platoon for the CAP course running out the infantry school in Gagetown (course storeman).  I remember driving him around once or twice, I spent a good deal of time speaking with the candidates in his platoon, as it was my job to drive them around whenever they needed to get to the MIR, among other things.  I also spent alot of time speaking with the staff.  Needless to say I heard alot of things from the instructors side, as well as the candidates.

Here's what I know about Juarez:

* He was universally detested by the course candidates.  He showed little to no motivation on PT or in the field, and was known among his platoon as a blade.  Even the weaker and more timid candidates couldn't stand the guy.  It was almost amusing to hear a nerdy little Signals OCdt tell me what a bag of crap he was.

*The course staff shared the same opinion.  They were tired of his poor attitude and insubordinate behaviour.  He had asked to be sent off course a number of times, but the staff didn't want to give up on him.  When that didn't work he went up the chain in the Infantry School to ask to be sent home.  When that didn't work he started to refuse orders. In fact I think I remember driving him to one of his little chats with the 2IC of the school before he got the boot.

* One morning in late June or early July while on PT on the obstacle course, Juarez refused to complete an obstacle.  The MBdr ordered him to go again, and he still refused.  As far as I know, the course staff and the Infantry School staff were sick of putting up with him, so he was charged with insubordination, fined $500, and booted off the course.

So there you have it.... I hope the lurker from the National Post on this site reads this and decides to dig a little further.
Don't have TV    no newspaper even.  In edmonton...this news has gotten some legs under it. IIRC it went from less than 10 to over 350 hits on googoo.  Looking for the news as a blog search. Small dead animals has it.  Letters will be written to MP.  Doesn't matter what is legal, illegal whatever. What counts is the news spin is NOT OVER.  June 22 in Quebec ...a peace march....between then and now maybe an MP can ask a question...even if they don't as long as there is something newsworthy, this will not die.  Remember their letter is publizing the event....they WANT news... the Flight of Eagles in the US... Michell Malkin...Kate at Small Dead Animals  is our Canadian  version of the firecracker.  I am not a radical...someone wants to fight I don"t get involved...I am too old now given my lack of experience.  BUT...if someone is going to mess with CF and I can fight back with letters, signatures, postings, fisking, E-mails,    well ...Time to Knock Some Dick in the Dirt. 

Imagine some POS trying this with US marines. 

john w
geo said:
"MR" Juarez was a sailor who released from the Reg navy, joined the reserves and had the CF pay for part of his education.  As an OCdt in a BC arty unit said ex-sailor went to CTC Gagetown for his phase trainint.... where he washed out.  After being served with an RTU and subject to an admin review - unsuitable for further service, Mr Juarez suddenly started to claim he had been scheduled to go to Afghanistan but that he had "seen the light" and decided that his conscience required him to denounce the war in Afghanistan and bail from the CF.

To that, I say, keep moving and don't let the door hit ya in the a$$ on the way out!

Just read the story on the link... heh... well I wish he was out faster... stupid b^stard... >:(
Tuesday midnight in Alberta. Over 1600 hits on GooGoo looking for Anti-war letter under news....

I will not let my outrage wear off...I am writing my MP... I have the four websites/address somewhere...

A big obstacle... the language I am forced to express myself in is...yah you guessed it. I forget who had a net version french to english  but even I could tell it was lacking..  I am sure there are many ways to  fisk an outfit called... Coalition Guerre a la Guerre...any suggestions ? 

PIMF above. Google has about 48 hits for the Canadian Letter deal,  When I saw Hotair.com, the allahpundit himself had our story  I got carried away. I picked a bad day to quit smoking. Any help with translating phrases like  "knock your dick in the dirt" etc might swtill come in handy.


john w
Why do I feel like I am listening to William Shatner talk when I am reading your posts Kenney?

Sure wish people would fill out their profiles..

Bzzliteyr said:
Why do I feel like I am listening to William Shatner talk when I am reading your posts Kenney?


These folks seem to have the typical lefty view of professional soldiers: in their minds we are composed of either homicidal war criminals who can hardly wait to drink blood and stamp on babies, or mentally deficient refugees from abandoned mill towns with no prospects. We don't read (or can't read...) so of course we have no understanding of the mission, or the bigger issues, or the history of the country, unlike these chosen few who see through all the wicked conspiracies of the Israel-US-military-industrial complex. And, as everybody (well, everybody smart and well-educated and belonging to the Coalition...) knows, all Canadian soldiers mindlessly and unquestioningly swallow everything their superiors say with no questions asked. :rofl:

Oh-and we believe everything the Govt says, which saves us from having to form our own opinions. ::)  Which we wouldn't do anyway, since we are all too busy sitting on the front porch drinking beer and throwing the empties on the lawn, right next to the upside down pickup truck.

All it will take for a mass mutiny is for these enlightened folk to stuff a few envelopes with THE TRUTH, mail them off to soldier's welfare hovels homes, then just sit around in the local vegan cafe and wait for the boys and girls to see the light. Heh.


Wow, PBI, you seem to need another coffee this morning.  ;D

That being said, I agree with you.  I ran over two tricycles and a fridge baling my lawn yesterday.

The problem is that you will never change the opinions of these groups.  They are smarter than us, more eloquent and have a clearer perception of world events.  God only knows how we'd ever survive as a society without their reasoned guidance and influence.

Haggis said:
God only knows how we'd ever survive as a society without their reasoned guidance and influence.


Didn't the Russians try that between 1917 and 1991?
Reccesoldier said:
Didn't the Russians try that between 1917 and 1991?

Yes. I believe they shot a number of them.


Ammunition being so expensive, I mean...

Oh-and we believe everything the Govt says, which saves us from having to form our own opinions.  Which we wouldn't do anyway, since we are all too busy sitting on the front porch drinking beer and throwing the empties on the lawn, right next to the upside down pickup truck.

What I wanna know is..........

How'd the pickup ,ya know, get upside down?

Here in Alberta the pickup is hardly ever upside down  ;D
I may have missed it being posted already but has anyone posted a copy of one of these letters yet?
I have only seen a french to english translation. The net translations are cr@@py for Quebecois. A bilingual homegrown interpretation would be nice.

In Alberta we would say "ya got no seed in your drill" .

John W
I actually received both an english and french letter from them. They actually quote General Leslie in both, of course they didn't take into context the rest of the speech.